$6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......

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Assume a Mac and Grado phones but $6k for everything else.

1. I like integrated amps
2. I like pace, rhythm and detail over slam
3. I'd like to think about moving away from tube amps - wow that hurt to write! 
4. No vinyl
5. Small form factors over large.  Read - integrated amps with built in DACs might be cool.
6. Smaller speakers over large but no need to go tiny necessarily
7. Active speakers might be cool
8.  I like spartan but decent cables


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Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #1 on: 6 Jul 2011, 06:00 am »
Fritz Speakers or GR Research Super V's would be my choice, if starting from scratch.  No tube amps?  Sorry, can't help there!  Besides, you can't do "active" with integrated amps. 

If you are serious about active, you need a good mic, I recommend the Earthworks M23, it's not too expensive, and it's a great, great measurement mic. 

Also, Fritz works some kinda magic with his speakers, I don't think active will replicate it.  On the other hand, the GR Research speakers tend to lend themselves very well to active setup.  Same with VMPS speakers, the also lend to active nicely.  But both of these are large speakers.  IMO, small speakers kinda suck, but "that's just like, my opinion, man", to quote the Dude.


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Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #2 on: 6 Jul 2011, 07:40 am »
Knowing what I do now and hearing a lot of gear that guys on here design and all, I'd look at Virtue Audio, integrated amps with optional tube buffer, small form factor, can customize the look a bit.
Speakers- I have heard GR Research N2X and thats where I would go or if the budget is OK check out Fritz's stuff...all good. GR Research is super well designed, cost effective and a bit of DIY but guys on here like Ron can build the stuff and have done a lot for folks here.....

I'd talk to Alex at WyWires-new company great guy- and his cables are taking people by storm, I use all his stuff and the cabling alone was just a huge upgrade for me and most that have used them.

If you go Squeezebox (network streaming audio device) get a touch and have Wayne at Bolder Cable mod it for you...its not cheap but its totally worth it.

Read as many threads and soak it all in..these folks know!!!!!  Thats what I would do and others will chime in for sure but I use all the above except for speakers-I'm a JBL lover- and I have a great little system on around 2K worth of investment.
Enjoy building your system!!!! - Ed :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

Virtue--    http://store.virtueaudio.com/
GR Research-- http://www.gr-research.com/
Fritz --    http://www.fritzspeakers.com/
WyWires --  http://www.wywires.com/
Bolder Cable --   http://www.boldercables.com/servlet/StoreFront


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Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #3 on: 6 Jul 2011, 08:17 am »
You can look into both the Bryston and Sim Audio Integrates.  The Sim Audio i3.3 is ~$3.5k with 192/24 DAC option and is currently the only one I'm aware that can do 192/24.   As for smaller speakers, I think the Magnepan 1.7 are a great value for around $2k and no need for stands.   If you want a bookshelf then the Aerial Acoustics 5B is another good option for about the same. 

For cables, you can also check out Analysis Plus and Wireworld. 


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Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #4 on: 6 Jul 2011, 09:21 am »
Just my 2 pence, I would not buy an amp with integrated dac at this moment.
Everybody is bringing dacs on the market and it seems they are getting better all the time for less money. For example, the Teac dac (www.digitalaudioblog.com/2011/06/teac-ud-h01-usb-dac.html) that is coming out this month is already getting people excited, because of its specs and price.
My impression is, and this is only my impression, that an amp you buy now will hold its value much longer than a dac. So, in your case I would buy a separate dac, like an EE MiniMax, so that I could upgrade it in a few years time without also having to change my amp.


Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #5 on: 6 Jul 2011, 09:37 am »
Assume a Mac and Grado phones but $6k for everything else.


$6k would buy a hell of a headphone amp....  :green:

But seriously, no question like this can be answered without the "why."


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Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #6 on: 6 Jul 2011, 11:26 am »
$6k would buy a hell of a headphone amp....  :green:

Yes it will!  I had the opportunity to try the http://www.wooaudio.com/products/wes.html for a couple of hours along with the big Stax headphones and it was pretty awesome. 


