Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks!

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Re: Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks!
« Reply #20 on: 14 Jun 2011, 05:03 am »

Dallas Maverick's DeShawn Stevenson - best tattoo in the NBA?

Best posterization of the finals?


Re: Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks!
« Reply #21 on: 14 Jun 2011, 06:46 pm »
That loss of the ring picture is very funny. Lebron is taking a beating.


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Re: Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks!
« Reply #22 on: 14 Jun 2011, 07:57 pm »
Yeah that loss of the ring picture is hilarious.  Yes Lebron is taking a beating.  Some warranted and most just because we are a nation of haters.  Love it or not this media created Lebron the evil did its job of getting a lot of attention for the NBA and sports media outlets.  Make no mistake that's what it's all about.  Two days later and it's still 75% Lebron, 5% Mavericks and 20% everything else.  Just human nature to eat up the negative.

The media is writing a nice novel, you're the reader.  Please stop acting like you have an opinion, you will likely swing whichever way the writer wants you too or you will stop reading because the story isn't heading where you want it too.

What I have witnessed from these sports media members have been very enlightening.  Hardly professional journalists, it's about getting hits or attention and that's about it.  Hating Lebron gets them attention, probably more than they've ever had in their career and if that was you cash cow how do you give that up.  You don't you milk it, milk it, milk it. It may turn, people with common sense will realize what's being done, the media acting just as bad as the person they denounce.  When is enough, enough. Some will need to hate, it satisfies something in them.  But if you don't have any real ties to the situation then at some point you stop hating so hard once it's not trendy anymore.


Re: Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks!
« Reply #23 on: 14 Jun 2011, 09:44 pm »
I want that poster bad


Re: Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks!
« Reply #24 on: 15 Jun 2011, 12:15 am »
Did you hear Baby BronBron's comments at the press conference?  He is a total punk.  I agree that media hype is alive and well but the same hype machine that you and the Lebron fans complain about is the same one that made him $50,000,000 last year. I didn't hear him complaining about that. 

Let's face it, these guys make all of this money because of the hype and Baby BronBron was right there cultivating that hype every step of the way, especially during the "DECISION" when he announced to the world that he was going to  "take his talents" to Miami and win six or seven championships. Did you forge about that ? 

Lebron is not an innocent bystander, he actively helped to create this situation. It's a big story when the most popular name in pro basketball, and one of the highest profile players totally chokes in the biggest series of his life. Oh, for the second year in a row!  This guy is gutless and deserves all of the negative comments he has brought upon himself.




Re: Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks!
« Reply #25 on: 15 Jun 2011, 01:34 am »
Yeah that loss of the ring picture is hilarious.  Yes Lebron is taking a beating.  Some warranted and most just because we are a nation of haters.  Love it or not this media created Lebron the evil did its job of getting a lot of attention for the NBA and sports media outlets.  Make no mistake that's what it's all about.  Two days later and it's still 75% Lebron, 5% Mavericks and 20% everything else.  Just human nature to eat up the negative.
Why is he hated more than Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, who was accused of sexual assault and is considered a stone-cold jerk by most players in the National Football League? Why is he hated more than recently resigned Ohio State football coach Jim Tressel...
Yes, we all know that James left Cleveland without grace or class. Yes, we know that the Heat, in some ridiculous version of a Las Vegas floor show, had the big three of James, Dwyane Wade, and Chris Bosh greeting Miami fans in a raucous pep rally as if they had already won the championship before the season had even started.

Above is from the article you linked.

The first paragraph asks the questions, the 2nd answers.

I could have cared less where LJ went, but when he put on a show and announced the Decision, and then they had a  party, then he proclaimed 7 championships...I started to root against him. Arrogance and classlessness is what I saw from him. Most people will react the same way that I did. Do not try to imply this reaction is somehow made up by the media. He's getting what he deserves.
I personally hope he fulfills his own prophesy: not 5 not 6 not 7...Not 1.


