Early Christmas Present

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Early Christmas Present
« on: 11 Dec 2010, 12:16 pm »
Hi All
Am typing this while listening to Deep Purples "Come Taste The Band" at a very satisfying volume.
Other than how good this generally underrated album is, there's another reason why I've got a great big smile on my face.
It's my early Christmas present to myself that's sitting on the end of the Ittok.
A Denon DL-S1
I trialled one earlier in the year and was very impressed. After a bit of deliberation a deal was struck and here we are.
This really is a special match.

The little beauty is staying put for some time to come.


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Re: Early Christmas Present
« Reply #1 on: 11 Dec 2010, 12:46 pm »

That's great Dave glad to see Santa Claus found you early   :dance:


Re: Early Christmas Present
« Reply #2 on: 11 Dec 2010, 12:50 pm »
Glitterazzi or what? Is that thing shod in gold leaf or something? That's the way it looks in pics on the web. How about a real life shot?



Re: Early Christmas Present
« Reply #3 on: 11 Dec 2010, 12:53 pm »
I was wondering how good that cartridge would be. Did you compare to others? Cost?


Re: Early Christmas Present
« Reply #4 on: 11 Dec 2010, 01:18 pm »

Thanks Guys
There's some pics in this link

In terms of comparisons I record my overview thoughts and sample clips on my website


What this Cart delivers over other LOMC's is body, plus a well controlled top end  without any accentuation.
I'll post up some more detailed thoughts when I can grab some spare time.


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Re: Early Christmas Present
« Reply #5 on: 11 Dec 2010, 01:28 pm »
Thanks for the links........Bill


Re: Early Christmas Present
« Reply #6 on: 11 Dec 2010, 07:17 pm »
What this Cart delivers over other LOMC's is body, plus a well controlled top end  without any accentuation.
I'll post up some more detailed thoughts when I can grab some spare time.

Dave, totally agreed on this one (edit: Dave and I heard the same DL-S1 a few months ago loaned to us from a mutual friend)...I heard it as you did.  It's the only moving coil I ever found the equal (overall) to the Grado Gold1 + Longhorn tweeks + G1+ nude, shibata.

The DL-160vdH is clearly cut from the same cloth, however, and is almost good enough not to care to take the leap to the Denon DL-S1 and all it's fussiness with step-ups, etc.

I find most moving coils to be a bit painful to listen to despite their obvious advantages: quieter, enhanced detail, and soundstaging. Not the Denon's tho :)

I'd give the nod to the Grado Gold / Longhorn / G1+ over the DL-160vdH...and the Denon DL-S1 is the most natural, fulsome moving coil I've ever heard and maybe pips the Grado set-up.  As well, not sibilant in the least...I'm at a loss how Denon does it, frankly :scratch:

I haven't heard every MC cartridge, but the DL-S1 was surely the best I've ever heard.  So good that the thought of spending more on a moving coil is no longer a thought for me.  For comparison sake, it CLOBBERS the USD$2800 London Decca Jubilee for 1/3 the cost. 

I hadn't read your review of it, but it could double for one from me:

Quote from: DaveyW
Dave's Thoughts: The DL-S1 delivers a fuller presentation over it's DL-304 sibling, without that slight top end lift typical in many LOMC's. The warmer midrange character is more akin to higher spec. Grado's, retaining all of the detail and agility of the better MC's. It delivers lower registers very nicely, plucked double bass strings vibrate, not just a simple bass tone, there's also notable timbre and feel to piano notes. Vocals are delivered naturally without any hint of sibilance.

Ciao, John


Re: Early Christmas Present
« Reply #7 on: 12 Dec 2010, 08:22 am »
Hi John,
Yes it is indeed the exact same unit that you and I both previously heard on our respective systems  8)
Looks like we remain pretty much aligned on our perspectives.

As requested, I managed to grab some time while the household was waking this morning, to get down some further thoughts on the DL-S1.
These are a bit of a mixture referring to the notes I took when first hearing it and my more recent exposure.
Please note that these observations are made using it in conjunction with a Linn Sondek & Ittok arm.
My initial impressions were drawn after spending a few weeks with an AT OC9 MLII.
The DL-S1 is quite a different proposition and in many respects not typical of many of the LOMC's that I've experienced.
The first thing that struck me was of a fuller overall sound without that slight top end lift I've typically come to expect. In fact in this respect it is also notably different from it's DL-304 brother.
I actually found the DL-304 quite close to the OC9, slightly less prominent in the top end but still a relatively bright cart, both being highly articulate and detailed.
I found that the DL-S1 keeps a pretty even keel all the way through the frequencies, but it has that lovely agility of the better MC's – Very clean & dynamic with no flabby edges.
A slightly more fullsome lower end presentation, more akin to Grado's, possibly not quite as "fat" but good and strong. The DL-S1 is not entirely dissimilar to the Grado Reference Sonata 1 that BaMorin recently leant me, a nicely filled out lower end providing extra body to vocals and instrumentation. The RS1 does provide an added dose of lower order "warmth" and it would be a difficult call to make between these two carts and really down to personal preferences.
As John's quote from my website summary states, the DL-S1 really does dig into the detail, for example I can clearly hear the plucked double bass strings vibrating, not just a simple bass tone and along similar lines, there's also real timbre and feel to piano notes.
There's no added shrillness to female vocal which I have witnessed to varying degrees on certain recordings with some other LOMC's. Vocals across the board come across nice and natural without any hint of sibilance.
Overall it has a similar tonal character to a DV 20XL, but I'd take the DL-S1 over the DV, it just seems to offer that next level of detail and openess with a slightly more fulsome overall delivery.

