Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!

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Today, one day before my 72nd birthday, I am announcing a very nice upgrade to both the Ultra series preamps and Ultra DAC. Note that the Ultra SL preamp and Ultra DAC are now discontinued but the Ultra EC preamp (with tone controls and more) remains in production.

The upgrade will go into new Ultra EC preamps at no increase in price and will include upgrading the optional hybrid phono section too.

The upgrade will be available at $300 for existing Ultra preamp line or line/tone control sections and for the Ultra DAC, and at $200 in addition for the Ultra hybrid phono sections.

The upgrade replaces the Hitachi J79 mos-fets in the transimpedance circuits with a much better performing active part and the necessary biasing changes to set the biasing for it correctly.  We will have the parts available in about a week.

The improved Ultras come very very close to the performance of our newest AvaStar preamp and Vision DACs (both completely different technologies) and will provide our previous clients with a much lower cost upgrade path.

Yes I know we had obsoleted the Ultra series preamps and DACs and I was pretty sad that this happened, but now with a whole lot more engineering efforts, we have un-obsoleted them again.   :)

Now we can provide you with a rationally priced upgrade path for your existing Ultra preamps and DACs, and better value than ever in the Ultra EC preamp for those that really need tone controls.

Call me for more details.  651-330-9871.

Best regards,

Frank Van Alstine

P.S.  By the way, the Exicon upgrades works very very well with any of the line tubes we have used in these circuits; 12AT7, 6N1P, or 6CG7 types.  No need to change tubes to enjoy much more refined and musical sound.

Best regards,

Frank Van Alstine


Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #1 on: 12 Nov 2010, 09:23 am »
Since I really really liked my Ultradac, when I got a chance to buy another one for my parents, I pulled the trigger and sent it straight to Frank for the upgrade. (Thanks Kurt, highly recommended fellow!).

So you know what this means... a real A/B test! Yes! I got some digital switches, and after some imaginative cabling I was able to set up an actual test using different inputs into the preamp.

The result... well... the difference is subtle, nothing as obvious as when I compared it to the dacmagic some time ago. I have four tracks that I've been using lately for this kind of thing.

1. 10,000 Maniacs "Noah's Dove": neither dac gets rid of annoying bass drum thump. I suppose nothing ever will.

2. Joni Mitchell's "Carey": One of my favorite tunes. Clarity of the bass line on this one is a bit of a challenge, and I only got to learn it by listening to it through my Stax headphones some time ago. Well here there was an improvement with the upgrade, and for the first time I felt like I could hear it via my speakers without annoyance at lost information.

3. Mahler's 3rd symphony, Mehta conducting Das Bayerische Staatsorchester, first movement, first percussion solo. This is very faint, and one could be forgiven for not spotting that it is actually musical. The temptation is to turn the volume knob up high enough to spot this without making an effort, but the punishment for that will be felt later on in the movement--and in fact the speakers may have to make a trip back to the shop for massive repairs. So the proper way to do this is to get a good clear signal and leave the volume at no more than concert level. Here once again, the upgrade makes an improvement.

4. Luis Eduardo Aute, "Anda", a live version from his album with Silvio Rodriguez. This is a brilliant recording that captures a lot of crowd involvement while being very clean and musical. This gives the equipment a chance to show off those little ambience cues and here once again the upgrade makes an improvement.

Overall, the improvement is greater clarity, more air, more musical. The difference is subtle, but consistent. In a word, it is more "Frank".

A quick peek under the hood reveals a much larger pair of transistors--it looks like you could fit four of the previous ones inside one of the Exicons. I guess this is one of those instances where size matters.

Frank, thanks for making this available at such a reasonable cost. Your effort to bring older equipment towards the level of your new offerings speaks volumes about what your work is all about.  :thumb:


Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #2 on: 12 Nov 2010, 09:46 am »
Thanks for the feedback. 8)


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Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #3 on: 12 Nov 2010, 05:23 pm »
Thanks for the feedback. 8)

I'll second that  :D

Tom Alverson

Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #4 on: 12 Nov 2010, 11:22 pm »
I'll second that  :D

I'll third that.  What is the rest of your setup?


Tom Alverson

Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #5 on: 12 Nov 2010, 11:27 pm »
Two questions for Frank:

Have you tried this upgrade on older Fet-Valve preamps, like the original Fet-Valve in the PAT-5 box?  Since that preamp does not have many of the other featuress of the newest Fet-Valve preamps like regulated voltages and 6CG7 tubes I suspect the $500 would be better spent towards the latest preamp.

Also, is this applicable to the Fet-Valve power amps?



Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #6 on: 13 Nov 2010, 10:51 am »
I'll third that.  What is the rest of your setup?


On that listening session, the chain was squeezebox -> ultradac -> promitheus tvc -> ava ultimate 70 -> ohm 2000s. When the days get too warm, I put in an ultra 550 for the ultimate 70.

