My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!

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Guy 13

My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« on: 22 Nov 2010, 12:15 pm »
Hi Danny and all Audio Circle members.
Yes, you have read correctly, I will attempt early next year to build a GR Research N3 kit with only a jigsaw, that’s because it is the only power tool I have at the moment, unless an Audio Circle generous member wants to send me to Vietnam, free of charge, yes that will be a gift, a table saw and/or a circular saw or any other tools that would make my N3 project easier.
No volunteers ! O.K. then, I will use my jigsaw.
Now, I have a few questions.
The N3 will be used in my office for ambiance music.
Since space will be limited, I want to know what’s the minimum distance the N3 should be from the back wall to give the best result.
My other alternative is to ask Danny to supply me with a modified drawing of the N3 with the vent on the front side so that I can put the N3 against the wall, if he as no objections.
The N3 sketch call for some poly fill or fiberglass insulation which is not available here in Vietnam, is that something Danny can supply me when I buy the N3 kit or can I omit that part or use something else?
One last question that will make some Audio Circle members falls off from their computer’s chair.
I don’t believe that the Sonicaps and Mills resistors up grade will make a huge or even a big difference on the improvement of the sound, now, don’t get me wrong, I did not say I will not make any difference at all, therefore, before spending 110USD. Which is a week of salary for me here; I was wondering how I could make sure the upgrade is worth the money asked. Of course, I could have both crossover (Standard and upgraded) with a two position switch, that I could switch from one to the other and that would confirm the level of improvement. Yes, I know, as usual, that sounds crazy… Well, that’s me, the crazy guy.
Waiting for your suggestions.
Guy 13



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Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #1 on: 22 Nov 2010, 12:36 pm »
You're such a hack!   :lol:

Actually, you can use a jig saw as long as you use a level as a "fence" you should be fine.  Take your time and have FUN.

Remember, before power tools it was ALL done by can be done with time & patience. 

Good Luck and don't forget to post some pics.   :thumb:

Danny Richie

Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #2 on: 22 Nov 2010, 03:37 pm »
I will attempt early next year to build a GR Research N3 kit with only a jigsaw,

The problem with that is that you will have to countersink the tweeter. For one because if you don't it will cause a lot of edge diffraction and secondly, it is necessary for the woofers to overlap the tweeter in the mounting and that is not possible if the tweeter is not countersunk.

And yes, the Sonicap and Mills upgrade makes quite a difference.


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Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #3 on: 22 Nov 2010, 03:42 pm »
The problem with that is that you will have to countersink the tweeter.

$50 Router? 


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Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #4 on: 22 Nov 2010, 09:53 pm »

Remember, before power tools it was ALL done by can be done with time & patience. 

Well a jigsaw is a power tool and not one that is used a lot in cabinet building.  If you have a lot of skill and a few hand tools you could do this.  A lot of skill with hand tools, like mastery of the handplane.  Otherwise it is a bad idea.  Jigsaws are only for rough cuts...  At the very least you would need a fairly decent plunge router.  And some patience...

Why not just get a simple mdf enclosure built and do the rest yourself?

Guy 13

Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #5 on: 23 Nov 2010, 10:29 am »
You're such a hack!   :lol:

Actually, you can use a jig saw as long as you use a level as a "fence" you should be fine.  Take your time and have FUN.

Remember, before power tools it was ALL done by can be done with time & patience. 

Good Luck and don't forget to post some pics.   :thumb:
It's me the hack (Whatever that means!) in Vietnam.
First I must say that I like your writing style, you write things in a way that you could tell me to go to hell and I would thank you for it ! (Ha, ha...)
I thought already about the idea of the level as a fence, but instead of a level I would use a heavy duty thick wall square aluminum tubing that the Vietnamese use to make a smooth surface on a plaster wall. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.
A lot of things here in Vietnam are still done with hand tools and patience.
I wont forget to post pictures, because a post without pictures is as useless as a pair of tits on a leghorn !
Guy 13


Guy 13

Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #6 on: 23 Nov 2010, 10:32 am »
$50 Router?
Hi (Again) JTW.
How about a Made in China router at 40 USD with no warranty and no spare parts to repair if it breaks...
That's what I saw this morning in a tool store.
Guy 13

Guy 13

Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #7 on: 23 Nov 2010, 10:38 am »
Well a jigsaw is a power tool and not one that is used a lot in cabinet building.  If you have a lot of skill and a few hand tools you could do this.  A lot of skill with hand tools, like mastery of the handplane.  Otherwise it is a bad idea.  Jigsaws are only for rough cuts...  At the very least you would need a fairly decent plunge router.  And some patience...

