I bought this, it should be here next week http://www.brooklynbedding.com/latex-mattresses/14-inch-aloe-latex-mattress. It has two 3" layers of talalay on top of foam, details can be found in the link. I was able to try another talalay-over-foam mattress before pulling the trigger.
www.themattressunderground.com was very helpful and informative.
I think you made a great choice. Over the past week I've done tons of online research and local shopping, and am on the verge of pulling the trigger on this one:
http://www.brooklynbedding.com/memory-foam-mattresses/14-inch-aloe-memory-foam-mattressExact same bed, except the Adelle comfort layers are 3" latex + 3" gel infused memory foam vs. the 6" of latex contained in your Alexis model. I felt it would give better flexibility than all latex for "fine tuning" the feel.
In both models, different densities of latex can be swapped in to vary the softness / firmness. But since the Adelle layers are different materials, either the latex can be placed on top, or the memory foam can go on top. Again, helpful in fine tuning as each has a slightly different feel.
The mfr offers a free latex layer exchange program, first 120 days, till you get it right. No charges at all, mfr even pays the shipping both ways.
The beds and the company have rave reviews all over the web. They are also sold on Amazon under the name Dreamfoam. Customer service is reported to be exemplary. Spoke to Chuck on phone ystrdy. Good guy, no pressure or push, just answered questions. Struck me as real straight up and honest, and was confident I'd love either model, without coming across as a pushy and sleazy salesman. Just sounded like a guy who really believed in his product. After chatting about my specific needs, aches and pains, etc. he thought the Adelle model
might be a better choice, but either would be fine. This was my instinct, and how I was leaning, pre-chat.
A bit risky to buy without trying, but after all my research and trying countless beds locally, I've learned quite a bit about the different approaches, constructions and materials. Brooklyn Bedding seems high quality to me. This, combined with the slew of positive owner comments, gives me confidence in either of these models. Additionally, the ability to fine tune things w the free layer exchange program is really appealing, and effectively eliminates the risk that it won't feel "right".
I'd love to hear your feedback after sleeping on it for awhile.