Panasonic SA-XR45 HT Mod

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Panasonic SA-XR45 HT Mod
« Reply #20 on: 30 Apr 2004, 11:03 pm »
There are many people out there who are very capable to build and mod any electronic device.  

I have posted my thoughts and most of what I do for the mods I developed on this site. There is plenty of information available for someone to mod the unit themself, if they wish to spend the time researching it.

If you or anyone else wishes to offer mods for the Panasonic receivers, I  truly wish them the best of luck in their venture. They will need it :)



Panasonic SA-XR45 HT Mod
« Reply #21 on: 30 Apr 2004, 11:17 pm »
I think Wayne has been very forthcoming about the mods.  Like he said, if you wish to do the mods, he has given you plenty of information to point you in the right direction.  You need to fill in the gaps but for someone who's wellfare depends on revenue I think has been more than generous.  

I don't blame him for not wanting to make a DIY kit so that customers can pay him less and bug him more.  That is a loosing proposition.


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Panasonic SA-XR45 HT Mod
« Reply #22 on: 1 May 2004, 12:31 am »
My reply was not based on anyone's abilities or prerogative, but simply based on the respect that was given to me in response to a simple question.  I don't appreciate undue ridicule, I was unaware that my question was asked in a prior thread.

Enough said....on to a friendly/informative discussion


Panasonic SA-XR45 HT Mod
« Reply #23 on: 1 May 2004, 12:42 am »
There was no undue ridicule in Wayne's reply, so I don't see where you are coming from?  Wayne simply stated the question has been asked before then gave a short explanation. . .



panny mods
« Reply #24 on: 1 May 2004, 01:56 am »

I think wayne should offer a diy modded version for the panasonic digital amps.

Let's say $700us which is the cost of having the unit modded anyway  :) .

Btw Wayne is a stand up guy, offers good quality products and customer service. most people on this forum will come to his defence for those reasons.




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Panasonic SA-XR45 HT Mod
« Reply #25 on: 1 May 2004, 02:16 am »
That's great. Apparently the last two replys failed to read the last sentence of my post.( Enough said)!   I'm sure Wayne is a stand up guy and his products/customer service is outstanding.

Once Again....Enough Said


Panasonic SA-XR45 HT Mod
« Reply #26 on: 1 May 2004, 02:40 am »
Oh, I'm sorry, now it's time to bow-down and take orders. . .  :notworthy:

Enough said   :wink:



Panasonic SA-XR45 HT Mod
« Reply #27 on: 1 May 2004, 04:39 am »
It takes me 20-30 hours of work to complete one mod. The price I am charging for this work is very low.

I couldn't agree more.

Btw Wayne is a stand up guy, offers good quality products and customer service.

I still can't agree more.  :wink:


Panasonic SA-XR45 HT Mod
« Reply #28 on: 1 May 2004, 11:51 am »
Quote from: armstrg3
Seems to me that you not only enjoy posting comments on this website and obviously have more than ample time to do so.   My question is, why would you respond to a simple question, as if, it is such an inconvenience to you?

Being unaware that the simple question has already been asked, you must be under the impression that I am one of your inept followers who is mislead to believe that you are the one person in the world capable of modifying an electronic device.  

I hope your business decisions have competition factored in........?

:evil: TROLL :evil:

And in his 2nd post on this thread, he manages to insult all the customers of Wayne as well.
Bravo, dude...  :nono:

inept follower,


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Panasonic SA-XR45 HT Mod
« Reply #29 on: 2 May 2004, 03:40 pm »
Back to the panny... any comments... yet????


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Panasonic SA-XR45 HT Mod
« Reply #30 on: 2 May 2004, 03:53 pm »

Get your ass moving and give us your impressions!!!




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Panasonic SA-XR45 HT Mod
« Reply #31 on: 2 May 2004, 04:23 pm »
That's more like it :!:


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Panasonic SA-XR45 HT Mod
« Reply #32 on: 2 May 2004, 04:27 pm »
I can get away with that since he is one of my best friends for the past 15 years... :lol:  :lol:

I don't want to steal Sean's thunder, but I do know that he thinks very highly of the unit and he has told me that it is the best his system has ever sounded.

I will leave the gory details for Sean to spill.



Panasonic SA-XR45 HT Mod
« Reply #33 on: 3 May 2004, 02:50 am »
Ok,  I finally had some time to sit down and do some listening.
My first impression is that the panny sounds simply marvelous.