Re: Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks!
« Reply #26 on: 15 Jun 2011, 02:21 am »
I think LJ is hands down the most talented active basketball player.  That said, I wouldn't pass him the ball in the fourth during clutch situations.  He's more Chris Webber than Michael Jordan at this point in his career.  Big game James he's not.  Not yet anyways. 

It was disappointing to see James unwillingness to crash the boards or take easy 10 to 15 footers.  He'd either get to the hole so slowly that gives his defender plenty of time to get into position or he'd just pass the ball when he should pop a J. 

Lastly, I think letting either Lebron or Wade play point guard is a mistake.  This causes confusion as to who will be the go to guy for each play.  And, being the ball handler is tiring.  They should let Bibby be the Magic Johnson and let James be the James Worthy.  Either James or Wade shouldn't hold onto the ball for more than 5 seconds at a time. 

That said, for some strange reasons, not only the Heat but the Lakers as well allowed Barrea to break down their entire defense.  Got to give Barrea lots of credit.  Seriously doubt this series could be won without Barrea of course same could be said about Terry and Dirk.

I wanted to see Heat win because of their top 3's anti-establishment screw you managers and owners attitude.  However, this is the year of the Mavs.  Their 3pt % is incredible.  Even no shooting hand Kidd made tons of clutch 3s.  And, honestly, I think Mavs got away with a LOT of calls. 


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Re: Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks!
« Reply #27 on: 15 Jun 2011, 04:15 pm »
What did Lebron say at the press conference?  That hating me isn't going to make your life any better, tomorrow you wake up with the same problems you had yesterday.  So enjoy my failure for today, a month or whatever but at some point you have to get back to reality.

Please tell me what he said that was wrong?  Sounds like a truthful statement to me.  People are hating him for what exactly? And if that is the case then how all that hate going to make any difference in their lives. It's true what he said.  People try to spin it to maybe mean he was demeaning people (maybe he was, I don't know and I didn't hear it that way).  But I do know people already have a built it bias toward athletes who they think are spoiled etc... and any comments that can be taken as an athlete looking down on the working man or no appreciated their position will be taken that way.

It's a real disgrace that foolishness that's going on here.  I am not defending James but just pointing out all the BS that seems to surround this situation.  In all honesty how are any of these Lebron haters acting any more mature then they claim him not to be.  To me the haters are showing they are just as big of a A-hole as they say he is.

Fine if he a bad decision that was classless in its delivery, it that all.  That is reason to spark a national campaign to paint the man as a villain and stoke hatred.  People saying they hate (a damn strong word mind you) Lebron and will forever and always root for him to fail in life.  Are you serious?  These people probably have actual people in the real life that truly wronged them that they don't approach with the same venom as they do Lebron James who outside of being a Cleveland fan, no one else should see it beyond being bad judgment and a distasteful action.  For everyone else, what is your reason for caring so much?

It's an absolute joke at this point and the haters seriously need to look in the mirror because they have to recognize there are some personal issues to be addressed.  Why are you so angry about something as trivial as this?  I'll even give it to your up to this point, he did something you didn't like, he paid for it all season and dearly at the end...done deal, everyone move on now to the next trendy person to hate.  If people carry it beyond this point then yes they do need to get back to the real world, their reality and yes maybe solve some personal problems that have them so bothered that they need to vent in such a manner at some external source.

I'm not saying Lebron is a bad or good person, likely a little of both like everyone else.  All I'm saying is it's all overblown and manipulated.  Enjoy it because as we see now the celebrities are not enough anymore, now it's regular people that are starting to fall under the same criticism.  Mark my words my friend when your neighbor or a stranger video's you doing something and it's on Youtube and you are brought before the world, let's see how if feels when the shoe is on the other foot.  When you say something and it's misinterpreted and goes viral.  That's the new reality my friends, we will all be subject to the paparazzi style treatment so enough.  Yes, somebody's gonna record you picking your nose in your car and put it on Youtube, lets see how you like it then when it's all about having a laugh at your expense.   We will all some be welcomed to Lebron James' reality, it's here right now.


