Very disillusioned with this hobby...

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Big Red Machine

Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #20 on: 30 Apr 2011, 04:53 pm »
Have you popped th elid and held onto the transformer and then see if it is something else that is buzzing?  Does it need a damper washer or clamp of some type?


Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #21 on: 30 Apr 2011, 07:24 pm »
other things you can try is using a cheater plug ,
and changing interconnects , in my system , i had a case where the ic's were picking up the noise .


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Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #22 on: 1 May 2011, 04:40 pm »
If it really is the transformer buzzing, then it is possible the transformer and amp is fine but your power is not. Do you have any fluorescent lighting on the same circuit? Or possibly some other appliance that may be dumping noise back onto your AC line? You could try unplugging everything else from your AC circuit, not just your other audio equipment, to see if that stops the transformer from buzzing.


Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #23 on: 2 May 2011, 09:13 am »
Hi Neko Audio,

I could try to ascertain what other products are on the line.  I previously bought a ps audio humbuster and I thought that this would take care of the DC on the line?  After this did not work I replaced the transformer which does appear to be a little better.

I don't have my system set up at the moment but it looks like when I turn the amplifier off for about 10 - 20 seconds and switch it on again the transformer does not buzz.  This is a better result than what I had before the transformer swap. 

Thanks for the help.




Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #24 on: 2 May 2011, 10:48 am »
Yes I have been frustrated too.... and miserable.

I did something similar to you. Bought some gear that i salivated over. Spent too much money on it.
Had problems with buzz with one component. Sent it back to the guy who made it. Waited entirly too long to get it back. More buzzing. This went on for many, many months and with three different pieces.

I lost money.... but a lesson emerged. Don't believe all the hype about equipmemt. Also I am the type that I don't want to pay alot of $$ for gear I have to troubleshoot to get good sound.

Bought ANOTHER MANUFACTURER and great buzz. Buyer beware I guess.The first guy got pieces from a big name in Germany and re-engineered them and sold them under his name for less money.


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Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #25 on: 3 May 2011, 01:09 am »
I could try to ascertain what other products are on the line.  I previously bought a ps audio humbuster and I thought that this would take care of the DC on the line?  After this did not work I replaced the transformer which does appear to be a little better.

I don't have my system set up at the moment but it looks like when I turn the amplifier off for about 10 - 20 seconds and switch it on again the transformer does not buzz.  This is a better result than what I had before the transformer swap.

If there is something causing a problem, best thing is to remove the cause rather than treat the symptom. I once had a lamp on my bedroom circuit that caused was injecting lots of noise due to a bad ballast, and this resulted in audible transformer hum.

A more tightly-wound transformer would hum less under the same circumstances, which might be why the new transformer is quieter. But I'm not sure about things if your transformer seems to start humming after being on a while, instead of right from the beginning.


Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #26 on: 3 May 2011, 01:35 am »
Sooner or later, this happens to all on this path.  Maybe it's this, maybe it's that.  But, sooner or later you will see how silly it all is.  :lol:

My solution has been DIY.  Very easy, extremely satisfying, and em[bare asses] most commercial offerings at a fraction of the price.

Listening right now to my $400 spud amp.  Is it better than my shindo amp?  I don' care - I love it!


Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #27 on: 3 May 2011, 01:12 pm »
Here is a random thought.  Since they are monoblocks, do you have them plugged into the same outlet or seperate outlets?  If seperate, try plugging them into the same outlet along with all your other gear, use a power strip or whatever if need be.  Just trying to eliminate the possibility of opposite phase power.

Delta Wave

Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #28 on: 3 May 2011, 01:46 pm »
I had the same problem using my NAD amps as monoblocks. When they are used as monoblocks, they have a floating ground and when I installed my newly modded preamp there was a ton of buzz in both channels. I just did some creative chassis grounding, trying different loops with different components and finally got rid of it. I ended up having to ground the amps themselves to my power conditioners. Don't get discouraged, just be patient and don't jump to blaming the components, start out with some simple, logical troubleshooting... Electricity loves to stray if you don't keep it on a tight leash.

Big Red Machine

Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #29 on: 3 May 2011, 01:53 pm »
Here is a random thought.  Since they are monoblocks, do you have them plugged into the same outlet or seperate outlets?  If seperate, try plugging them into the same outlet along with all your other gear, use a power strip or whatever if need be.  Just trying to eliminate the possibility of opposite phase power.

And have you swapped them left to right as well to see if one is more susceptible than the other?


Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #30 on: 4 Sep 2011, 09:39 am »

I thought I would update this thread to let forum members know that I have been getting advice from the manufacturer regarding the problems that I've been having with the amps.

Apparently wired 4 sound are now the owners of spread spectrum technology.  On the advice of walter leiderman from underwood hifi I contacted EJ by telephone.  EJ spent quite a bit of time with me and I Ran thru the issues I have with them.