My two channel and my HT rig are one in the same.  My speakers are Coincident SuperConquests, with the Triumph center channel, speaker cable is Wireworld Orbit (can't remember which specific line), my dvd player is the Panny xp-30 with a Monster optical cable,  I also picked up one of those Toshiba 3950's everyone is so ga-ga over and am using an Argent Jaden Sig dig coax with it and of course the Bolder Cable Co modded Panny SA-RX45 with a Bolder power cord made to be offered with the 45.

I did all two channel listening with the xp-30 and Monster cable, it just sounds better than the 3950.  Ideally I will upgrade to the Sony 7700 with the EA mods sometime this summer.  I also couldn't afford to have Wayne put Bybees on my 45,  that is something else I hope to upgrade as well.

Now for some specifics.  There are a couple of things that the panny does that are simple amazing for its price.  The first being midrange, I just have never heard anything this smooth.  I had Paul Simon's Graceland on and it never sounded better. The second I'm not sure what is called,  but the only way I can describe is that the panny seems to effortlessly umcomplicate music that is very involved, esp classical.  I have been listening to Johan Quantz's Four Concertos for Flute over and over again.

The panny's other strong suits include imaging and detail.  I have never heard my speakers sound so good.

One area I am having a little trouble in is bass.  Keep in mind that my room is only partially treated with diy bass traps designed after Realtraps and that 1/3 of my ceiling is unfinished.  I have no reason to believe its the panny's fault.  Once I get my room treatments and bybees in place, I will know more.

The last thing I can think of mentioning is how the panny scares me with how realistic instruments sound.  I usally listen with my eyes closed.  I have noticed that more than a few times I had to open my eyes and check just to make sure.  :wink:

To sum up,  like I've said before, this is really a no-brainer for me.  Taking in to account all that you get, pre-amp, amp, tuner, remote, dac(well kinda :wink: ) and for me, HT, not to mention money saved on various cable and power cords, the 45 is a steal.


Panasonic SA-XR45 HT Mod
« Reply #34 on: 3 May 2004, 05:48 pm »
Thanks man.

Can you follow up on what exactly is up with your bass? Is it a peak or tad boomy/muddy? Or are you finding it slow or too weak?
I'm guessing based on you not thinking it's the Pannie that you're thinking it's a room prob.?
If yes... did the Pannie help the issue at all or did you find it made it a bit worse or...?


Panasonic SA-XR45 HT Mod
« Reply #35 on: 3 May 2004, 07:28 pm »
Quote from: azryan
Thanks man.

Can you follow up on what exactly is up with your bass? Is it a peak or tad boomy/muddy? Or are you finding it slow or too weak?
I'm guessing based on you not thinking it's the Pannie that you're thinking it's a room prob.?
If yes... did the Pannie help the issue at all or did you find it made it a bit worse or...?

I have rearranged the room, moved the proj screen to the opposite wall and the speakers moved with it.  The bass is a little boomy and not as tight as I would like it.  The bass traps are new for me and I have only been in my house for a year now.  I have not finished all of the traps, I only have two setup in the front corners. Don't get me wrong,  my bass has never sounded as good as it does now.  The bass I heard at Tyson's with his modded unit was pretty damn good.  Obviously his setup is different than mine, but I think I will be able to get close.  I wouldn't worry too much about the bass, as everybody at Tyson's (who have been in to this way longer than me) thought the bass was fantastic.  Also, bybees are highly recommeneded with these dig amps,  andwere used for the testing at Tyson's.  I just can't afford them right now.


Panasonic SA-XR45 HT Mod
« Reply #36 on: 4 May 2004, 01:08 am »
Thanks for the 'bass' follow up. Hope you can get that tweaked out to what you want.

Even with the stock 45 I was having a great time with the bass so I didn't think you would be having a prob. with yours and figured it was your room like you were saying.

Looks like my 45 should be on it's way back home soon.

As for Bybees... I did get mine Bybee'd 'cuz of what your guys said. I was actually pretty suprised you then didn't get them on yours when you seemed to really think they made a BIG diff.

If you could have afforded 'em would you have just gotten one on the main L/R outs?

Could you remark at all about the diff. between day one and now? Seemed like people were saying it was pretty dramatic?

What did you find that changed over that time?



Panasonic SA-XR45 HT Mod
« Reply #37 on: 4 May 2004, 01:40 am »
I would have got them if I could have afforded them.  It was around tax time when I had to lay out the money for it, and I just couldn't swing it.  I just had to buy a new car as well.  I didn't listen much until it was broken in but it was dramatic.  Highs smoothed out, bass tightened up and detail and soundstage improved a lot.