The Official D.M.V. (D.C./Southern Maryland/Northern Virginia) meet thread...

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Planning on late September/early October.

Somebody find us a "Dogfish" in Tysons/McLean/Fairfax.

Reach out to the others so they know what's going on. We can get a good turnout like CAF.

There's actually one 3 minutes from my house at seven corners / falls church VA.  Been a few times & it's not bad.  Clyde's is also a safe bet, but got to say that I like the one over in Marc Center / Alexandria better than the Tyson's one.  But both are ok.

Both Dogfish & Clyde's are convenient to major highways.

Would be great to meet up for a dinner, but would also like to get a chance to hear some new gear.  Phil seems to have an ideal place for that in his basement.......but at any point would also be willing to host.


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I've never heard either of those. My Tranquility is fed by a Mach2 modified, battery powered MacMini. The battery also feeds the hard drive where the AIFF files are. The whole front end is more than the sum of its parts, but it's hard to pack up all that gear.

No need to swap out DACs though. It would be fun to hear a different system in any event.

I've got a Bel Canto 1.5 and for fun & laughs a Chinese Bel Canto / Benchmark DAC 1 knock-off : a "Matrix Mini".  Looks sorta like a Bel Canto & has some functionality, but uses twin AD 1972's DAC chips.  Having heard a few times Benchmark DAC 1's, I actually like the "Matrix Mini" more.  And it goes for $350 new w/ a remote & shipped from China.

Could bring those along to any meet up.  But would like to see / hear HAL's music server & the Mach 2 modified Mac Mini as I'm thinking of going this route (albeit w/ a mojo audio power supply mod).


Phil, just say when. I'll try to be there. I think the MAAC crowd will love your system.

Phil A

Phil, just say when. I'll try to be there. I think the MAAC crowd will love your system.
Well - everyone who is interested, please put down an order of preference (1, 2, 3, 4) for the following Saturdays - Sept 8, 15, 22 or 29.  We will eat dinner at Clyde's (unless someone has something they prefer more that is in a more convenient location) in Tysons at 5:30PM to avoid the crowd on a Sat. night.  Should be early enough to avoid the really bad hour and not too early by the time we get seated and get the food.  Whatever Saturday in September the majority rules on by the end of August will govern the date.  These things have a habit of no decision, no response, etc.  I realize not everyone's schedule every time can be accomodated and there's always a next time.

Scott, I'll tentatively see you on Sept. 7 with my one third octave RTA and if anyone wants me to come over at some point and explore their inner audiophelia, I can accomodate and will be happy to tell the significant other than the style of furniture is problem with the audio for a couple of beers :green:


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September 8 works for me.  Will have an MS-1 ready for trials.  All I need to know is what DAC drivers to load? 

The only thing that I seem to remember is that the Tranquility SE DAC does not have a Windows 7 driver.  Works with a MAC as designed. 


  • Industry Participant
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September 8th would work for me as well.  Thanks for organizing.  If folks are meeting to try out gear at other dates / times, I'd also be interested. 

Phil A

September 8 works for me.  Will have an MS-1 ready for trials.  All I need to know is what DAC drivers to load? 

The only thing that I seem to remember is that the Tranquility SE DAC does not have a Windows 7 driver.  Works with a MAC as designed.

HAL, guess you are referring to a USB output from the MS-1?  I've not ever used the USB either on my Bryston or Emotiva DACs.  They are only 48/16 anyway (Bryston might do an upgrade in the future).  Plugged in as sources now into the Bryston DAC are a Marantz DV9600 universal as a CD transport, a modded Oppo BDP-83 going into an HDMI de-embedder and into a coax input on the Bryston DAC (does SACD at 24/88.2) and I have a Squeezebox Touch being fed from a back-up (7-9 year old) PC (until I get my act together on digital and use the newer PC - Tyson is generously giving me hi-rez files at some point for discs I own and then I guess it will be time for me to join the 21st century - even ordered a book on computer audio for dummies).  It has mostly WMA lossless files from an old Zune player and some hi-rez PCM.


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Yes, I was referring to the MS-1 USB output for the dB Audio Labs Tranquility SE DAC as it only has USB input.  It was mentioned earlier.

