2000-2005 Saab Convertible Experience and Recommendations

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I would really love to get a used convertible and after thinking about it, it would seem that a Saab convertible meets my main requirement of being able to transport my wife and two boys (no two seater for me).

Does anybody have any experience or recommendations with Saab convertibles from 2000-2005?  I am picking this range because this is where I think I can buy a car in the price range I am willing to entertain.

Are there certain models or years that I should avoid or target?  I will be pretty easy on the car and reliability is much more important than performance.  My commute to work is only 15 miles round trip and I will use the car for local driving only.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.



Re: 2000-2005 Saab Convertible Experience and Recommendations
« Reply #1 on: 16 May 2011, 02:45 pm »

You're in between model styles from 2000-2005.

From 2000-2003 it's the older SAAB 900-derived range.  I thought they were great looking...but the body shakes are simply terrible.  If you go that route (as it's less costly), it's almost a necessity to get a 6 point underbody brace from GenuineSAAB.com to control the flexing:


The newer body style, I think began in the 2004 model year for the convertible. It has a GM motor rather than the dated SAAB 2.0, independent rear suspension, passive rear steering and a host of safety and other upgrades.  It's really quite an upgrade in most ways (except the seats - which the old 9-3 had seats to die for :thumb:)

SAAB's make fantastic used car buys so you're bound to do okay on price any way you play it.


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Re: 2000-2005 Saab Convertible Experience and Recommendations
« Reply #2 on: 16 May 2011, 03:26 pm »
Thanks for your input John.



Re: 2000-2005 Saab Convertible Experience and Recommendations
« Reply #3 on: 16 May 2011, 05:38 pm »
Sure George.

btw, the flexing on the newest 9-3 convertible body style is nearly non-existent now.  They have a separate subframe (and undercarriage brace) that probably costs SAAB $1000 extra alone in manufacturing costs...but it entirely remedies flexing. 

It really is a horrible problem with the older body style.  If you can afford the newer body style, I'd vote for that.

I have a 2008 SAAB 9-3 AERO (wagon) and drove the convertible and found it to be remarkably similar in body solidity (the 4 door and wagons don't have the pricey sub-frame). 

Note that it was a non-AERO convertible I drove (slightly softer springs and smaller, 55-series 16" wheels) whereas the AERO models have stouter suspension set up and 45-series 17" wheels so the comparo with body flexing wasn't exactly perfect. 

My wife has a 2004 BMW 325ci convertible (non sport suspension) and it's good (she likes it)...but, I think the SAAB is a better value and slightly more roomy inside.   



Re: 2000-2005 Saab Convertible Experience and Recommendations
« Reply #4 on: 16 May 2011, 05:49 pm »
I'd also check with Bob From St. Louis as (I believe) he used to be a Saab service technician or he managed a service department.  For the record, I have three friends (small sample size) who have owned Saab converts.  Two people hate them and swear they will never own another Saab.  One person, has an older 900 convert (i think that's the model) and, the last time I checked, it is still running with 200K miles.  He is not particularly careful but the car runs (or ran at least) for a very long time without issue. 

I would take the car to a good mechanic or check with a mechanic to see what you should look for before purchasing.  I had an old VW Bug convertible and it was a money-pit.  I'll never forget the day I sold it because it was one of the best days of my life!

Good luck



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Re: 2000-2005 Saab Convertible Experience and Recommendations
« Reply #5 on: 17 May 2011, 12:54 am »
I'd also check with Bob From St. Louis as (I believe) he used to be a Saab service technician or he managed a service department.  For the record, I have three friends (small sample size) who have owned Saab converts.  Two people hate them and swear they will never own another Saab.  One person, has an older 900 convert (i think that's the model) and, the last time I checked, it is still running with 200K miles.  He is not particularly careful but the car runs (or ran at least) for a very long time without issue. 

I would take the car to a good mechanic or check with a mechanic to see what you should look for before purchasing.  I had an old VW Bug convertible and it was a money-pit.  I'll never forget the day I sold it because it was one of the best days of my life!

Good luck


I will be talking to Bob this weekend - thanks for the idea.