Onward listening to a broad spectrum of music really had me appreciating the DL-S1.
Joe Cocker's "Unchain Your Heart" sounded "Top Draw", digging out some subtleties in both the expressive vocal and instrumentation that I hadn't recalled hearing before.

In fact the more time I spent with the DL-S1 the more I appreciated what it does.
Myself and my good lady listened together to a few tracks off a Talking Heads album and just let it soak in - Pretty much the best I'd ever heard this album sound. Everything was taut, controlled and punchy yet with a more fulsome sound than I am used to with LOMC's and without any lift in the top end. Very Nice!

Yep! an excellent cartridge – It's a mighty close call between this and my hither to fav LOMC the Audio Technical 0C9 ML II.
So which of these to LOMC's do I prefer?
Well, first thing to say is that we're getting firmly into system matching and personal tastes here.
My principal preference is for a really taut, punchy, dynamic and articulate presentation and I really don't get on with anything remotely dull and lifeless.
The OC9 delivers the preferred elements 100% of the time but, it's livelier top end can be a little tiresome on brighter recordings. Here the DL-S1 really scores, the top end being held in perfect control at all times, never dominating.
But a contra position can be found with slightly duller recordings; here I love the added vitality that the OC9 provides.
For me though, that more fulsome overall character of the DL-S1 tips the nod its way.

There you go, this is pretty much where I'm at with this truly excellent cartridge and looking forward to giving it a thorough work out over the Festive period.


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Re: Early Christmas Present
« Reply #8 on: 12 Dec 2010, 01:53 pm »

As always, your reviews are a joy to read. Well written, insightful, and very objective. I'm damn glad you made it over here.  :D



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Re: Early Christmas Present
« Reply #9 on: 12 Dec 2010, 03:04 pm »
Hello all,
To give a little perspective on this evaluation of the DL-S1, there were a couple of others who participated in the reviews of this same cart. A guy from Switzerland who has some rather high end equipment, and me. We both had similar results.

My evaluation was exclusively through a prototype American Hybrid Technology phono stage. http://www.soundstage.com/revequip/frank02.htm
I used a few different arms, winding up with an Alphason 100S. Even though the cart tracks light (1.3g), I found that adding 3.3g to the headshell was beneficial. This is an unusual cartridge with a very low output (0.15mV) and rather high impedance (40 ohms). I believe this accounts for most of the difference in results. In other words, system dependant.

The sound was pretty much as described previously by Davey and John. The exception being a harmonic emphasis on the overtones that gave a hyper feeling to the music. It's a little hard to describe but it was like the harmonics were on steroids and the sound lost the relaxed, natural aspect of real music. This made it nearly impossible to listen to classical or most acoustic jazz. Some of the more electric pop/rock was really good.

I think the combination of minuscule output and unusually high impedance accounts for the difference in results. The gentleman from Switzerland used SUTs. I went straight in but I had more than adequate gain. I wasn't able to alleviate the harmonic aspect with load changes. Perhaps if I had more resistor values I would have fared better. I wound up around 300 ohms. I also had a DL-304 with a ruby cantilever and contact line. I found the same harmonic coloration but was finally able to alleviate by finding the right load. Both these carts come with an aluminum cantilever, and I don't know how much that contributes to the emphasis. A more rigid cantilever is more controlled sounding, but might have slightly lower output. The DL-304 w/ruby-LC never seemed as bright as the stock 304.

I think, in most systems that have the capability to amplify this output, you'd get very nice results indeed. But, YMMV.



Re: Early Christmas Present
« Reply #10 on: 12 Dec 2010, 07:17 pm »
Thanks Craig
And thanks too for chipping in Neo.
It just goes to show how difficult it is to make recommendations, especially when it comes to carts - System matching has such a huge part to play.
Your additional perspective certainly warns that this cart may well not be for everyone. I suppose all we can do within forums is share our experiences and hopefully these will help others.

From my side it's probably also worth adding how competent I've found the rather diminutive Pro-ject Phonobox SEII to be.
I've compared this to a few other highly regarded Phono stages and this really shone through. I suspect that it's quite a good natural partner for the DL-S1 and playing a notable part in the overall picture.
Anyway, all I can really say is that the Sondek/Ittok/DL-S1/Phonobox SEII combo works for me, be it Pop, Rock or Classical.


Re: Early Christmas Present
« Reply #11 on: 14 Dec 2010, 01:26 am »

   DaveyW, cool LP spinning avatar man!  :D

Take care,
Buddy :thumb:


Re: Early Christmas Present
« Reply #12 on: 14 Dec 2010, 03:13 am »

   DaveyW, cool LP spinning avatar man!  :D

Take care,
Buddy :thumb:

Is that avatar steam powered?