I will bring the M2Tech HiFace Evo that is USB to just about anything for output.  It has RCA, Coaxial, XLR, Toslink and LaserLink S/PDIF and I2S Bus via RJ45 outputs.   That should adapt to just about any S/PDIF input DAC up to 24bit/192KHz.  Kind of like a digital output Swiss Army knife!

It should work with the Bryston and Emotiva DAC's for any rate they support.   


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The date is Sept 22.


  • Industry Contributor
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Well then I cannot make it.  I will be on vacation from 21-29 September and not in the area.

Maybe next time.


  • Industry Participant
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Seems like it's a bit premature to say the date is 22 September until more have chimed in.  Phil suggested majority rules by end of August, which makes sense to me.

With that said, I'm available for all dates in September except 29+.

doug s.

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if the idea is to listen to tunes; i say skip the restaurant.  what's the point?   :scratch:   if phil doesn't wanna feed everyone, it can be a pot luck...

doug s.


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This is why I was trying to do the planning, and not rushing into a date where somebody would be left out. I'm trying to consider schedules, diets, locations, and attendence.

Since this is a once a quarter deal, don't rush into it people. I'm trying to include everybody (remember some people have to drive in from outside of the DMV).

This is an actual meet, and not just a situation were Phil and I going for a meal.

Phil A

I am more than happy as noted earlier to get pizza in and avoid the meal and Sat. night restaurant crowds.  So far as I can tell.  So far jarcher and HAL are OK with Sept 8, ScottDazzle seems indifferent and mix4fix says Sept 22.  Doug S has yet to chime in with a date.  As I noted earlier, these things don't happen due to these things and everyone's schedule can't be accomodated (and the minority need to understand that).  I'm more than happy to do the 8th and if some want to do the 22nd, I can do that but it may not have the all equipment (DACs) that others will bring over but we can still listen.  As I also noted, someone who can't meet the schedule of the majority is going to have to understand that there can be other meets (I've offered a second date or even it it is at a later date - that's the way it works).  We're not rushing into anything, just a concensus on when the majority is available.  I am also for the 8th as I want to hear HAL's music server (and HAL can make the 8th) as I discussed with him at the Audiofest in July.

So in summary, as of today (and there are about 10 days left until the end of August), it is Sept 8 (we have 4 that are OK with that date, Doug S has not given a date preference - only a food one :lol:) and mix4fix is the only one who has indicated another preference on date.  Once we get the date firmed up at the end of August, I am happy to address food concerns.  It's not a bad idea to avoid the drawn out meal taking away time when we will have different equipment to try.

doug s.

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at present, i am open to any date; thus the reason why no preference.   :wink:

doug s.

Phil A

Doug thanks for the response,

So to date:

HAL - Sept 8
jarcher - Sept 8
Phil A - Sept 8 (but willing to do a second date and wants to hear HAL's music server)

ScottDazzle - flexible
Doug S - flexible

mix4fix - only Sept 22

Once a date is decided, I'm more than happy to take food choices.  As I noted initially, the secondary basement system is nice to hang out in (and room for plenty) for brought in food and warm up and not dealing with a restaurant.  So the count stands as follows now:

Sept 8 - 3 people

Sept 22 - 1 person

The ones that don't care or are flexible (thank you), we can easily work with on any date.  On the 31st of August in the late evening will be the cut-off

Charles Xavier

Wow, to bad its not this week . I am in Williamsburg until Friday.

Phil A

Wow, to bad its not this week . I am in Williamsburg until Friday.

If you're in the area at some point in the future just let me know a little bit in advance.  It's not that big a deal.  Williamsburg is not around the corner though.  It's probably 3 hours from me.


  • Industry Participant
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Sounds good - more than happy at Phil's place + anything on the food / drink front. We can go pot luck style or all chip in for delivery (?)         


September 8 works for me.  Will have an MS-1 ready for trials.  All I need to know is what DAC drivers to load? 

The only thing that I seem to remember is that the Tranquility SE DAC does not have a Windows 7 driver.  Works with a MAC as designed.

The Tranquility DAC requires no drivers on any computer. It receives 16/44.1 from the computer (Windows, Linux, or MacOS) and converts it. If the file is at a higher sample rate, the computer (or the playback software) down samples it.