Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!

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Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!
« on: 10 Jul 2011, 12:17 am »
In typical Jeter fashion, Derek rose to the occasion and didn't just join the 3000 hit club, he kicked in the door!!

Jeter went 5 for 5 on the day.  This included hitting a HR for his 3000th hit, as well as getting the game winning single and RBI in the 8th inning.

I know that Jeter isn't what he used to be, but as a 40 year old lifetime Yankee fan, it was quite an afternoon to watch.  I have seen most of Jeter's 3000 hits via TV or in person and today was a culmination of the last 16 years worth of a Hall of Fame career. 

I grabbed one of my sons and he watched Jeter's historic HR with me.  While it isn't the same as being there in person, it is still something that we can look back on together years from now.

Great job El Capitan!!!  I hope you have 2-3 more solid years before retiring.



Devil Doc

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Re: Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!
« Reply #1 on: 10 Jul 2011, 01:19 am »
One of the few Yankees I've ever had any respect for. He coulda played for the Red Sox. Congratulations.



Re: Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!
« Reply #2 on: 10 Jul 2011, 01:37 am »
Captain Jeter had an incredible day. It was one magic moment after another at the Stadium. I turned on the ballgame seconds before he hit the homer for his 3,000th hit. I was glued to the TV throughout the rest of the game. You could feel the love pouring out of the stands. I still get goosebumps thinking about it.  On a nice side note the kid that caught the home run gave the ball to Jeter not asking for anything in return. You couldn't write a better script. Awesome!


Re: Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!
« Reply #3 on: 11 Jul 2011, 05:36 pm »
[quote author=soundbitten1 l.  On a nice side note the kid that caught the home run gave the ball to Jeter not asking for anything in return. You couldn't write a better script. Awesome!

What if he didnt want to give the ball back? Could the Yankees  have forced him to? Is the ball still Yankee property?
Just curious :scratch:

Devil Doc

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Re: Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!
« Reply #4 on: 11 Jul 2011, 05:46 pm »
[quote author=soundbitten1 l.  On a nice side note the kid that caught the home run gave the ball to Jeter not asking for anything in return. You couldn't write a better script. Awesome!

What if he didnt want to give the ball back? Could the Yankees  have forced him to? Is the ball still Yankee property?
Just curious :scratch:
I don't think so. Usually the team sends someone out to negotiate for the ball. Often a trade is made, like an autographed bat or Jersey. I'm surprised the guy didn't hold out for that.


Re: Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!
« Reply #5 on: 11 Jul 2011, 05:50 pm »
The ball is the property of the fan who caught it. The balls that Jeter was hitting were all numbered.  Just in case he hit a homerun. 


Re: Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!
« Reply #6 on: 11 Jul 2011, 06:26 pm »
First of all, congrats to Jeter.  Although I'm sick of ESPN acting like Jeeter cured cancer, I'm happy for him and the Yankee fans.  He's one of the rare Yankees I actually like (Rivera is my favorite) and you can't deny that he did it in style.  No infield squibber, or duck-snort blooper.  He scored the rare 3000th hit, knockout. 

Jeter is not the best at his position, not even top ten IMO, but he will always be remembered (after he retires of course) as a winner, especially in the post season and a true professional in every sense.  He played on some really good teams and had protection throughout before and after him in the lineup but it's hard to knock a guy who performed so well under the bright lights of NYC and the demanding Yankee fans.   I'm too young to have seen some of the Yankee greats play (I kind've remember Munson and Reggie Jackson), but in my lifetime, it's hard to pick a better Yankee (position player) than Jeter.  No doubt he is a first ballot HOF'er.

Oh, one more thing!  That guy who caught the ball and gave it back for free is a complete idiot!  Jeter and the Yankee organization all make a TON of money.  Why not hold out for some cash?  The Yankees are not shy about what they charge people to attend a game.  I would have asked for lifetime Yankee tickets behind home plate but would have settled for bleachers, and lifetime free pass for massages (with happy ending :thumb:) from local NYC massage parlor after each game, and free beer...  That's a fair deal for such a rare baseball!




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Re: Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!
« Reply #7 on: 11 Jul 2011, 08:20 pm »
[quote author=soundbitten1 l.  On a nice side note the kid that caught the home run gave the ball to Jeter not asking for anything in return. You couldn't write a better script. Awesome!

