Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice

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Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« on: 12 Jun 2011, 04:52 am »
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She's on tour now, will be seeing her this week.  Anyone else enjoying this album?



Re: Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« Reply #2 on: 12 Jun 2011, 08:30 am »
"I just looove people...."

Shut up and play the damn piano.


Re: Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« Reply #3 on: 14 Jun 2011, 02:36 am »
That spoke volumes.

Anyone else?


Re: Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« Reply #4 on: 14 Jun 2011, 03:43 am »
Amazing artist.  Have seen her live and found that although her music can walk the line of abstraction, it never is less than musical, creative and engaging.  How often do you find that kind of balance? 

Probably not explaining it very well, but you know the real artist when you encounter one.   I wonder why she isn't much better known.   :scratch:

Only listened to samples of the CD thus far but should have it in hand in a few days. 



Re: Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« Reply #5 on: 14 Jun 2011, 03:59 am »
Hiromi plays on Stanley Clarke's 2009 Jazz in the Garden - a regular spin here.  In many ways she steals the show - positively Keith Jarret like talent without all the humming.


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Re: Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« Reply #6 on: 14 Jun 2011, 11:20 am »
Are there any Hiromoi recordings that are show demo quality? Any Hi-rez?
Chris H.


Re: Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« Reply #7 on: 14 Jun 2011, 01:03 pm »
Chris, "Beyond Standard"  is challenging material that would show a good system well and is well recorded (see 6 moons review).  Don't know about HiRez.



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Re: Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« Reply #8 on: 14 Jun 2011, 10:53 pm »
"I just looove people...."

Shut up and play the damn piano.

+1   - she plays like a machine that makes cupie doll faces

       - what she lacks in feeling she makes up for in theatrics

       - she should stick to rock cause she can't play jazz



Re: Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« Reply #9 on: 14 Jun 2011, 11:16 pm »
What you refer to as a machine commands my utmost respect.  Her technique is impeccable.  Most jazz pianists couldn't touch traditional baroque with a ten foot pole, but she has the rare discipline to pull it off.  The rest of them can't shake the swing from their fingers.  Her breadth is astonishing.

Listen to her music without the picture.  Then you need to wrap your head around the time signatures and the tone clusters and chord structures.  She uses standard progressions for the most part, which is what keeps her music accessible.  If you still don't like it, then it's just not for you.

Or check out her stride, if that's more your style.  Her jazz was good enough for Oscar Peterson, Ahmad Jamal, and Chick Corea, but maybe they don't know any better.

But don't worry.  There's plenty of other music to go around.  The intellectual aspects of music aren't for everyone.  What I like about her music is that it's really smart but still accessible.  She doesn't dumb everything down all the time.
« Last Edit: 15 Jun 2011, 03:13 am by ooheadsoo »

Charles Calkins

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Re: Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« Reply #10 on: 14 Jun 2011, 11:27 pm »
I have seen Hiromi live in concert with Stanly Clarke. A very enjoyable show.
I have see Keiko Matsui live in concert several times.
If both were in concert somewhere near where I live I'd see Keiko Matsui.



Re: Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« Reply #11 on: 15 Jun 2011, 12:11 am »
The only thing the two of them have in common is that they are of Japanese descent.  Matsui is exclusively smooth jazz.  Hiromi is avant garde/post modern fusion (most of the time.)


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Re: Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« Reply #12 on: 15 Jun 2011, 12:29 am »
What you refer to as a machine commands my utmost respect.  Her technique is impeccable.  Most jazz pianists couldn't touch traditional baroque with a ten foot pole, but she has the rare discipline to pull it off.  The rest of them can't shake the swing from their fingers.  Her breadth is astonishing.

Listen to her music without the picture.  Then you need to wrap your head around the key signatures and the tone clusters and chord structures.  She uses standard progressions for the most part, which is what keeps her music accessible.  If you still don't like it, then it's just not for you.

Or check out her stride, if that's more your style.  Her jazz was good enough for Oscar Peterson, Ahmad Jamal, and Chick Corea, but maybe they don't know any better.

But don't worry.  There's plenty of other music to go around.  The intellectual aspects of music aren't for everyone.  What I like about her music is that it's really smart but still accessible.  She doesn't dumb everything down all the time.

Why are you so offended? You expect everyone to agree with you? She sounds like Wynton of the piano, probably better though. Maybe she'll develop some feel, she's young. Do you have some other interest here, you haven't disclosed?

Without Oscar or Chick she's a novelty act. Stride? - compare to Tatum she has no soul. You don't get it. It's not just about technique, key sigs or chords. It's about relating to the listener and making them Feel.

Maybe you want to listen to baroque. I prefer jazz.


Re: Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« Reply #13 on: 15 Jun 2011, 12:55 am »
ooheadsoo, Thank you so much for posting that video. I was totally unaware of her. I bought the CD and looking forward to learning about her. There isn't much blowing in the vid, but she sure has chops and an advanced harmonic concept. I have a few Brad Mehldau CDs that I find it difficult to listen for long periods because it is so boring. She at least has some zest for life and very high vibe that comes through in her music.   She'll be in Boston in Oct, maybe I can catch that.

