Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed

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Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« on: 31 Jan 2003, 07:17 am »
Let me preface the following review by giving a little history on how, of the countless interconnects available on the market, I came to buy Zeus Tetra-Helix cables.

A couple months ago I wrote to Doug of Matrixav after reading a controversial thread on Harmonic Discord where I didn't think his company or products were getting a fair shake. Recently I heard back from Doug, learning he prefers email to private messages, as he tends to forget those sometimes.  Since much time lag had occurred since the original controversy, we didn't dwell on that subject for long, but rather Doug, in his excitement, began to tell me about a new design he had been working on and a new line of cables.

Backing up, I had looked at his cables on the CAT and Quantum sites on more than one occasion, read some of his posts, and he seemed like an honest guy selling a good quality product. In the descriptions of his cables he didn't make any of the typical snake oil claims or use a bunch of scientific terminology designed to make one believe his cables were designed by NASA engineers. Instead he offers solid and clean looking product designs using excellent base materials, and all for a fair price!  So, when I did hear back from Doug, he immediately had my attention telling me about his new line and product, Zeus Tetra-Helix.

Doug tells me in his email that his new (as yet to be introduced or named at that point) interconnects use a Helix design with a combination of both OFC and pure silver wires. Interesting, I said to myself. I have been intrigued and interested in the double helix design since reading about them on Chris VenHaus’s web site, the person who apparently invented this design. I had also contemplated trying Mapleshade s Double-Helix interconnect. What was particularly interesting to me about Doug’s cable is the combination of materials. Further, he offered a nice choice of alternative connectors.

Unlike the other Helix interconnects, and most others ICs for that matter, Doug’s four wire helix design uses a separate silver and copper wire of like diameter for both the signal and the ground. Not the inexpensive amalgamate silver coated copper wire that many companies use, not one single material, and not silver for the signal and copper for the ground, but one of each type of wires for each path. Ideally, if this cable succeeded in what it was designed to do, you d get the best of what both materials offer without the drawbacks of either. You’d get the detail and the quickness of silver with the warmth and smoothness of copper. Now throw in the helix design with its low capacitance and reputation for excellent separation of notes and quickness, and pre-burning of the cable on a cable cooker, and this cable could be a winner. None the less I was still skeptical!

Backing up again, two months ago I sold a combination of Harmonic Technology Truthlinks and Pro-Silways I had been using for a couple years. To replace them and get me going again until I could find the ideal cable I picked up two pairs of DIY Superlatives. The DIY Superlatives are excellent in that they don’t do anything offensive. Not the last word in detail or transparency but very smooth from top to bottom. Thinking that inserting one pair of silver cables into the food chain would yield some of the clarity, speed and resolution I was seeking, I borrowed a pair of Pure Silver Sound cables. I haven’t experimented with many other pure silver cables before but I can say the PSS cables were not what I was looking for. The sound was now bright and glaring on top with sort of a smeared treble. Cymbals in particular didn’t have the nice, easily distinguishable decay and shimmer that I expected. Ok, I thought, maybe silver isn t the ticket.

Ok, fast forward to the correspondence with Doug. After a couple of emails back and forth I agreed to try two pairs of his Tetra-Helix cables with the understanding that if I didn’t like them I could send them back under his 30-day return policy. I figured fine, I’ll try them out and then send them back. The Tetra-Helix cables, I thought, would be just another cable I would try in my search for the Holy Grail. Not that I necessarily enjoy trying countless interconnects, because I’ve been down this path before and it’s usually a tedious and costly process. But having just revamped my entire system that’s what I began to do.  Onward to the review….

Priced at $249.99/meter/pair, the Zeus Tetra-Helix with RCA connectors are visually stunning. The four conductors, a combination of blue and silver Teflon coated copper and silver wires are wound in a double-helix design around a clear PVC tube. No techflex is used and the wires are clearly visible. The RCA connectors are top quality, rhodium plated locking types.