What if he didnt want to give the ball back? Could the Yankees  have forced him to? Is the ball still Yankee property?
Just curious :scratch:

Any ball that leaves the field of play becomes the property of the person who catches it.  The Yankees (or any other major league team) could not force the person to give the ball back.



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Re: Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!
« Reply #8 on: 11 Jul 2011, 08:38 pm »
First of all, congrats to Jeter.  Although I'm sick of ESPN acting like Jeeter cured cancer, I'm happy for him and the Yankee fans.  He's one of the rare Yankees I actually like (Rivera is my favorite) and you can't deny that he did it in style.  No infield squibber, or duck-snort blooper.  He scored the rare 3000th hit, knockout. 

Jeter is not the best at his position, not even top ten IMO, but he will always be remembered (after he retires of course) as a winner, especially in the post season and a true professional in every sense.  He played on some really good teams and had protection throughout before and after him in the lineup but it's hard to knock a guy who performed so well under the bright lights of NYC and the demanding Yankee fans.   I'm too young to have seen some of the Yankee greats play (I kind've remember Munson and Reggie Jackson), but in my lifetime, it's hard to pick a better Yankee (position player) than Jeter.  No doubt he is a first ballot HOF'er.

Oh, one more thing!  That guy who caught the ball and gave it back for free is a complete idiot!  Jeter and the Yankee organization all make a TON of money.  Why not hold out for some cash?  The Yankees are not shy about what they charge people to attend a game.  I would have asked for lifetime Yankee tickets behind home plate but would have settled for bleachers, and lifetime free pass for massages (with happy ending :thumb:) from local NYC massage parlor after each game, and free beer...  That's a fair deal for such a rare baseball!




When you commented on Jeter not being in the top ten, do you mean this season (I think you do, but wanted to be sure)?  While I don't think Jeter will put numbers like he did in 2009, I do think he can have a much better second half of the season and finish the year with more than respectable numbers.

In regards to the history of baseball, Jeter is probably the third best ever at the SS position (Honus Wagner is first and Cal Ripken is second).  While he didn't have lots of power, he wasn't exactly Ichiro...

If I caught the ball, I am honestly not sure what I would do.  A big part of me (the lifelong baseball fan) would want to give the ball to Jeter.  However,I can't ignore the financial aspect of the situation.  While I am doing a good deal better than a 23 year old cell phone salesman with $200k in debt, receiving a huge chunk of cash is tempting.

I think the Yankees did a good job by providing tickets and treating the kid like a celebrity.  He met many Yankees (including some time with Jeter), received lots of merchandise signed by Jeter, and has been all over TV for the past few days.

While the event has been overblown and overhyped (what osn't these days?), I still think it was handled well and a positive experience.



Re: Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!
« Reply #10 on: 11 Jul 2011, 09:32 pm »
George, you are a good Yankee fan and I respect your opinion (we can agree to disagree regarding Jeter's place on the all-time list).  He is certainly the best hitting shortstop I have seen, including Ripken.  Of course, none of the other guys on the list got to play with teams that were as stacked as Jeter's but you can't deny his offensive accomplishments.  Wagner played in a different era and it's impossible for me to even speculate. 

Jeter's place on the list depends on how highly you rate offense in the equasion.  He is/was not a bad defender (unless you take his lack of range into account) but his defense could never be compared to other greats on the list (including Ripken, although not late in Cal's career).  Are you honestly saying Jeter is in the same defensive universe as Omar Visquel, Ozzie Smith, Earnie Banks, Aparicio, or even Nomar (who I feel was better defensively).  Jeter's "gold gloves" (I think he has one or two) were a popularity contest (as GG's usually are)?     

I would take Robin Yount over Jeter any day at short, but it's hard  to deny the championships Jeter won.  Yount never played on teams stacked with Allstars and Jeter was never forced to carry so many bad teams like Robin.  Also, before he was injured, Nomar was a better all-around shortstop than Jeter.  Jeter had durability and longevity but I don't think he was ever the best player at his position (maybe in '99), and I think you have to be the best at least one year to be on the "all time" list. 

The fact that he has played long enough to get 3000+ hits means less to me than his championships.  Pete Rose has more hits than Babe Ruth or Ted Williams but he was not a better player than either.  There is no denying Jeter's contribution to the Yankees and that's what makes him special in my opinion.  The guy is a winner and that can't be denied. 