Re: Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks!
« Reply #28 on: 15 Jun 2011, 05:01 pm »
Personally I hope he becomes the Dan Marino of basketball.  That said Jackman you are a very angery sports fan. 


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Re: Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks!
« Reply #29 on: 15 Jun 2011, 05:15 pm »
It was more of a case of schadenfreude watching Miami fail more than rooting for Cuban's team. 


Re: Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks!
« Reply #30 on: 15 Jun 2011, 07:39 pm »
What did Lebron say at the press conference?  That hating me isn't going to make your life any better, tomorrow you wake up with the same problems you had yesterday.  So enjoy my failure for today, a month or whatever but at some point you have to get back to reality.

Please tell me what he said that was wrong?  Sounds like a truthful statement to me.  People are hating him for what exactly? And if that is the case then how all that hate going to make any difference in their lives. It's true what he said.  People try to spin it to maybe mean he was demeaning people (maybe he was, I don't know and I didn't hear it that way).  But I do know people already have a built it bias toward athletes who they think are spoiled etc... and any comments that can be taken as an athlete looking down on the working man or no appreciated their position will be taken that way.

It's a real disgrace that foolishness that's going on here.  I am not defending James but just pointing out all the BS that seems to surround this situation.  In all honesty how are any of these Lebron haters acting any more mature then they claim him not to be.  To me the haters are showing they are just as big of a A-hole as they say he is.

Fine if he a bad decision that was classless in its delivery, it that all.  That is reason to spark a national campaign to paint the man as a villain and stoke hatred.  People saying they hate (a damn strong word mind you) Lebron and will forever and always root for him to fail in life.  Are you serious?  These people probably have actual people in the real life that truly wronged them that they don't approach with the same venom as they do Lebron James who outside of being a Cleveland fan, no one else should see it beyond being bad judgment and a distasteful action.  For everyone else, what is your reason for caring so much?

It's an absolute joke at this point and the haters seriously need to look in the mirror because they have to recognize there are some personal issues to be addressed.  Why are you so angry about something as trivial as this?  I'll even give it to your up to this point, he did something you didn't like, he paid for it all season and dearly at the end...done deal, everyone move on now to the next trendy person to hate.  If people carry it beyond this point then yes they do need to get back to the real world, their reality and yes maybe solve some personal problems that have them so bothered that they need to vent in such a manner at some external source.

I'm not saying Lebron is a bad or good person, likely a little of both like everyone else.  All I'm saying is it's all overblown and manipulated.  Enjoy it because as we see now the celebrities are not enough anymore, now it's regular people that are starting to fall under the same criticism.  Mark my words my friend when your neighbor or a stranger video's you doing something and it's on Youtube and you are brought before the world, let's see how if feels when the shoe is on the other foot.  When you say something and it's misinterpreted and goes viral.  That's the new reality my friends, we will all be subject to the paparazzi style treatment so enough.  Yes, somebody's gonna record you picking your nose in your car and put it on Youtube, lets see how you like it then when it's all about having a laugh at your expense.   We will all some be welcomed to Lebron James' reality, it's here right now.

Lebron predicts "not one, not two...not seven..." world championships and then chokes in the biggest series of his life, especially during critical periods (fourth quarter) of the each game, humiliates the city that worshipped him, acts like a complete punk at his final press conference, and you want to know why people have angry words for him?  Are you serious? 

Baby BronBron is a spoiled brat, punk and I'm happy to see him fail.  He liked cashing those big checks all of that hype brought him, unfortunately this is the other side of the coin.  When players who are supposed to be superstars fail on the big stage like Lebron has failed, it's natural for people to point this out.  This guy has been wearing the crown since he came into the league.  I'm more convinced than ever that he will never win a championship. 

