Advice on Technics SL-1700 picked up at auction

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Advice on Technics SL-1700 picked up at auction
« on: 14 Nov 2010, 03:35 pm »
Hey fellas,

I'm a vinyl newbie and could use some help.  I was at a benefit auction last night (tragic death at 32 to cancer, benefit for his daughter's future education) and picked up the above turntable.  I'm sure I spent way more than it's worth, but it was more for the cause and so I'd have a toy to play with afterward. 

Anyway, I know it's an older SL-1700, that's easy enough to tell.  And it appears in decent condition.  They tell me it as a new Onkyo needle, but I'm not sure if they meant cartridge or just needle. 

I'm curious if you could point me the direction of some web resources with pictures so I can figure out what I have in terms of cartridge.  I would also appreciate recommendations on cartridges/needles as well as any easy tweaks to this kind of turntable.  I may be able to spend some time playing with it and using it to learn more about the vinyl side of this hobby.

I also have a vintage Luxman PD272 with what I'm pretty sure is an original Dynavector 20A cart, not sure the condition of the stylus.  The DD on that one won't go the proper speed, and there aren't any decent repair places around here, so it's been sitting in the garage for the years I've had it (I got as part of a full system I purchased about a decade ago, but I'm only now starting to get interested in vinyl).  Any thoughts on comparisons between the two rigs?

Thanks for any help or comments.  I know you guys know a ton about this stuff, and your thoughts would be most welcome.