 So how does the Zeus Tetra-Helix sound? From the two weeks I ve spent with them so far I have to say “like nothing” . They are the most transparent interconnects I’ve ever used. My concerns about how the separate silver and copper wires would interact were unwarranted. I don’t know if it’s the geometry of the cable, the gage of the wires, the materials used, or a combination of all these factors, but the Tetra-Helix cables just get out of the way and let the music flow. No accentuation of treble, no pronounced or weakness in bass, just music in it s pure unaltered form.

Recordings of moderate to bad quality, like old Dylan, Bad Company and Warren Zevon, sound better than ever using the Tetra-Helix. Great recordings from the likes of Mapleshade and Mobile Fidelity were simply stunning. Speed, precision, musicality all apply. I couldn t find anything negative about these cables to detract me from the music. You are a little closer to the music. Flaws that I assumed to be artifacts of limitations in my speakers and components were removed by interconnects. The improvement that these cables made to my system were on the same scale as going from solid state amplification to glass. I couldn t make my system sound better with even more expensive components either. The cables being used with expensive components will limit their performance no matter how much dough is sunk into the electronics.

I can t say for sure that the Tetra-Helix cables will be the best cables for your system. Different systems react to different cables differently. What works well in one place, with one combination of components, fails somewhere else. But do know that Zeus Tetra-Helix is "out there" amongst a group of contenders with very few members. Compared to the small "elite" cable group, other wires, even very expensive wires, sound defective in my system compared to these. I’ve found a winner in the Zeus Tetra-Helix and they’ll have a home in my system for a long time.
Considering the price of these cables, the 30-day return policy and the excellent support from Doug, I highly suggest giving them a shot in your system.


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Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« Reply #1 on: 31 Jan 2003, 04:39 pm »
Very nice Nikko. Thanks for providing such a great review.

Well, I guess this muddies the waters even more. Another new cable designer and another new recipe getting a profusely positive review. How does one choose? It seems like there are quite a few cables available to us now that offer excellent results.

Do you know if Doug will be joining the audiocircle mfg'rs?  Does he have a website?


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Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« Reply #2 on: 31 Jan 2003, 04:50 pm »
Thanks for the kind words, Audiojerry. It's not often that I take the time to write up a review like this, especially for wire, but I was astounded by how good these relatively inexpensive cables are.

Doug has his own forum here called Matrixav and I believe his web site is www.matrixav.us.



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Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« Reply #3 on: 2 Mar 2003, 07:10 am »
Anyone else buy these things yet? I'd like someone else to confirm how good these cables are.


Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« Reply #4 on: 2 Mar 2003, 05:01 pm »
Why don't we do a comparison with it and the M-80s? I think they would make for a good shoot-out. I've tried the silver cats before, but we won't go there.


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Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« Reply #5 on: 2 Mar 2003, 05:16 pm »
Uh-ah! We'll blindfold you, put a Bolder Cable tag on the Tetra-Helix cables, and presto, they'll be magical! :wink:


Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« Reply #6 on: 2 Mar 2003, 05:19 pm »
Yes or we will compare them as we always do.  Cables make a huge difference and their sonic signature can be easily discerned without blindfolds and robots performing the tests.  It doesn't even matter what system they're in, they maintain their sonic signature regardless.


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Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« Reply #7 on: 2 Mar 2003, 05:36 pm »
I think Nikko is hinting that you might be biased  :D

I happen to know that you will do or say just about anything if someone gives you a boston creme long dong  :mrgreen:


Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« Reply #8 on: 2 Mar 2003, 05:46 pm »
As long as it's chocolate frosted  :lol:


Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« Reply #9 on: 2 Mar 2003, 06:33 pm »
Quote from: Tyson
I think Nikko is hinting that you might be biased  :D

I know, I kind of tip-toed around it.  It wouldn't be the first time somebody implied or more bravely straight up said I was biased or that the possibility of bias exists in me, and it won't be the last.  :cry:


Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« Reply #10 on: 2 Mar 2003, 09:03 pm »
In all seriousness tho I'd like this shoot out to take place.
I'd like to see Nikko conducting the Double Blind tests with the cables marked A, B, C etc. And have Nikko publish the results...you guys game?
I don't think I'd be the only one interested in this comparison. Will others please chime in if you'd be interested in this...
Does this mean I think you guys are bias?...you decide for yourselves. If this takes place the results would be very credible and I would instantly buy a set of the cables that prove to be the best for my needs.

