Any trail runners out there?

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Any trail runners out there?
« on: 23 Mar 2011, 11:42 pm »
I have been running trails for since 1997  and running since 1980.  i am old an slow but still enjoy getting out for a long run on the Pennsylvania AT on the weekend.  i also do the occasional ultra from time to time, but that has dropped off as I have gotten older.  Hoping to do a 100K this summer followed up with a 100 miler this fall, assuming I can get in ultra shape again.

Anyhow, anybody else doing the trails?



Re: Any trail runners out there?
« Reply #1 on: 9 Jul 2011, 11:30 pm »
For various reasons I haven't been able to run for the past several weeks and have seriously detrained.  I started back last week and have set a couple goals:  Run the Green Lakes Endurance Run 50K in Syracuse, NY in late August and use that as a springboard to run the Lost 118 in Florida in February followed by the Keys 100 in May.  After that who knows.

Green Lakes isn't that far off so it will be a survival contest to see how much I want to suffer.   

At 61 getting back in shape is no fun.  The key to completing these runs is the long training run.  Did a very slow 15 mile trail run today.  i will hold it at 15 for a couple of weeks and slowly bump the long run  into the mid 20s with lots of elevation gain.  After the 50K I plan to introduce speed work to improve my cruising speed.  I am much too slow and fat right now.  The key is consistency. High miles aren't as important as just doing it week in week out.

Anyone else training for an ultra, maraton or just running?



Re: Any trail runners out there?
« Reply #2 on: 10 Jul 2011, 05:25 pm »
Hey Badwater,

Yes I love to run trails. It is one of my favorite things to do. I don't think I am of the same mind as you, as I don't really want to run a marathon race. But I enjoy running trails for many reasons-

1 It's great fun to do with the wife.
2 When my wife cannot go, Socrates my dog, will always go.
3 Keeps us all fit and heart healthy.
4 Trail running will raise and lower your heart rate. More lungs and heart training. Good stuff.
5 Keep doing it on a regular basis and you might lose weight. More health benefit here again.
6 Clears my mind and helps me concentrate.
7 Runners High, Yeah I get it about 4 to 5 miles of cross country running

There are two negatives when it comes to running

1 If you don't ease into it, you can get injured or have a serious health issue that you are not aware of. You should not PUSH it till you are ready. While you are embarking on training and (in the middle) you should schedule periodic appointments with your doctor. Screenings are really good at catching potential problems. My mother in-law had a blood clot in her shoulder that could have moved to her heart. She had to ease into walking, then eventually jogging at a very controlled slow schedule.

2 If you are running, and some older guy passes you up, it can be frustrating. It will reveal how bad of out of shape you have fallen. BUT KEEP TRAINING, and you will be the old guy passing up the younger guys!!!

I am now stationed in Iraq. Back home not to many people run. Here on post, everybody runs. They run to the gym, at the track, in the gym on treadmills, and back to the billets. All ages and ranks of women and men are running. It's a great thing to see, and a great motivator to stay in shape. God Bless the runners of the American Military!

And also Badwater, we have real Bad water here, we drink from bottled water everywhere we go. There are pallets of it everywhere.


Re: Any trail runners out there?
« Reply #3 on: 11 Jul 2011, 04:51 pm »
Great commonsense advise. 

I run trails to clear my head and have a good time.  Running ultras is a passion that has to be experienced to understand.  Right now I am working very hard to get back into ultra shape as this past year has been tough for training for a variety of reasons.  If I can stay focused and train consistently I should be able get back into shape.

Badwater is my all time favorite race.  Google it if you are interested, I have done this race two times: 2003 and 2006.



Re: Any trail runners out there?
« Reply #4 on: 11 Jul 2011, 06:38 pm »
Badwater - you ran in the Badwater ultra?  That's very impressive.  I imagine you can do anything, fitness related, if you set your mind to it.  I'd be lucky to squeek out a mile or two! 

At the moment, I only cycle but need to get into more things to improve my fitness.  My legs are fit, for cycling but I can't run to save my life.  Literally, I don't think I could outrun an old lady.  Keep us posted on your training.  Perhaps some people on this site could learn from your experience.

Lastly, anyone unfamiliar with Badwater Ultra marathon should google it.  That's about as tough as it gets in my opinion...




Re: Any trail runners out there?
« Reply #5 on: 18 Jul 2011, 02:21 am »
Good week of running.  It didn't start all that well since I was only able to do a 4 mile road run on Monday and was unable to run until Saturday.  On Saturday I did loops on the local mountain for 12 miles with around 2100 feet of climb and on today ran an out and back on the Cumberland Valley Section of the Appalachian Trail for 21 miles.  It was hot in the mid to high 80s.    I felt very good for most of the run.  My legs were shot at the end and I couldn't climb but could run the flats and downhills. Total for the week is 36 miles. 

For this coming week I am planning for a 4 mile run on Tuesday, 12 mile trail run on Thursday, and a 20+ mile trail run of Saturday.  I will probably ride the bike on Wednesday and Sunday. 

I have decided not to drop down to 50K from the 100K at Green Lakes at the end of August. If my training stays on track I should be able to finish the 100K.  Worst case is a long run and a DNF. 

I am encouraged,  I haven't been this motivated in long time.

Life is good!



Re: Any trail runners out there?
« Reply #6 on: 29 Jul 2011, 02:51 am »
Seven mile trail run with my son today in the rain. Ran the Darlington Trail from Lambs Gap out and back. It doesn't get much better than that!javascript:void(0);


Re: Any trail runners out there?
« Reply #7 on: 3 Sep 2011, 02:01 am »
Phase 1 is over. I ran the Green Lakes Endurance Run 50K last week in rainy Syracuse, NY (Hurricane Irene).  I finished and felt pretty good for most of the run, although I was slow.  Room for lots of improvement. 

Phase 2 is to train for the Lost 118 in February and the Keys 100 in May.  To finish these runs I am really going to have to pick it up....30-40 mile weeks isn't going to cut it.