I hope everyone enjoyed that big "victory" party the fine folks of Miami threw when Lebron and Bosch joined the team, before they ever played a single game.  In Chicago, we don't have lots of winning sports teams but at least we don't throw our victory parties until we win something.  The Heat losing that series was good for basketball (IMO) and gave Bball fans (those outside of Miami)  more enjoyment than the Mavs' victory.  Maybe the rest of the country was just "biased" by the media!  Right...

PS -

Homeless guy - Hey Lebron, can I get a dollar?

Lebron - Sure, here you go...

Homeless guy - wait, this is only $.75...

Lebron - Sorry, I don't have a fourth quarter. :wink:




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Re: Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks!
« Reply #31 on: 15 Jun 2011, 08:44 pm »
Jackman you need to stop.

The victory party was not a pre-championship party but a free agent signing celebration for the fans of Miami only.  Lebron surely got a bit swept up in the moment when asked about winning championships and even as he was saying it people in attendance were like "whoa" but taken in context is was nothing more than just boastful and exuberant thinking by a guy caught in the moment.  He said it with a smile on his face, if you actually saw it there's no way you can take that seriously.  He didn't look dead into the camera and say I guarantee you we will win 7 championships.  I can not believe people make a big deal of that. 

When Miami signed Shaq they had a similar party for the big signing, it's what they do it Miami it's a party city, it's not Oklahoma.  If I recall Shaq did guarantee a championship and nobody had a thing to say about Shaq's celebration or his guarantee, why because he was beloved at the time.   They gave him keys to the city as well.  I would easily argue the Shaq signing party was more indulgent that the big three party.  All this is so hypocritical it makes no sense.  In the pictures look at the mayor of Miami giving him a key to the city, look at the  plane flying a banner. looks at the street shut down and the crowds, look at Shaq arriving in a custom trailer, look the outside banner unveiling.  Hell Lebron should be made all he got was  some fireworks.  You tell me that isn't more indulgent that the Lebron party. A complete joke.  And it was celebrated by Miami and other fans alike when ESPN coverage it.  There was no media backlash, no fan outcry.

Yes I am serious.  He humiliated the city of Cleveland the way he announced things, that was bad.  Everything else is a reaction to that.  Him predicting they could win 1,2...7 rings, OK what's wrong with that.  He not performing when he had a chance to win that first ring is bad and that's on him, egg on his face.  Him acting like a punk in the press conference is 100% hate reaction and I don't think he acted like a punk.  Everything after the decision people view with tainted glasses plain and simple.  I still don't understand why YOU feel the need to hate HIM because HE didn't win a championship this year.  It defying logic.

Outside of the decision people have done or do the same things he does and just because it's him it's made into the worst thing ever.  2 weeks ago Charles Barkley actually said:

“They were telling me I suck,” he said. “They were telling me I never won a championship. Like, ‘Come on, give me something better than that, dude.’ “I always laugh at that statement, ‘You didn’t get a ring. ‘I’m like, dude, you work at McDonald’s. My life’s a lot better than yours. You relax.’ ”

...and a bit more and because it was directed at Miami fans I guess their was no backlash.  but he actually said what people infer Lebron to have said and no one has any issue with it.  Hypocritically.  Now you can go on the argument about Charles... but still isn't this the non-PC thing to say no matter who you are as a celebrity.

How about this:  How come we aren't talking about this guy who called the Heat Classless.

A complete hypocritical farce.  If that happed to Lebron all hell would break lose.
A complete farce.  What a joke.


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Re: Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks!
« Reply #32 on: 15 Jun 2011, 09:15 pm »
I kind of feel sorry for Lebron. (Which seems odd, given that his net worth is probably at least 100 times mine.) I say that because it appears he has no sense of how his pronouncements will be received by the public, which has been reacting so negatively. I suspect his cultural deafness results because, being an object of adoration most of his life, he never learned how to connect with people outside of his circle of sycophants.

