Solid State amp recomendatiom

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Joe Frances

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Re: Solid State amp recomendatiom
« Reply #80 on: 26 Sep 2014, 11:33 pm »
This makes 2 people that I know that have lived with both Harbeth and Omega for a while and chose the Omega's.  So in consideration I think the Omega's should definitely be on your short list.  The other positives are the fact that the Omega's can be driven with only 2 watts, point source coherency and no tone coloring and/or complex crossovers.  If you do get to compare them I hope that you report back with your findings and let us know how they did. :thumb:

I will definitely report back when I get to hear the Omegas; if I get to hear the Omegas.  I think it is further interesting that apparently most people on this forum have purchased the Omegas with little or no experience of hearing them.  Can that be true?  I was at the NY Audio Show today and it dawned on me that hearing what you are going to buy is important.  Would you buy a car you never drove?  Would you buy a house you've never walked in?  An audio speaker to a music lover is pretty important, and one should hear it to fall in love with it.  It there's no love theres nothing. 


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Re: Solid State amp recomendatiom
« Reply #81 on: 27 Sep 2014, 12:35 am »
I will definitely report back when I get to hear the Omegas; if I get to hear the Omegas.  I think it is further interesting that apparently most people on this forum have purchased the Omegas with little or no experience of hearing them.  Can that be true?  I was at the NY Audio Show today and it dawned on me that hearing what you are going to buy is important.  Would you buy a car you never drove?  Would you buy a house you've never walked in?  An audio speaker to a music lover is pretty important, and one should hear it to fall in love with it.  It there's no love theres nothing.

One of the trade-offs of direct marketed products.... The upside? They cost about half of what they would if you could go to your local B&M store and try them out. And stereo shops are few and far between these days, most have gone out of business.

One strategy could be find a used pair and re-sell for little to no loss if you're not happy, or sell them and buy the exact model you want. If you buy low you could end up making money too.

Or just jump on a plane to Colorado and check out RMAF, then stop by my place to hear my Omegas....  :thumb:

Canada Rob

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Re: Solid State amp recomendatiom
« Reply #82 on: 27 Sep 2014, 04:46 pm »
@ Canada Rob - I don't mean to derail, but have you heard the Ideal Innovations Elite40SE SET amp and what are your impressions?  This is a great price and good amount of power for an SET.
Hi beowulf,
I have heard both the Elite 80 and 40SE, and even though they look identical, they are totally different in almost every way.  The Elite 80 is of course a push pull, and the 40SE is a parallel SET using the same 6AV5 tubes, but in triode mode.  The Elite 40SE has the typical SET sound - smooth and liquid, whereas the Elite 80 is cooler sounding, but with more punch and dynamics - closer to solid state.  Both are made in Canada with Canadian iron and Syd Beaumont is as good a proprietor as I have ever dealt with.  Either the Elite 80 or 40SE will work with any Omega or Hoyt-Bedford.

One reason the pricing is so low is, like Cyrus, he is getting a lot of mileage out of the same (custom made, not off the shelf) chassis, being used on a number of models.


Re: Solid State amp recomendatiom
« Reply #83 on: 28 Sep 2014, 03:19 am »
Thanks CR!  I eventually want to get a SET amp as I'm using a SEP right now.  I also want just a few more watts than the Decware Super Zen.  Steve D is coming out with a new S.E.T. this winter sometime that should be around 15 watts and it's possible it will be an OTL (although not for sure).  I do know it's going to use the 6C33C tube (the same tube used as guidance systems in MiGs and Nuclear Intercontinental ballistic missiles) ... so this should be very interesting if one is a Decware fan!

Guy 13

Re: Solid State amp recomendatiom
« Reply #84 on: 28 Sep 2014, 04:05 am »
Thanks CR!  I eventually want to get a SET amp as I'm using a SEP right now.  I also want just a few more watts than the Decware Super Zen.  Steve D is coming out with a new S.E.T. this winter sometime that should be around 15 watts and it's possible it will be an OTL (although not for sure).  I do know it's going to use the 6C33C tube (the same tube used as guidance systems in MiGs and Nuclear Intercontinental ballistic missiles) ... so this should be very interesting if one is a Decware fan!

Hi beowulf.
How about the SE34I.4 SET ?
It got more power than the SE84
or enough power for lower efficient speakers.
If I had the $$$ I would go with the SE34I.4,
that would be enough for my Omega 7F.
No pentode and push-pull for me.

Guy 13


Re: Solid State amp recomendatiom
« Reply #85 on: 28 Sep 2014, 05:15 am »
The Rachel, was one of the amps I was seriously looking into and almost purchased at least 2 times.  However most people seem to love the Super Zen CKC better and didn't think it seemed any louder than the 2 watt'er, that and most people think it outperforms everything except the ZMA and Torii Monos (as far as soundwise).  That's saying something for an amp that cost under 1K.  I like the Super Zen, but I would be a little happier with a tad more headroom so the new S.E.T. from Decware is something I will anxiously awaiting to hear how it sounds and it looks as if an early iteration of it will be previewed at Decfest this year, so I can't wait to hear the feedback on this thing.

Guy 13

Re: Solid State amp recomendatiom
« Reply #86 on: 28 Sep 2014, 07:37 am »
The Rachel, was one of the amps I was seriously looking into and almost purchased at least 2 times.  However most people seem to love the Super Zen CKC better and didn't think it seemed any louder than the 2 watt'er, that and most people think it outperforms everything except the ZMA and Torii Monos (as far as soundwise).  That's saying something for an amp that cost under 1K.  I like the Super Zen, but I would be a little happier with a tad more headroom so the new S.E.T. from Decware is something I will anxiously awaiting to hear how it sounds and it looks as if an early iteration of it will be previewed at Decfest this year, so I can't wait to hear the feedback on this thing.

Hi beowulf.
I like the marketing and product design philosophy of Decware.
No bullshit, simple and well built.
Hoooo.... Would I love to go the the Decfest to listen to all they have,
especially their speakers.
They have a webcam so you can see what's going on during the Decfest,
however, with the rothen Vietnamese internet connection,
it's very difficult to go something without interruption.
Even if I cannot afford anything right now, I still like to dream, after all,
dreaming is about the only thing free these days.

Guy 13

guillaume bougard

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Re: Solid State amp recomendatiom
« Reply #87 on: 28 Sep 2014, 08:22 pm »
I have a McIntosh solid state MC250 with a Quad QC24 preamp. The Quad is totally neutral and the combination is terrific.

They say the MC250 was designed to sound like a tube amp. Whatever the case, it is pleasant and does work with Reggae and Dub.

guillaume bougard

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Re: Solid State amp recomendatiom
« Reply #88 on: 28 Sep 2014, 08:35 pm »

I like the marketing and product design philosophy of Decware.

The TORII MK IV makes me freaking drool