I did the unthinkable

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Mike D

I did the unthinkable
« on: 30 Mar 2004, 04:36 pm »
I did something that I swore I would never do: I brought three of my favorite records to work with me!  They are in my office leaning against my stereo cabinet.  But wait, it gets worse....  I brought my record player to work too!!!  Keep in mind, work for me includes hundred of teenagers potentially touching my stereo equipment here in my office and in the band room.  My record player is a ProJect 6.1 with a Grado Sonata cartrige.  Tweaks are Mu Metal platter under a sorbothane platter.  The thin glass platter is at home.  Cables are Harmonic Tech Truthlinks.

My record player is here so that I could spend more time setting it up properly.  I have my DB Systems protractor and it help but I still have a problem with the cartridge wobbling at the beginning of the records.  Why does this happen?  Can you recommend sites on the internet where I can learn more about set up?  I also have the Cardas set up record.  I'm going to go see if I can borrow a scale from a biology/science teacher now.

story time:

Since it was here yesterday during my History of Rock and Roll class, I played them my personal vinyl favorite, Wish You Were Here.  It was amazing, thirty kids lined up two wide as if they were sitting in a roller coaster... they have all been taught about the importance of speaker placement, imaging, and the sweet spot.  Every day, they get to class earlier and ealier in order the get the sweet spot.  :-)  They were dead silent with eyes closed for each side.  Between sides they seemed stunned by the music and glossy from the trance.  I love my job.

Scott F.

Re: I did the unthinkable
« Reply #1 on: 30 Mar 2004, 09:10 pm »
Quote from: Mike D
Since it was here yesterday during my History of Rock and Roll class, I played them my personal vinyl favorite, Wish You Were Here. It was amazing, thirty kids lined up two wide as if they were sitting in a roller coaster... they have all been taught about the importance of speaker placement, imaging, and the sweet spot. Every day, they get to class earlier and ealier in order the get the sweet spot.  They were dead silent with eyes closed for each side. Between sides they seemed stunned by the music and glossy from the trance. I love my job.

Thats very cool. Training the next generation of audiophiles. You know, it's a shame that more teachers don't take the time like you are to really help kids understand what they are listening to (sonically).

So are you going to get into recording quality, MP3's, compression, normalizing and all that stuff with them too? If so I've got some decent text and a pretty good examples of horribly recorded music (new and old) if you want copies.

When it comes to TT setup, heres a few quick links. I haven't read each of them in detail but they look as if there is some decent info in all of them.

Graham Slee Site

Glen Carol Audio

Linn TT Site


I did the unthinkable
« Reply #2 on: 30 Mar 2004, 10:34 pm »
I need a job like that!


I did the unthinkable
« Reply #3 on: 30 Mar 2004, 10:44 pm »
I thought you were supposed to doodle Pink Floyd logos on the back of your math notebook and get yelled at for not paying attention - now they're TEACHING it!  Boy, times have changed! :)

I had a music class like that in school once but the speakers were wall-mounted about 8' high in the choir room and it was rather echoey in there if I recall.  No way my teacher would've been crankin' any Floyd though—that's pretty cool.  Even cooler that the kids were quiet during the whole thing.  Impressive.

There weren't any lasers involved by chance, were there? :wink: