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I'm hoping someone here may be able to confirm if a PS3 I have sourced would fit the bill in it's current state to be made to rip SACDs.I am told it is a working 3.55 PS3 CECHA01 backwards compatible with KMEAW firmware and multiman installed.Any help is appreciated.TV
Dave, Jeus's GUI does all this automatically. Just pick the multichannel pulldown (rather than stereo). I simply check my ISOs (In JRIver) for multichannel (if I don't already know).
Dave, sorry...yes that is correct. I mentioned that I first check my ISOs in JRiver (simple view where "filetype is SACD", which is what JRiver calls SACD-ISOs, and then "channels greater than or equal to 3"). Your script is great, thanks, but worried it will not be used by those that were clamoring for GUI and away from command prompts. So my recommendation is to store ISOs in stereo and multichannel directories if its a big deal (and as I said, JRiver will identify them if you don't know your library well enough).