Is there anything better than the Music Hall MMF-5 for the $

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Nick V

Well, I'm just a young buck and I'm looking to get into my first turntable. I don't need anything too serious, but I'd like it to sound as good as possible for the money.

As of right now, my 2-channel system consists of PSB stratus mini speakers, a Rotel RB-1070 amp, an Antique Sound Labs T1-DT passive preamp and a Pioneer 563a DVD-A/SACD player.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Rega P3
« Reply #1 on: 25 Mar 2004, 10:54 pm »
I think you should be able to pick up a Rega Planar 3 or P3 used on Audiogon or eBay, with the RB300 arm and a decent cart on it for the same price as the MMF-5 and live with this for a LONG time.


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Is there anything better than the Music Hall MMF-5 for the $
« Reply #2 on: 25 Mar 2004, 11:08 pm »
I'm sure you'll get lots of good suggestions.  

I think a TT choice depends on your goals (vinyl collection, sound performance you want, etc.), your upgrade tendencies, and your budget.  I own an MMF 5 and Cornet phono stage and I'm very pleased with the sound.  I chose the MMF as it was the best choice within my budget.  It has shown me how good vinyl can sound and I may consider upgrading the TT in another year or two.  

The downside to the MMF is that it is really not upgradeable.  If you are serious about vinyl, I would recommend purchasing the best you can affford.  If you have a price limit around the MMF cost, you might consider a better used unit at the same price.  

If you just want a TT that sounds good and you don't have the upgrade gene, the MMF 5 is a good choice.  Others may also have their favorite suggestions and you should listen to a few if you can before choosing.

Consider the phono stage in your planning also.  It makes a huge difference.

Nick V

Is there anything better than the Music Hall MMF-5 for the $
« Reply #3 on: 25 Mar 2004, 11:35 pm »
Well, I just turned 20 and I'm on my 4th speaker upgrade(actually 3 and 4). I have Paradigm Monitor 11's in the HT (along with CC and Surrounds) and PSB stratus Mini's in the 2ch. room. I've gone through 4 HT receivers and I'm just getting ready to jump into the separates game, and I'm on my 7th dvd player.

 I guess I'd consider myself an upgrader so maybe I had better get something that's easily upgradeable. BTW, the old Marantz DD table in my sig is my dad's that I was borrowing about a year ago (the page is outdated) and it sounded like garbage in my HT system. I think the stylus needs replacing, but that's another matter altogether...

I'm not that serious about vinyl *yet* but I have about 60 LP's (mostly classic Rock) that my dad gave to me so I'm jumping in with both feet. My budget is around  $850 CDN, so that's around $635 US.

Kevin P

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Is there anything better than the Music Hall MMF-5 for the $
« Reply #4 on: 25 Mar 2004, 11:42 pm »
You need to really take a look at the Bix.   See here:

It will clean the clock of that MMF table.  No comparison.


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Is there anything better than the Music Hall MMF-5 for the $
« Reply #5 on: 26 Mar 2004, 12:01 am »
No kidding.  The Bix is one I'm looking at.  Looks like a bargain in the $1k category (with cartridge).

Another option is to go with a used Rega and sell it later when you decide it is worth ugrading.  The Rega has a solid following. One definition of upgradeable is sellable.  The MMF 5 is not as popular on the resale circuit.


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Is there anything better than the Music Hall MMF-5 for the $
« Reply #6 on: 26 Mar 2004, 12:14 am »
What about this?

I am in no way affiliated with the seller.


Nick V

Is there anything better than the Music Hall MMF-5 for the $
« Reply #7 on: 26 Mar 2004, 01:30 am »
Thanks for the suggestions.

My budget is pretty firm at around $600-650 US at the moment. If there is a big performance difference between ~$600-800 I may just wait a couple months before buying as I won't have any "real" income 'till then as I'm in school right now.

The Bix looks pretty interesting, how much work does it take to put it all together and set it up? I am very new to the vinyl scene and don't really know my way around a turntable and it's parts. The only experience I have is with my dad's very un-tweakable Marantz Direct-Drive table.

Again, thanks for the suggestions and keep 'em coming...



