What does Danny Richie use for his home theater/ surround sound?

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Just curious...
 Given you are have a lot into dedicated 2 channel. What would use use for a home theater?

Danny Richie

I don't really watch any movies anymore for several reasons.

For one, I got sick of action movies being all about unrealistic explosions every other minute.

Secondly, I felt like movies had gotten to when they just weren't fit to watch anymore because of immorality and foul language. For instance, I don't use foul language at home so why bring it into my home? If it is not fit for my children to watch then how can it be okay for me to watch it?

And then lastly, I just haven't had time for it anymore.

So I haven't had a dedicated home theater set up in years.



There is always a lesson for the kids with a great SRV album and then watching Monsters Inc.........

Danny Richie

I do have a 61 inch big screen and there are some long RCA's that run from the DVD player to my pre-amp. So when I want to I can feed a signal to my main two channel rig. Sometimes it gets only a left and right signal while the big screen gets the center signal. And sometimes it gets a two channel signal when watching concert DVD's.

I will build a dedicated home theater room in my next house, but it will likely be used more for watching sports than anything else.


I don't really watch any movies anymore for several reasons.

For one, I got sick of action movies being all about unrealistic explosions every other minute.

Secondly, I felt like movies had gotten to when they just weren't fit to watch anymore because of immorality and foul language. For instance, I don't use foul language at home so why bring it into my home? If it is not fit for my children to watch then how can it be okay for me to watch it?

Here!! Here!! I agree, Danny, explosions every minute or so (some are ok), feel more sorry for our pets! :(. My wife just hates it.

We choose carefully through netflix, but, sometimes we just have to turn it off. Wish Hollywood would get the hint....what is the point of it all.

However, it is slim pickings on netflix without the immorality, blood, gore and foul lanquage. And the desensitisation of our youth. The movie "Saw" would have never been made in the 50's.

There are so many fabulous movies out there with true acting skills used at the fullest to satisfy without the above.

I challenge Hollywood to get the hint and create more of these.

I personally believe their ratings will go through the roof!!! :thumb:

Just my .02

Danny Richie

woodsart, I agree with you 100%.

My wife also does not like anything over a voice level and is constantly telling to turn it down.  :banghead:

My kids could really care less about the effects and they have just about every Disney movie, Princess diary, etc that you can think of. They also have all the Jurassic Park movies, and Star Wars movies...

My wife and kids can watch those movies over and over. Me, not so much. Once I've seen it, I really don't need to watch it again. I usually get it the first time.


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Once I've seen it, I really don't need to watch it again. I usually get it the first time.

...I told my wife the same thing and she questioned me how many times I've listened to the same Cd or song.   :o


I have to compromise and watch a number of chick flicks.  There is not alot of violence but plenty of mature content.  If the grand kids are around then we are doing reruns of Snow White and other Disney Classics.  We are 2.1 channel listeners as well.

Our kids insist that they didn't miss much not being allowed to watch shows like Southpark or PG rated films when they were young.  They love to give us a hard time about them being disadvantaged children.  I did find alot of "Brag Rap" in the cd player in the car.  They knew it would be destroyed. 

Stick to your core values Danny.  The pressure will be great as your children get older.  One is entering the Law Enforcement Academy, One is finishing her speech pathologist degree and the last one still in business college has an undeafeated season last year as the coach for the JV high school basketball team he is working to anniversary this year.  There is hope for kids even in this ultra violent world to turn out well.  It's up to you and them to work on it. 

I agree that if more films were kid friendly and not animated with violence we might have a full blown home theater.  At this time we still go to the Theater. 


OMG....Chick Flicks, how many have a watched :duh: a zillion or more! But I hate to say this, but us guys could learn a lot from them :roll:.

My wife and I go to the theater about 4 times a year, otherwise we just wait for them to come out on DVD. I think my entry level system (at the moment) sounds better and it can get very loud at the theater. I keep trying to reach for the remote to turn it down!

My wife would take sides with you, Danny, she only wants to watch a movie 1 time. There are a few I could watch again and again and have watched more than once. Avatar, one of the most stunning theatrical experiences I have ever had. Being an artist and creative person, that movie just blows me away every time.

Thank God there are a huge amount of family friendly movies on netflix (despite my comment above) and we do enjoy them and will continue to do so. But, one has to have time to research.

A lot of the British movies are that way and do practice good values. The purpose of movies in our home and has been for years, is to have time together, sit and relax. We want to be entertained and feel good about what we are watching and with an intellectual plot. 

Maybe a thread of sharing good wholesome movies of this type might be an option.

I think Danny,  being in business one needs time to sit, be quiet (meaning not talk on the phone or have to think), chill and enjoy a good movie with your family and eat popcorn (love it)!

I owned my own business and it can try every nerve and create such stress and is very hard to get away from.

I am sure you have ways of chilling! :wink:


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This is rather fascinating to me.  Particularly Danny's perspective.

While I don't watch as many movies as I used to for a few reasons, I still love them.  But then I grew up watching tv and movies.  And unlike Danny I find many reasons to watch a movie again.  For instance The Matrix trilogy comes off as a very slickly produced action movie.  But upon further reflection and with the help of some background knowledge in mythology one can see it is also a retelling of classic mythology in modern art form.

The same goes for Star Wars.  Star Wars was written and created both as popcorn movie pop culture but also as an homage to classic mythological hero stories. 

Battlestar Galactica's reboot was also an incredibly compelling drama about the best and worst of humanity and often themes of the episodes were taken right out of the headlines giving us a slightly different perspective of the morals and ideals we accept or reject.

While the vast majority of movies being made today are basically paychecks and practice for those in the industry, I still am impressed from time to time by the subtleties and nuances and complexity that can be conveyed. 

I guess for me movies started off as sheer escapist entertainment.  But as I've gotten older and a bit more discerning I've come to find a great deal of appreciation in how the art form has evolved.

And now thanks to Danny and many others I'm able to appreciate them all the more in the comfort of my home. :thumb:


I agree.  So many films are a rewrite of the Greek stories and charactors.  Themes on the human condition are always repeated.  I kept looking for John Wayne in Avatar.  or was that Dances with Blue People.


That is our dilemma when our wives come into the equation, It's those darn women ears! They hear everything and it's also a built in defense mode to alert their man or the alpha of danger! All I can say it's a numerous phrase or directive to be honest, for her to say "turn it down"!