To add an x factor to the whole deal I'd like to throw a third, unnamed, cable into the mix.
For a change, I think it would be nice to have the shootout in a system other than Jason's. Maybe Tyson's or Nikko's rig? I think Jason will be very familiar with the sound of the M80's in his system and may know the sound too well...if you know what I mean  :wink:

Sorry for the digs on bias guys...I'm just a skeptical Bastard!  :D



Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« Reply #11 on: 2 Mar 2003, 09:26 pm »
Quote from: EProvenzano
I'd like to see Nikko conducting the Double Blind tests with the cables marked A, B, C etc.

Are you sure you know how a DOUBLE BLIND works? If you took the time to look around you would see that we have taken time to do what you just described, which is a SINGLE BLIND.  In addition to doing cable reviews in my system we have done cable reviews in TYSON'S SYSTEM and MIKE GALUSHA'S SYSTEM. Sorry Eric, but you post just proves it doesn't matter what we actually do, people will make up whatever shit that fits their previously established beliefs.  Dare I say you are biased?


Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« Reply #12 on: 3 Mar 2003, 02:01 am »
I'll assume you are talking to me PEZ..
I don't know who "Eric" is.

My humble appologies if you truely misunderstood the meaning of my post...but I doubt it. I'm not going to get into a war of words with you or get hung up on semantics.

I think my meaning was plenty clear. I doubt that you can substantiate any claim that I have exhibited bias beyond what one would normally expect...I mean, shit everyone has some bias. IMO some people plainly show a little too much.
Like I said above, I don't think that I'd be alone in wanting a shoot-out done under slightly different circumstances, if only to add more credibilty for a self admitted skeptic.



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Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« Reply #13 on: 3 Mar 2003, 02:52 am »
We've done single blind tests many times.  Not always, but regularly.  I'm not really sure how one would do a double blind setup in a home environment.


Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« Reply #14 on: 3 Mar 2003, 02:55 am »
Quote from: EProvenzano
Like I said above, I don't think that I'd be alone in wanting a shoot-out done under slightly different circumstances, if only to add more credibilty for a self admitted skeptic.

Here's a different circumstance for you: Do it yourself


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Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« Reply #15 on: 3 Mar 2003, 03:21 pm »
In all fairness to the M-80 I think the Tetra-Helix should be compared to the Nitro. If the Tetra-Helix cable doesn't sound better I'll eat a boston creme long dong.


Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« Reply #16 on: 3 Mar 2003, 05:16 pm »
Sounds good.  One problem. I have no time to go to your house :( .  What if we mailed cables back and forth? You could mail me the Tetras and I could mail you the Nitros.  I refuse to write a review, this is more for my own personal findings.  If people want to know what I think they can PM me. Feel free to write your own review of course.  :) Tyson and Mike will probably want in on this as well.


Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« Reply #17 on: 3 Mar 2003, 08:49 pm »
I'll volunteer to host and play cable switcher. Jason and Tyson are very familiar with each other systems but not mine. I haven't met Nikko but I get the impression you live in the Denver area as well. It would be a pleasure.

I will throw in a cable other than a Bolder or Tetra-Helix for the 'X'. It may not be true DBT ABX but if all three of the listeners don't know which is which until the end then the field should be even. I can provide notepads and pens. :D

FWIW, I don't own any Bolder products even though I am friends with Wayne. Nothing against Wayne or his products, it's just that I don't use any commerical IC's, all are DIY so I have little if any bias to anyone's product.  (read: cheap bastard :))



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Zeus Tetra-Helix ICs Reviewed
« Reply #18 on: 6 Mar 2003, 06:59 am »
Pez, you're diss'n me! My feelings are hurt. All that time spent on cable comparisons but no time for the big trek to Longmont? Hmmm! :wink:

Mike..you're more than welcome to come to my place. Maybe you could score some Nitros and bring 'em up. I'll be moving into a new house in two weeks with a dedicated sound room so anytime after that would be great.