At the moment I'm listening to Joshua Redman's Moodswings. Great recording--clean, musical, clearly imaged. Before that it was Ray Brown's Jazz Cello. Jazz ensembles sound great on this system.  :D

Tom Alverson

Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #7 on: 13 Nov 2010, 08:54 pm »
Sounds like a nice setup.  Is there a way to ensure the squeezebox is putting out the full amplitude digital signal (no loss of resolution due to digital attenuation)?  I hooked up one of my PC's to my Insight+ DAC and it works great, but I think you have to run all the volume controls on the PC up to the max to get the full 16 bit digital output.


Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #8 on: 13 Nov 2010, 10:43 pm »
Sounds like a nice setup.  Is there a way to ensure the squeezebox is putting out the full amplitude digital signal (no loss of resolution due to digital attenuation)?  I hooked up one of my PC's to my Insight+ DAC and it works great, but I think you have to run all the volume controls on the PC up to the max to get the full 16 bit digital output.

Indeed, do not use the squeezebox volume control! There is a setting on the slimserver menu that disables volume attenuation for digital output. In any case, if you run it at 100% volume, you get true lossless audio.

This is why you still need a volume knob in there, which can be a full-function preamp, linestage, etc.

We can continue this topic in this other thread if you like, otherwise poor Frank gets the announcement drifted away,


Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #9 on: 16 Nov 2010, 09:15 pm »
I would suggest the preamp first for the Ultra to Ultra II upgrade.



I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #10 on: 7 Dec 2010, 12:02 am »
Has anyone had the Ultra Preamp or DAC upgrades done so we can get some feedback?  I'm considering the upgrade to both my Ultra pream and DAC.



Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #11 on: 7 Dec 2010, 02:56 pm »
Since I have working samples of both the Ultra II preamp and DAC here, simply bring over your original Ultra series units for a direct AB comparison.




Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #12 on: 7 Dec 2010, 03:04 pm »
Since I have working samples of both the Ultra II preamp and DAC here, simply bring over your original Ultra series units for a direct AB comparison.



Do it Larry.  :eyebrows:

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #13 on: 7 Dec 2010, 09:54 pm »
Frank, I would like to do that.  I'll send you an email to set up a date.

What time frame are we looking at to complete the upgrade?


Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #14 on: 9 Dec 2010, 01:37 am »

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #15 on: 17 Dec 2010, 10:28 pm »
I just got back from Frank's house and auditioned the Ultra Preamp with the upgrade and I was not disappointed.  I brought over my Ultra preamp for comparison.  The modded version is smoother with better bottom end and cleaner, smoother treble.  The music had more depth without taking away any air or transparency.  I think it is well worth the money for the upgrade because the difference in sound was quite evident and not subtle.  After Jan. 1, I will be dropping off my preamp for the upgrade and I will be following suit with my Ultra DAC.  I will post a follow up in a few weeks once I get my preamp back.



I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #16 on: 11 Jan 2011, 11:42 pm »
I dropped off my Ultra Preamp today to get the mod and a Home Theater bypass switch installed.  I'm pretty excited about the mod, it will be like getting a new preamp with a new sound.  And now I will be able to get rid of my Niles Audio SPK-1 amp switcher which allows me to use my main speakers for both HT and 2ch music.


Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #17 on: 12 Jan 2011, 10:43 am »
That's exciting Larry. I guess I wasn't paying attention last month, I missed you going to Franks. I'm still deciding on my Christmas present. Have Frank tweek a VA Super Tuner 1, finally get the remote for the T8 (and have that ground wire moved), or upgrade the Ultra DAC. I think I'm gonna wait and hear what you say about the DAC upgrade. Thanks.

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #18 on: 16 Feb 2011, 09:29 pm »
I picked up my modded Ultra Preamp from Frank the other day and I love the new sound.  The bass is much tighter, deeper with more thump and the sound is more refined and less fatiguing.  Treble is more natural and there is much less sibilance.  I've been busy rolling tubes and I'm running the RCA clear tops which has smoother vocals than the EH's. 

The mod was well worth the money to basically get a new preamp. I can't wait to do the mod to my Ultra DAC.  It is on my birthday wish list in the fall.

Thanks again Frank!



Re: Great Ultra Preamp and DAC upgrades. Better than ever!
« Reply #19 on: 16 Feb 2011, 11:18 pm »
That's great news Larry, for you and now for me because I'm gonna do my DAC. With all our "work" with the tubes earlier your recommendation means a lot to me. Thanks.
Of course yours does too Frank.  :lol:

I was thinking the other day that my gear is almost 4 years old and that that would be an eternity for many to have the same gear. But Frank keeps tweaking. Ultra 550>Double 550>Double 550+, 6N1P Ultra DAC>DAC chip upgrade>6CG7 DAC (and all the tube rolling), and the 6N1P T8>6CG7 T8 (and the tube rolling). It's like 3 amps and DAC's and a couple preamps.

Thanks Frank. :thumb: 8)