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Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #7 on: 6 Jul 2011, 02:37 pm »

Disclaimer: What I am about to suggest is what I sell since going over to the DARK SIDE. Regardless, I would still suggest them if I did not since I know what I know about them.  8)

If you want to pass on a tube amp and want a really nice built in dac I can think of nothing better for the dollar than the Xindak XA6950(09) 130 watt integrated amp with a built in dac, tube preamp, remote for inputs and volume, Class A to 50 watts, dual transformers, cool looking, and most importantly, really, really, musical. Cost is $2,500.00 and competes easily at twice it's price and more. I have a demo unit on a Super Summer Sale. Contact me. Here is my page on it:

If you want one of the best monitors made today look no further than the Volent VL-2s. Absolute Sound says if you are considering a monitor under 15 grand you have to hear these. I fully agree. I plan to do a review in the future. But think of the speed, liveliness, of Apogees in a box. Bass down to 28 hz, extremely coherent. One word to describe them is STUNNING. They use the same $$$$ Italian woofer that was used in Majico's monitor that sold for 20 grand. They sell for $5,000.00 and I have a demo pair on a Super Summer Sale. Seriously, contact me. Here is our page on it.

Then there is the Volent CL-2 monitors at half the price of the VL-2s. They use the excellent Morel woofer. Gives a big chunk of the VL-2 on a budget. Uses the same patented, wide dispersion ribbon tweeter as the VL-2s. You have to hear this thing. Again, I have a demo pair on a super sale.

I also run a mac based front end.

Rocket_In The Know_Ronny


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Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #8 on: 6 Jul 2011, 03:13 pm »
Ok, without knowing the room size, what you listen to, or your available diy skills, and given if I were starting from scratch and wanted something supremely musical for $6k, here's what I'd do (note, I am talking *me* here, but trying to zero in as closely as possible on your needs/wants.)  And as tyson said, I can't do this without tubes.

So, for starters, I'm assuming a smallish to medium room, you want an integrated to basically run a single source, play speakers and headphones, and want killer sound that won't necessarily kick you in the gut but will give you a nicely balanced presentation, detailed, excellent prat and tone and decent dynamic contrasts or downward dynamics.

Speakers:  Tonian Labs TL-d1s, or if it's in the budget and you can find a pair of used Sonist Concerto 3 floorsttanders.  I'd agree with tyson on the super Vs, but by the time they're built, especially if you can't do the work yourself, your budget is blown.  V-2s may be a good option but will not play as loud (though probably perfectly well for 99% of situations) with the amp I will recommend.  The TL-d1s are the smallest, lightest, and easily setup and tuned to almost any room, and sound amazing, especially with the kind of amps I'm going to recommend.

DAC:  simple, DB Audio Labs Tranquility SE and a nice pair of copper interconnects (KCI Sparrows are absolutely amazing for the price), but Grovers and Morrows may also be good, alternatives.  Another consideration if you absolutely must have native hi-res capability is the Audio GD NFB-2 -- either usb or with the Audiophilleo AP2 usb-spdif converter.


Soon to be released Bottlehead s.e.x. 2.1 kit but with some upgrades.  This is a re-design of the venerable BH s.e.x. amp -- a single input, integrated 2 watt SET amp that uses cheap, easily available, long-lasting and very nice sounding tubes (6dn7)  The new kit has custom iron to replace the old speco autoformers that came with the kits and will greatly lessen the need to upgrade to magnequest iron (which is expensive and can take forever to get).  These are the same transformers that ebag4 has in his stereomour driving his GR Research V-1s and which he has called the best amp he's ever howned.  Upgrade the s.e.x with some nice coupling and output caps, azuma or miconol tube sockets, a goldpoint stepped attenuator and some vampire binding posts and rcas, and you're all set.  Did I mention that it is also a fantastic headphone amp that will drive grados with no issues at all?  And it's dead quiet?  And that the tubes all seem to sound more or less the same, so the temptation to tube roll will be severely curtailed?

And now consider that te finished product is just slightly larger than a sheet of paper and about 6 inches tall to the top of the tubes?  Can't build it? No problem, there are folks who can, including Bottlehead themselves and yours truly (though I've not done this for hire yet)

Now get some decent simple speaker cables (diy cotton/copper orgrovers.

Now toss in a Pi Audio Rev B buss, a couple of triode wirelabs PCs -- 12 gauge for dac and 10 gauge for amp, install PureMusic, let the whole mess burin for a month or so and say goodbye to audio nervosa and upgradeitis.

No, I don't have this exact system configured as above, but I do have all the parts and pieces, have compared many variations on this them, and although in the end I'll be using some V-2s with a pair of over-the-top bottlehead paramour IIs, the s.e.x. will still be here, along with the stereomour and Carina for variety




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Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #9 on: 6 Jul 2011, 04:21 pm »
Here's one:

Mach2 upgrades to the Mini & a pair of HD's - $1000
Wyred4Sound 250 wpc integrated (the Carbon 7's respond well to power) - $2500
The proposed EE DAC (with high resolution USB) - $1100
$400 left over for cables

I recommend Blue Jean, Signal, or Element signal cabling.  Another good choice is Scott Endler (google him).  He makes custom lengths/terminations.  Can't beat Volex for good/cheap power cords.