Re: Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!
« Reply #11 on: 11 Jul 2011, 09:49 pm »
The ball is reported to be worth $250,000.

If that guy was married, his wife would kick him in the nuts 250,000 times.  I love when people talk about the "spirit of the game" and other BS, when it comes to something like that ball.  Please!  Jeter gets paid millions of dollars to play, the Yankees are probably worth a billion dollars and they make hundreds of millions a year, the guy probably paid a hundred or more for the ticket and drank over-priced beers during the game.  The richest guys involved got "fair market" for the things they sold and this poor sap gave away a ball worth $250K for peanuts. 

I'm sure he will treasure the couple autographed balls, the various trinkets, and the time he spent with the players he loves.  No doubt, those are things he will treasure and never forget.  I am a huge sports fan and kind've understand this sort of thing.  I'd still take $250k over a stack of signed Jeter balls, slaps on the back, and other trinkets.   

To  put it in perspective, I'm a huge Michael Jordan fan.  I'd rather have $250k cash than have Jordan (and the 1996 Bull's team - the best BBL team in history) come to my house and throw me a massive birthday party with free Dom Perignon and a totally naked Megan Fox and Mila Kunis jumping out of a cake!  Now, if they were to throw in Julianne Hough (along with all of the other stuff) we would have a deal.  I'm not crazy.   :thumb:


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Re: Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!
« Reply #12 on: 11 Jul 2011, 10:06 pm »
No doubt that Jeter can't compare to Ozzie and Omar on the defensive side the equation.  However, his offensive production was so much better than those guys, that it tips the scales heavily in Jeter's direction.  While I don't think it is the end all, be all, look at their WAR (wins against replacement):

Jeter - 70.5 (15 seasons)
Ozzie - 64.6 (19 seasons)
Omar - 42.9 (23 seasons)

You can't bring Yount, Banks, or A-Rod into the conversation for the best ss of all time because they spent more of their career at other positions.  Nomar isn't even close to Jeter.  :o  Besides having a WAR of only 42.6, he doesn't compare because he couldn't sustain a high level of play for a long period of time.  While Nomar's best years compare or possibly surpass Jeter, he didn't have nearly as many as Jeter.  Nomar will never make the HOF and doesn't belong.  Before anybody flames for being harsh on a Red Sox player, I apply the same logic to my favorite baseball player (Don Mattingly) who actually has very similar career batting stats and is acknowledged as one of the best fielders ever at his position.

Back to are some stats to support his being the third best ever (even if he doesn't play another game in his career):

Players who achieved 3000 hits in 17 or less seasons:

Pete Rose
Stan Musial
Hank Aaron
Ty Cobb
Paul Waner

Number of seasons of at least 190 hits since 1900:   

1. Pete Rose, 13
2. Ty Cobb, 12
T3. Stan Musial, 10
T3. Derek Jeter, 10
T3. Ichiro Suzuki, 10

190 hits and a .400 slugging percentage - minimum of 10 times in their career

Pete Rose
Ty Cobb
Stan Musial
Derek Jeter

Adjusted OPS + of 100 or higher from the shortstop position:

1.    Honus Wagner (13 seasons)
T2.  Derek Jeter (11 seasons)
T2.  Luke Appling (11 seasons)
T2.  Arky Vaughn (11 seasons)
3.    Barry Larkin (10 seasons)

Nomar and Cal did it for 8 seasons. 

I can dig up more stats, but hopefully you start to see my point.   :green:




Re: Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!
« Reply #13 on: 11 Jul 2011, 10:34 pm »
There is no doubt, Jeter is and was a great offensive player.  Also, he is a first ballot HOF.  How many years was  he the best at his position?  None...


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Re: Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!
« Reply #14 on: 11 Jul 2011, 10:45 pm »
There is no doubt, Jeter is and was a great offensive player.  Also, he is a first ballot HOF.  How many years was  he the best at his position?  None...

Actually a few!   :wink:


No shame in not being the best at his position in more years.  This was the age of the offensive shortstop and Jeter was competing on a yearly basis with other HOF players such as A-Rod and Larkin - as well as very good players such as Garciapara.

BTW, as much as it pains me to say it...if A-Rod stayed at SS and didn't move to 3rd base, he would probably be the best ever.  Of course, he would have a huge * next to his name due to PED's.  Not an issue with Wagner, Ripken, or Jeter. 


Jim N.