Someone should tell him that if he showed some humility occasionally instead of his air of superiority, and if he exhibited respect for people, including his opponents, instead of denigrating them, he would likely be loved and respected by basketball fans.

In spite of the great difference between his and my financial positions, I'm much happier with my lot in life than he appears to be with his.


Re: Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks!
« Reply #33 on: 15 Jun 2011, 09:20 pm »
LeBron is a great player...he's been a part of two teams in 5 years that made it to the Finals and among (at least) the top 10 playing today in the world's most competitive league, the NBA :thumb:

Not many players can say that.

Look at the drubbing the Cavs took this season without him....or do some of you think it's the loss of Big Z the 42 game change of fortune for them? :icon_lol:

Assuming he and his Miami mates stay healthy....they could have other finals in their future(s)

Yes - he's a bit childish, even boorish, but I think he's tired moreso than a 'choke' artist.  He averaged 44 minutes a game all season - a reflection of the thin bench they had or a preference the way Coach Spoelstra choose to play his team.

His team simply ran into a better team - like the Spurs half a decade ago.  Dirk was magnificent throughout...but I thought Tyson Chandler controlled the paint (Bosh plays more like F than a C) and was a critical difference, as well.  He was a BIG upgrade from Erick Dampier for the Mavs.   

I assumed great things were in store for Chandler seeing him play last Summer in the FIBA World Championships...he was quite heady there, too  8)

Miami is a good C and an extra couple solid players in rotation away from contending again in 2012.


Re: Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks!
« Reply #34 on: 15 Jun 2011, 10:02 pm »
I'm just happy I don't have to hear all of the "greatest ever" talk coming out of Miami about Lebron.  It makes me chuckle because people have short memories.  When Dirk was dropping 50 on the Thunder, several TV guys were saying he might be better than Larry Bird.  Dirk might be a better shooter than Bird but that's where the similarities end.  Bird was one of the smartest players and one of the greatest to ever play the game.  He was much better than Dirk in every facet of the game except shooting, and Larry wasn't too bad in that area either. 

Don't get me wrong, Dirk showed leadership and class and he earned this championship, which is more than I can say for the Heat.   The Heat were classless floppers who choked on the big stage, even though they were given every chance to win and every close call by the refs.  That whole episode where Wade and LeBron James made fun of Dirk's illness (cough) was another example of the classless mentality of this Heat team.  I expect that kind of behavior from the spoiled baby James but gave Wade more credit.  Maybe James' behavior is rubbing off on Wade.  If that's the case, this Heat team is in trouble.   :scratch:

Not one, not two...not five...not seven... at least James was right about something!    :thumb:


Re: Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks!
« Reply #35 on: 15 Jun 2011, 10:42 pm »
I'm a NJ Nets fan, and would like to congratulate Kidd, Dirk, Terry, Barea, Chandler, Carlisle and the other members of the Mavericks team and organization for a terrific championship run.  The Mavs just played better than any other team they faced in the playoffs.  I'm especially happy for Kidd, since he came close twice to winning it all when he was playing for the Nets. 


Re: Congratulations to the Dallas Mavericks!
« Reply #36 on: 15 Jun 2011, 11:13 pm »
Jackman you know you need to stop that bias.  Dallas got a great many more calls than Miami, a great many more.  Chandler got maybe 30 off the ball fouls, unheard of.  The refs did give Miami the benefit at home in game 6 but that's it.   Lebron could not get a call to save his life in this series.  Don't be bias.  For the record Dallas has a higher payroll that Miami so I have no idea what you mean by buying a championship.  The guys were free agents and each took less than market value on their contracts.  There's a lot to pick at for sure but just be factual about it.

Dallas payroll: $85,875,351
Miami payroll:  $65,356,624

As the youngens say Epic Fail
This post makes no sense and you clearly are skewed to the Miami sideshow.  LBJ is not a team player and does not do what it take to win,  Watch Kidd diving for loose balls at 40 years old and LeBron standing watching.  He does not have IT.