I agree to not tie yourself down to a expensive built in DAC.


Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #10 on: 6 Jul 2011, 04:46 pm »
Mach2 upgrades to the Mini & a pair of HD's - $1000
Wyred4Sound 250 wpc integrated (the Carbon 7's respond well to power) - $2500
The proposed EE DAC (with high resolution USB) - $1100
$400 left over for cables

Your total comes to $5000 instead of the $6000 budget, which is a good thing because you forgot to add in the Fritz Carbon 7 at $1800.  Might have to add the Mac upgrades at a later date (though there might be a little left over for a hard drive).


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Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #11 on: 6 Jul 2011, 05:27 pm »
how much of any this could you "DIY"?   - speakers are a particularly easy place to save a ton of money and still get pretty decent results

depending on the feature set ( pre-out main-in loop), there's certainly no reason that you couldn't include mainstream integrated amp(s) in an active system - although at least one might have redundant input controls, etc., and of course if you can build them,  you're the boss. 


Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #12 on: 6 Jul 2011, 06:00 pm »
I'd check out pardales current system, which I think would come to around $6000, maybe less. The main components in it:

VR-33 speakers
Dayens Ampino
Hegel DAC

And you might have enough to step up to a higher performance DAC (W4S, Tranquility, Zodiac all come to mind)

You could get an Oppo for a transport to your DAC, or go the Mac Mini route.


Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #13 on: 6 Jul 2011, 06:01 pm »
Ah, I didn't see the small speakers bit when I first posted. The smaller speakers that have gotten my attention are the Fritz speakers, and you might also look into Harbeths as well. They were the standouts at AKFest for me last year.

HT cOz

Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #14 on: 6 Jul 2011, 06:22 pm »
$2,500 Speakers Neo-3 with Servo Sub from Ruben
$300 Logitech Touch
$1200 Audio gd-NFB-8
$1600 Audio gd-C500

HT cOz

Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #15 on: 6 Jul 2011, 07:00 pm »
Another Option

$4,000 Modwright Integrated
$2,000 Neo2x with servo sub


Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #16 on: 6 Jul 2011, 08:25 pm »
Another option, that would include active speakers (active crossovers and amps designed for specific drivers):

$2,000 Burson Audio HA-160D (DAC/Pre/Headphone amp) with M2Tech Evo, and Stereolab XV Ultra Cable 


$3400 Focal Twin6 Be (active 3-way monitor) http://www.focalprofessional.com/en/sm6-line/twin6-be.php

And you have a little money leftover for Blue Jeans cables.


Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #17 on: 6 Jul 2011, 09:31 pm »
Another option, that would include active speakers (active crossovers and amps designed for specific drivers):

$2,000 Burson Audio HA-160D (DAC/Pre/Headphone amp) with M2Tech Evo, and Stereolab XV Ultra Cable
$3400 Focal Twin6 Be (active 3-way monitor)

Any idea how the Focal monitors would perform when driven by the single ended output of the Burson compared to the higher voltage output from a balanced preamplifier?


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Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #18 on: 6 Jul 2011, 11:49 pm »
Lots of great input thanks.

I listen to a lot of old jazz, classical and a good measure of hard rock (Tool, Pantera, AC/DC etc.).
I've met Danny of G&R and really like his work.
My room is 15x18 with a 9 ft ceiling.
The why is because I've ended up with a hodgepodge of equipment not a system.  I'm going to take some existing older gear and make an office system, Mac - Musical Fidelity XDACV-8 - Cary SLI-80 tubed integrated - Spendor S5e speakers.

For the new system I'm considering using my McCormack Audio MAP-1 (2 channel or multichannel analog) and 4 or 5 excellent small and cheap speakers.  I really like analog derived multichannel music a lot.  Of course that means more amps and speakers.


Re: $6,000 system from scratch help me brainstorm......
« Reply #19 on: 6 Jul 2011, 11:49 pm »
Hi Steve,

I have not tried this set up myself, so take that for what it is, but from what I have read from Srajan at 6Moons and from others, is that the Burson does have a quite good high output - sufficient to drive an amp.  Ideally I would rather have a balanced pre in the mix.

Any idea how the Focal monitors would perform when driven by the single ended output of the Burson compared to the higher voltage output from a balanced preamplifier?