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Is there anything better than the Music Hall MMF-5 for the $
« Reply #8 on: 26 Mar 2004, 05:07 am »
The Bix looks like a real good value in the belt drive category--if you are into belt drive... :oops:

Anyway, it's the only one with a load sensing DC motor(and pretty beefy, too!), so that gives it a degree of speed rotational stability and a huge advantage over the glass & particle board crowd.

When I was shopping for a TT I looked and auditioned several TTs in the under $1K category.  I went the DD route after reading about people who had modified their Technics 1200.  THen I was told about KAB Electroacoustics and talked to Kevin.


Is there anything better than the Music Hall MMF-5 for the $
« Reply #9 on: 26 Mar 2004, 06:09 am »
Not to beat a dead horse, but it seems I only spent $650 or so on my Planar 3 with Super Elyss cart as a dealer demo.  It replaced my aged Dual 1219 and I never looked back.
If that's your budget, it's a nice one from a listener's pt of view.

Good luck!



Is there anything better than the Music Hall MMF-5 for the $
« Reply #10 on: 26 Mar 2004, 11:18 am »

Rega Planar 3 w/Elys cartridge ($895) - $495


Bix Turntable
« Reply #11 on: 26 Mar 2004, 11:31 pm »

You should definitely try the Bix turntable.  It seems to be a really good price.

I wish it had been available in december 03 when i was looking for a turntable.

Take a leap of faith and purchase it  :) .




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Is there anything better than the Music Hall MMF-5 for the $
« Reply #12 on: 3 Apr 2004, 03:18 pm »
Check out the hcmaudio site- SOTA Moonbeam w/ Grado cart. Seems like a pretty good package....

Good luck



Is there anything better than the Music Hall MMF-5 for the $
« Reply #13 on: 3 Apr 2004, 04:27 pm »
I'm a 2-channel freak and I've just upgraded from an old mid-fi table, Sony 600, to an entry-level hifi table, Pro-ject RM4.  It came delivered with an Ortofon OM20 cartridge.  I'm using a Hagerman Bugle phono pre.

I'm amazed at how good it sounds.  I have 2 other cartridges to try but haven't had time.  I also have another couple of phono pre's to try but... time is an issue again.

The turntable, arm, cartridge, clamp, and cables were a package deal for about $500 USD.  This is the second upgrade to my vinyl rig in the past 10 years.  I have not enjoyed vinyl to the degree I do now previously.

However, I don't want to be 'totally into' vinyl.  It's its own hobby.  Also, most of the music I listen to is not available on records.  I end up buying stuff I think will sound good due to its condition instead of stuff I actually enjoy...  

If Dave Matthews, Derek Trucks Band, and Morcheeba were on vinyl, I might consider a higher-cost TT.  

I think putting the money in the cartridge would be the first priority, phono pre second, and table last.  You can exceed the quality of the table with the cart. but, that'd be an expensive cart.

I feel like I've found the point of diminishing returns on vinyl.  Spending much over a thousand on a vinyl rig (TT, pre, cart) would produce marginally better results for every extra few hundred... to me, anyway.



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Is there anything better than the Music Hall MMF-5 for the $
« Reply #14 on: 3 Apr 2004, 04:36 pm »
I would try the VPI HW-19 JR. with a Rega RB250 Tonearm and Grado Prestige Gold Phono Cartridge. At least this way you have upgrade options down the road. You could upgrade all the way to the HW-19MKIII. If you shop smartly you could purchase the above for under $800.


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« Reply #15 on: 14 Apr 2004, 03:46 am »
I am a SOTA proponnnet ONLY b/c it beat my P3 that I bought new, while the SOTA is a series II(circa 1980's). The Rega 250 arm betters the 300, at least in my listening tests. Also the 250 is easier to upgrade with the removable armstub, you can replace with the 2xtrem from Express Machining . I have seen used Sota on E-bay not even sell b/c they had no tonearms. One last week was offered at $250, and didn't even get one bid. The SOTA can be upgraded and armboards start at $70 for the MDF, even though I would go with the composite. The SOTA also has a speed control, which the Regas don't and probably need, with all the posts on the net and HIFI press about their speed ISSUES.  The BIX LOOKS great but has anyone here who is recommending it ever HEARD IT? I wonder?