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Re: Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!
« Reply #15 on: 11 Jul 2011, 11:20 pm »
Jeter is proof that a player can be both great and over-rated. Quite an accomplishment!


Re: Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!
« Reply #16 on: 12 Jul 2011, 01:47 am »
George - you know I like Jeter and I will provide the correct answers regarding who was the best for the years you provided. It ain't Jeter.

Jeter deserves to be in the hall, there is no doubt.  If A-Roid gets into the hall of fame, I will never watch another MLB game or set foot in another baseball stadium as long as I live. Other than Manny Ramirez, A-Roid is my most hated player in all of sports. Complete scumbag cheater, a rat on par with Pete Rose.   It's a disgrace to see him in The pinstripes.


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Re: Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!
« Reply #17 on: 12 Jul 2011, 01:59 am »
I look forward to your reply Jackman.

I am pretty confident that there wasn't a better shortstop in baseball for the years I mentioned.




Re: Jeter joins the 3000 hit club in style!!
« Reply #19 on: 12 Jul 2011, 02:17 pm »

July 9, 2011
Ten Things About Derek Jeter's 3000 Hits

Well...there you have it.

With a third inning home run off of Tampa Bay Rays pitcher David Price, Derek Jeter became just the 28th player in Major League history to get 3000 hits and only the second to do it with a roundtripper.

"It means a lot. It's a number that has meant a lot in the history of the game, because not too many people have done it," the shortstop said about the milestone following Saturday's 5-4 victory. "This is the only team I've wanted to play for, and to be the only one to do something like this, I don't know if I can describe it."

It seems like not that long ago, Jeter made headlines when he surpassed Lou Gehrig and became the Yankees all-time hit king. But did you know that just a month before he passed up the Yankees Iron Man, he became the all-time hit leader among shortstops?

Perhaps...but perhaps not.

Here are ten other things you might not have known about Derek Jeter and his 3000 hits.

Like many of his current teammates, Derek Jeter has played at the two latest incarnations of Yankee Stadium. That said, he clearly has the most hits. Combined…the future Hall of Famer has 1508 hits at home in the Bronx.

Throughout his 17-year career, the Yankees captain has faced 1171 different pitchers. He’s gotten hits off of close to two-thirds of them. You can do the math on how many that is, but in case you were wondering…Derek Jeter has gone hitless against 349 of them.

And speaking of going hitless. Derek Jeter has put up a goose egg in the hits column in 538 of the 2362 regular season games he has appeared in.

In 2001, Derek Jeter was named “Mr. November” thanks to a tenth inning home run off Arizona Diamondbacks pitcher Byung-Hyun Kim just after midnight on October 31. Despite the nickname, Jeter was 3-for-12 in November baseball that postseason. That aside…“Mr. November” is also the all-time leader in postseason hits with 175.

37 years, 13 days
While not the youngest ever player to reach 3000 hits (Ty Cobb was the youngest at 34 when he reached the feat in 1921), the youthful-looking Derek Jeter was 37 years and 13 days old when he got to 3000 hits. And yeah, he is also the fourth youngest to get there…behind just Cobb, Hank Aaron and Robin Yount.

Of those aforementioned 1171 pitchers the 12-time All-Star has faced, Derek Jeter has 34 hits (in 122 at bats) against knuckleballer Tim Wakefield. Next up on the list…Wakefield’s former teammate Pedro Martinez and the Aruban Knight Sidney Ponson at 29.

All-time hit king Pete Rose once hit in 44 straight games. Derek Jeter’s longest hitting streak came in 2006 when he hit in 25 straight games.

You might think that Derek Jeter got a lot of his hits in bunches. He didn’t. Before Saturday's performance, only twice (May 23, 2001 and June 21, 2005) did the shortstop get five hits in a game. Not once did he get six hits in a game.

Curious as to just how great Derek Jeter is? Consider this…dude is now one of only three players with more than 3000 hits, 1700 runs scored, 200 home runs, 1100 RBI, 300 stolen bases and a .300 or better career batting average. The other two? Hall of Famers Willie Mays and Paul Molitor.

2999 of baseball’s latest baseball’s latest 3000 Hit Club member’s hits came as a starter for the New York Yankees. Only one of Derek Jeter’s hits came off the bench. As a pinch hitter, Jeter is 1-for-6 (.167)…a far cry from Lenny Harris’ record 212 pinch hits.

So, yeah...there you have it!