Why are you so offended? You expect everyone to agree with you? She sounds like Wynton of the piano, probably better though. Maybe she'll develop some feel, she's young. Do you have some other interest here, you haven't disclosed?

Once again, Mr Hyde is confrontational, defensive, paranoid. Reacting emotionally instead of responding intellectually. It is not difficult to imagine how anyone would not be offended by your comparison of this great pianist to a cupie doll. Are you so desperate for attention that you can stoop that low?

Without Oscar or Chick she's a novelty act. Stride? - compare to Tatum she has no soul. You don't get it. It's not just about technique, key sigs or chords. It's about relating to the listener and making them Feel.

Putting down other peoples' favorite works of art in the cruelest most devisive way possible. Insulting other members intelligence and taste. Pronouncing his philosphy of what jazz is as superior to that of the OP.

Maybe you want to listen to baroque. I prefer jazz.

Sarcastic, insulting, judgemental. Is this really what AudioCircle is about? Is this the spirit of jazz music? Jazz fans appreciate the music because they relate to the high vibration. neobop's comments are consistently of very low vibration. I've only been hanging here for a couple weeks. Does this happen in every thread? It's all about neo's insecurity that every thread must devolve into cat fight with Mr Hyde?


Re: Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« Reply #14 on: 15 Jun 2011, 03:13 am »
I listen to and enjoy nearly all types of music.  I can appreciate most of them for what they strive to offer.  I like less complex music as well.  However, when someone likes something I don't, I don't usually go out of my way to insult it.  There's no surer way to draw someone's ire. 

Some people are offended or bored by technique-fests.  As an amateur musician, I must admit that technique is something I admire.  Nevertheless, even I will get bored of dry soul-less etudes from time to time.  Luckily, that's not what we have here.

Sorry to read that you are not enjoying some fine musicianship.

You're welcome, richidoo, I knew there would be some here on AC that would appreciate this music.


Re: Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« Reply #15 on: 15 Jun 2011, 03:49 am »
While the audience waited for her to perform, the venue was very dark and folks were noisy.  Suddenly, my attention was caught by a very quiet, self-possessed figure walking to the back of the room.   She seemed to drink in the room, paused, and walked back to the front.

Until she walked onto the stage, I didn't realize that the young woman was Hiromi.  Given what I had seen, I was expecting quiet, introspective music.  When she started to perform, I couldn't reconcile the theatrics with that quiet young woman.  So, I closed my eyes and listened.  Within two minutes, I heard a torrent of creativity and not the kind that is meant only for the artist.  That kind of artistry never moves me.  Nor does music that is simply for the brain.

She was jumping around, in the moment, transported by the music.  She wasn't alone.  Her bass player and drummer were rocking and so was the crowd. 



Re: Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« Reply #16 on: 15 Jun 2011, 04:48 am »
Thanks, mate.  Had not heard of her.  I like what she has to say and what I could hear of her playing.  She landed a deal with Telarc.  Somebody likes her.


Re: Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« Reply #17 on: 15 Jun 2011, 07:17 am »
This isn't about what we don't have in commom, it's about what we DO have in commom.  Don't ya'll know how to dismiss attacks?  Intellectual affronts?  Perceived or otherwise?  What, you not old enough yet?  Take up surfing or something . . for all our sakes.  Find your peace of mind- before you go public- maybe you'll learn something.  Repeat.  Geez.  Debates are good fun.  So, make a case.  Or, not.  It really doesn't matter, you know.
« Last Edit: 15 Jun 2011, 05:23 pm by jimdgoulding »


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Re: Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« Reply #18 on: 15 Jun 2011, 08:29 am »
Hey man, ya'll knock that fucking shit off.  This ain't about what we don't have in commom, it's about what we DO have in commom.  Don't ya'll know how to dismiss attacks?  Intellectual affronts?  Perceived or otherwise?  What, you not old enough yet?  Take up surfing or something . . for all our sakes.  Find your peace of mind- before you go public- maybe you'll learn something.  Repeat.  Geez.  Debates are good fun.  So, make a case.  Or, not.  It really doesn't matter, you know.

This is supposed to be about jazz, not commonality, diplomacy or anything else. Excuse me for saying something less than enthusiastically positive, that happens to be the truth.

Why is it okay to say something about Wynton, a polished musician, and not say the same about this cute little girl, also an accomplished musician?

If we all had the same opinions there would be nothing to discuss. Why am I labeled a heretic by the church of richie the horn?
F/U and political correctness. I'll have none of it.


Re: Hiromi: The Trio Project - Voice
« Reply #19 on: 15 Jun 2011, 10:05 am »
"If we all had the same opinion, there would be nothing to discuss".  But, we don't, so there is.  And this forum is a discussion.  As it should be.  BTW, it is OK.  Plenty OK.