Why not just get a simple mdf enclosure built and do the rest yourself?
Hi Eleven !
I know already that a jigsaw is not used by cabinet makers to make cabinets, I was not born yesterday, I am 62 years old, I saw many things up to now. My previous job gave me the oportunity to visit many wood working shops.
A jigsaw with a fence type device and a fine tooth blade can do a job that would not win a beauty contest, but for me it 's good ebough, because it's only for experimenting.
For now, I cannot afford a router, therefore I will find another way of going around that problem. My middle name is: resourcefull.
Guy 13
AKA: Resourcefull.

Guy 13

Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #8 on: 23 Nov 2010, 10:53 am »
The problem with that is that you will have to countersink the tweeter. For one because if you don't it will cause a lot of edge diffraction and secondly, it is necessary for the woofers to overlap the tweeter in the mounting and that is not possible if the tweeter is not countersunk.

And yes, the Sonicap and Mills upgrade makes quite a difference.
When I wrote this topic, I was expecting some help and/or suggestions, however, most of my questions were left unanswered...
I wont be buying a router, therefore I guess I won't be buying the N3 kit and I will find another project to work on, that does not required tools that I don't have.
Guy 13.


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Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #9 on: 23 Nov 2010, 01:26 pm »
For what you would pay for the N3 kit without cabs, you could buy a pair of nice speakers fully built.

You said... for ambiance music which I understand as background music, right?  Not critical listening.

So why go to all the trouble unless you just want to. :|

Guy 13

Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #10 on: 23 Nov 2010, 02:15 pm »
For what you would pay for the N3 kit without cabs, you could buy a pair of nice speakers fully built.

You said... for ambiance music which I understand as background music, right?  Not critical listening.

So why go to all the trouble unless you just want to. :|
Hi Royalmail and all Audio Circle members.
In my office I already have two ambiance audio systems, however I would like to have a set of speakers that I made myself, for the pride and for the fun of building them myself and also, because they will be better sounding than what I already have. For your information, I already have built one GR Research V1 and two GR Research V2.
For this N3 project, if I would like to buy an already pre-drilled driver's front plate with grill, then I could buy the N3 kit and make the balance of the enclosure myself with my jigsaw. Those N3 won't be displayed in a trade show, it's only for my office, therefore who cares if they are not perfect, they are for me.
Some Audio Circle members don't seems to understand that building enclosures is my hobby, I like to do that for fun. Most of the Audio Circle members want something 100% perfect, construction and sound. Is there something wrong why my way of doing things. Maybe Audio cirlce is a place for the hi class (Snobish) DIY builders, that looks for nothing less than perfect ?
I am an ordinary guy that want to have fun and I will have fun with or without Audio Circle members and with or without GR Research drivers...
No, I am not upset, no I am not angry, I am only sharing with you all my opinion and feelings.
Guy in Vietnam,
but proud to be a French Canadian.


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Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #11 on: 23 Nov 2010, 02:36 pm »
Hi Royalmail and all Audio Circle members.
In my office I already have two ambiance audio systems, however I would like to have a set of speakers that I made myself, for the pride and for the fun of building them myself and also, because they will be better sounding than what I already have. For your information, I already have built one GR Research V1 and two GR Research V2.
For this N3 project, if I would like to buy an already pre-drilled driver's front plate with grill, then I could buy the N3 kit and make the balance of the enclosure myself with my jigsaw. Those N3 won't be displayed in a trade show, it's only for my office, therefore who cares if they are not perfect, they are for me.
Some Audio Circle members don't seems to understand that building enclosures is my hobby, I like to do that for fun. Most of the Audio Circle members want something 100% perfect, construction and sound. Is there something wrong why my way of doing things. Maybe Audio cirlce is a place for the hi class (Snobish) DIY builders, that looks for nothing less than perfect ?
I am an ordinary guy that want to have fun and I will have fun with or without Audio Circle members and with or without GR Research drivers...
No, I am not upset, no I am not angry, I am only sharing with you all my opinion and feelings.
Guy in Vietnam,
but proud to be a French Canadian.


I say just buy the kit and build the enclosure how you want.  It's all about having fun!  Do it how YOU want first as you can always do it the GR way later if you wish. 

HT cOz

Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #12 on: 23 Nov 2010, 03:23 pm »
Some Audio Circle members don't seems to understand that building enclosures is my hobby, I like to do that for fun.

I think what is hard to understand is spending big bucks on kits and then proclaiming that building enclosures is your hobby and not wanting to buy a cheap $20 router.  No offense but it doens't make sense.  The N3 has no less than 20 surfaces that need to be routered.  :scratch:

By all means do what makes you happy, but if you are looking for people to say he great idea go for it, you won't find it here.  People are more likely to say Guy thats crazy.  Maybe thats ok, but it is hard to understand.


Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #13 on: 23 Nov 2010, 03:55 pm »
Hi Royalmail and all Audio Circle members.
In my office I already have two ambiance audio systems, however I would like to have a set of speakers that I made myself, for the pride and for the fun of building them myself and also, because they will be better sounding than what I already have. For your information, I already have built one GR Research V1 and two GR Research V2.
For this N3 project, if I would like to buy an already pre-drilled driver's front plate with grill, then I could buy the N3 kit and make the balance of the enclosure myself with my jigsaw. Those N3 won't be displayed in a trade show, it's only for my office, therefore who cares if they are not perfect, they are for me.
Some Audio Circle members don't seems to understand that building enclosures is my hobby, I like to do that for fun. Most of the Audio Circle members want something 100% perfect, construction and sound. Is there something wrong why my way of doing things. Maybe Audio cirlce is a place for the hi class (Snobish) DIY builders, that looks for nothing less than perfect ?
I am an ordinary guy that want to have fun and I will have fun with or without Audio Circle members and with or without GR Research drivers...
No, I am not upset, no I am not angry, I am only sharing with you all my opinion and feelings.
Guy in Vietnam,
but proud to be a French Canadian.

here, il try to help..

i know of many people on here that will take care of the front baffle foor you and send it your way. i do not think that what you want to do will be so bad. i have a jigsaw as well, and i have cut some pretty nasty cuts with it (lol) but i think if you stick to what you are thinking, it will turn out fine. 

so in the end your going to be cutting the cabinet minus the front baffle, and installing and mounting the drivers and crossovers.
make sure you get some sonicap platinums on this build :)

good luck!


Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #14 on: 23 Nov 2010, 04:31 pm »

I think you will get much more mileage from a decent circular saw than a jig saw for speaker building duty. Speaker panels have lots of long cuts and making those with a jig saw and a guide can be fatiguing (vibration).  A circular saw will cut faster and cleaner.  Jig saw of course have their uses.

I use an old 30 year old Craftsman circular saw with a 40 tooth blade for cutting MDF and it does it clean and is controllable.   I've gotten by with a couple of four foot saw guides and a circular saw for a long while.  A router with a flush-bit will help fix any problems in the end.   

But no doubt a table saw is a good thing!


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Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #15 on: 23 Nov 2010, 06:13 pm »
Guy, I was only offering a suggestion and certainly did not mean to come across as condescending or offensive.  AC is a great place.  By all means, stay around and share your project however you choose to build it.

Like the previous post, I also use a circular saw with an aluminum guide, but I'd rather have a table saw.

Here is another suggestion that might help.  MDF can be sanded very effectively with a belt sander.  But, go slow as it can also gouge if you're not careful.  Once you get the box together, a medium grit sanding belt can do wonders to clean up any uneven edges.

Have fun and we'd enjoy seeing your progress.


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Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #16 on: 23 Nov 2010, 10:40 pm »
I once cut through a piece of plywood with a butter knife and a hammer to make a shelf. I don't think I am either condescending or a snob.  I just see what you propose to do as the equivalent of drinking fine wine out of a chamber pot.  OK maybe I am a snob.  :lol:

It does seem to me though that if your hobby is speaker building then you need a minimum of tools.  I got along for a long time with a cheap circular saw mounted upside down under a piece of plywood for a table saw ( this works well BTW).  I view this as a minimum.  Hey but if you want to do it with a jig saw and know what you are getting into and accept it than I say have fun and take lots of pics  :thumb:...


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Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #17 on: 24 Nov 2010, 12:01 am »

Like the previous post, I also use a circular saw with an aluminum guide, but I'd rather have a table saw.

Which aluminum guide do you use?

I just finished a pair of sub enclosures with a jigsaw as my cutting tool.  If I'd known beforehand what I learned from two hard weekends of straightening out the cuts and fit I'd had started with a circular saw.  Admittedly  I am a big time rookie and I'm sure someone with experience would have done a better job.  But still...all the advice you are getting in this thread is valuable. 


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Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #18 on: 24 Nov 2010, 12:10 am »
Something like this is 36$ on Amazon


Re: My next N-3 project with only a jigsaw!
« Reply #19 on: 24 Nov 2010, 12:44 am »
Which aluminum guide do you use?

I use these Bora clamps because they let you clamp at an angle. Get a 50" one if you want to be able to make those long cuts across a 4' wide panel.  Get a few if you can. They are handy as clamps too.