I am not worried about the slight buzzing sound of the transformers (appear to have gotten better after replacing the transformer).  He suggested using a slightly higher rated fast blow fuse because he said that the factory has had this problem a couple of times before.  He told me that I could safely do so without harm to the output stage.

He also recommended upgrading my circuit breaker which continually activates and is very annoying because I have to reset it.

The amp seems a lot more stable and after 2 years of frustration I'm hoping that it is fixed now.  This all could have been fixed if the previous owner of
the company was more helpful.

Thanks I know that at times I've a drama queen but they cost me a lot of money to buy.

Regards rod


Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #31 on: 4 Sep 2011, 02:11 pm »
Glad things are coming up roses for you! W4S guys are great. I see them at every RMAF.


Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #32 on: 4 Sep 2011, 03:24 pm »
2 years? Man you have way more patience then me.


Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #33 on: 5 Sep 2011, 03:44 am »

I was patient because I had no other choice.  The amps wee sitting in a repair shop for 8 months in Melbourne (I live 1800 miles away) and eventually I had to get the dept of consumer affairs involved to get them back.

I now no longer trust fancy websites without doing due diligence but this is another story but I guess gives some insight to the level of my frustration.

Anyway just need to upgrade my circuit breaker now.

Regards rod


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Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #34 on: 7 Sep 2011, 01:57 am »
I had to replace a circuit breaker a while back. It would trip frequently which weakened it. Not related to audio though, it was my wife's damned hair dryer. :duh:
Good to hear things are looking up.

2 channel man

Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #35 on: 18 Oct 2011, 06:21 pm »
I agree our hobby has gone to hell in a handbasket , I live in Vancouver and the entire independant hi fi industry has imploded , everyone has either gone under or shut down their retail store to work out of some rat infested warehouse and say we only do custom home install !! lol too bad they think speakers in ceilings sound good . On the web it appears like the audio business is alive and thriving but it's a total illusion . Sadly the few stores that are left  aren't really hi fi stores either , oh we don't stock that unit but I can order it in for you ,,,,,,,,,,that is not the audio business that is a sad ass clerking job .


Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #36 on: 18 Oct 2011, 08:11 pm »
The audio business is in a state of flux right now, but it's still doing pretty well.  There are fewer dealers but there is a higher percentage of good ones.  You just have to take the time to find one you click with.

Yes, the good old days of having 20 stereo stores in your neighborhood are gone, but there's still more than enough to service the industry.  It just might mean a little bit of a drive.


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Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #37 on: 18 Oct 2011, 09:07 pm »
The audio business is in a state of flux right now, but it's still doing pretty well.  There are fewer dealers but there is a higher percentage of good ones.  You just have to take the time to find one you click with.

Yes, the good old days of having 20 stereo stores in your neighborhood are gone, but there's still more than enough to service the industry.  It just might mean a little bit of a drive.

Yes, well that and a willingness to pay something close to retail price. I fully support those custom HT shops as long as they let me return a two channel item I want to demo; well worth the price to get the service.


Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #38 on: 18 Oct 2011, 09:49 pm »
Hi Guys,

Sorry didn't know people were posting to my thread and thus the late response.

Oh well 18 posts on the forum and thanks for your input.  Whilst I hadn't heard this particular amplifier before I do own a current Son of Ampzilla which has been totally bullet proof for five years in my system.  I live in Australia and hifi
gear is 2 - 3 times what you typically pay in the US and that was why I imported the amps.

The total truth of the matter is that the dealer and manufacturer had a dust up over the sale of the amps to me and I mine were the last product sold by the dealer before he lost his dealership.  The manufacturer was quite unhelpful and whilst I believe I've been a good customer I feel let down.  Basically, I have been caught in the middle regarding the fallout by the manufacturer and dealer

Anyway, I have collected the amplifier from my audio technician and it is still buzzing without change.  I have isolated it from my system and there is very little hum but I can hear buzzing from the amp at my seated position which is about 9 feet away from the amplifier. 

Okay, now maybe we can help.  If it is a transformer buzz, this is common.  If the amp is running a few watts classA, then it is probably biased too high.  You may also need to tighten the bolt holding the transformer to the chassis.  There may be a pot that you can adjust for the bias.

When I mod the JC-1s, I adjust the bias down a little.  Fixes the hum.

Another thing that can cause this is if the load is too inductive on your power.  It may need power factor correction because the current is way out of phase with the voltage.  This reduces the efficiency of the transformer and may cause it to overheat and hum.

Steve N.


Re: Very disillusioned with this hobby...
« Reply #39 on: 19 Oct 2011, 11:33 pm »
Hi Gents,

After 2 years of pain I seem to fixed most of the issues that I had with this amplifier.  The buzzing from the problematic mono block is greatly reduced and is almost non existent at my listening position (it was easily heard prior to the transformer change).

The fuses are not blowing at all now but I had to go from 6amp fast blow to 8
amp fast blow to make it stable.  Lesson learnt buying a heavy product (too expensive to ship back for servicing) where the manufacturer is located in another country.  I have no problems that can be shipped for a reasonable cost.

Regards rod