ls9 specs?

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ls9 specs?
« on: 27 Jan 2011, 01:38 am »
1. Anyone know what the "nominal" watt and Ohm ratings are for the LS9's? 
2. How much power can they take, woofers and tweeters if they are Bi-Amped, each side?
3. I currently run 1000W each speaker, 500W per each woofer and tweeter bank, and they seem to suck that up with little problem at 3/4 AMP power.  Could they be driven with more?


Re: ls9 specs?
« Reply #1 on: 27 Jan 2011, 02:08 am »
What is the in room freq response

Bill Baker

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Re: ls9 specs?
« Reply #2 on: 27 Jan 2011, 02:13 am »
It's not "how much" power but the quality of the power and how responsible you are with it. You can run 600 watts into little monitors as long as it's clean. Stay away from high distortion levels and you could easily double your power.


Re: ls9 specs?
« Reply #3 on: 27 Jan 2011, 02:15 am »
I can't help you with the specs but those look like some very happy North Pole Nomes.


Re: ls9 specs?
« Reply #4 on: 27 Jan 2011, 02:18 am »
Oh yea!  What amps and pre amp are you running with those malo hombres?  Have you tried a tube amp on the ribbons? 

Danny Richie

Re: ls9 specs?
« Reply #5 on: 27 Jan 2011, 03:08 am »
These are a easy 8 ohm load, but an amp with high damping and good driver control goes a long way with them. And Bill (Response Audio) hit it right on the head. Too much power is never a problem so long as it is good clean power. And those speakers can eat lots of it if they need to. But do you have any idea how loud those speakers are hitting power peaks in the triple digits? We are talking triple digit SPL levels real easy if you are not careful.


Re: ls9 specs?
« Reply #6 on: 27 Jan 2011, 04:53 pm »
Danny - since these use "custom" speakers, what are the watt ratings for each Neo and Woofer?
Would one then sum these as in 9 x each Neo rating, and 12 x each woofer rating? 
I fully understand clean power, and good amp or receiver nowadays has limiters and clip protection. 
Reason I ask this is when people come over to listen, they have never heard a speaker system so clean and dynamic without distortion, and naturally want to hear it for a short period at loud levels. 
So right now I can run my amps all the way to pre clip (watching the Led indicators), and the volume is "loud", but it seems the speakers can easily suck the Amps dry. 
So - adding 2 more amps for a total of 4 and bridging would deliver 1500W of clean power to each side of each speaker, but I do not want to damage the speakers (just our hearing!).  Yeah - this may be nuts, but overkill is fun sometimes.

Danny Richie

Re: ls9 specs?
« Reply #7 on: 27 Jan 2011, 05:26 pm »
They will handle huge peaks pretty well, but I wouldn't get too carried away. 1000 watt peaks are not a problem but I wouldn't push it. It really all depends on the frequency range of those peaks. Really low frequency information (20Hz and less) will cause you to reach mechanical limits of the woofers before reaching thermal limits. So be careful what you play that loud.


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Re: ls9 specs?
« Reply #8 on: 27 Jan 2011, 05:42 pm »
Are you adding the extra power to the woofers? If so, you would get an additional 3 dB of headroom because you are doubling the 500 watts. At two meters you should already be able to play at about close to 120 dB!


Re: ls9 specs?
« Reply #9 on: 27 Jan 2011, 10:25 pm »
I ran my LS-9's with a 400wpc stereo amp an alternatly used Krell FPB 300 Monos (never bi-amped).  I gotta say, You could not stand to be in the room (14' 6" X 21') even at 1/2 power output of the amps. The SPL would make your ears hurt and the pressure would literally shake the windows walls and concrete slab under your feet. Are you sure your amps are outputting that kind of power specified (500wpc)? :scratch:

You may have some  pre amp / power amp matching, power suppily issues or power line sag. If anything you should have way too much output and fear for your hearing :o