6CG7 Tube Reviews

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I.Greyhound Fan

6CG7 Tube Reviews
« on: 13 Aug 2010, 08:57 pm »
I have recently gone through a lot 6CG7 tubes and thought it may be helpful to give a review of the different tubes I have used.  But first, I would like to tell about my most recent purchase.

I've finally found audio nirvana!  I just bought a pair of nos Amperex 6CG7 tubes and placed them in my Ultra DAC and paired them with RCA Clear Tops in my Ultra Pre Amp with the stock opamps.  From the very moment that I listened to that combination I was stunned by how good the sound is. I have been looking for quite a while for the right combination of tubes that would give me a sound that was on the warm side of neutral with good transparency, air,sound stage, bass,treble and resolution as well as a smooth mid range.  I have found that combination with the Amperex and Clear tops.  The Amperex tubes produce a lot of deep, tight and smooth bass.  The treble is crystal clear and natural and the sound has great depth realism and detail.  I am using Magnepan 1.6 speakers and a Parasound Halo SS A21 amp and the amperex tubes bring out every last bit of bass that the Maggies can produce and then some.  You would also be hard pressed to tell that I'm using a solid state amp instead of a tube amp.  I like the tubes so much that I just bought 4 more today for $70 off ebay.  They will be the last tubes that I buy.

Now for the tube review.
Equipment used- Van Alstine Ultra DAC with stock opamps, Ultra Pre Amp, Parasound Halo A21 amp, Music Hall 25.2 CDP as a transport.

Music- Jazz, Vocal Jazz, Blue's, Classical and Rock.

Tubes tested in order of my personal favorites (all are NOS 6CG7's unless stated otherwise).-

RCA Clear Tops
Tung Sol's
1960's Sylvania's with the Yellow Lettering (the green lettering is from the 1950's and is supposed to be better sounding but they are hard to come by)
Sovtek 6N1P's
Electro Harmonix 6CG7's-worst of the bunch

Amperex tubes-
Smooth clean sound with great depth and presence to the music with excellent well controlled tight bass, clear clean treble  and timbre (cymbals sounded very natural with good decay and the leading edge of piano notes was smooth with no ring) and a very sweet midrange.  They lean to the slightly warmer side of neutral. Good sound stage, average to above average air and transparency when used in my DAC with the RCA Clear tops in my Preamp. I think that they present less air because of the depth of the music which really has a live sound to it.  My only criticism is that they may produce too much bass for some tastes.

RCA Clear Tops-
Stregnths are very wide sound stage with tremendous air and transparency.  Good bass and well balanced sound but they tend to lean on the brighter side of neutral and can be slightly ssssibilant.  They pair well with other tubes and do well in a DAC and Pre amp.
When I used the RCA's paired together in both my DAC and Pre the sound stage appeared almost infinite and the music was the most transparent.  Treble seems to have less resolution but it was pleasing.  I really love the sound stage, air and transparency. With certain music and listening in the dark 
the sound can be mesmerizing.  If the sound was only a little warmer with less sibilance this would be may favorite combination.  And at times I may switch back and forth with the Amperex tubes in my DAC.

Tung Sols-
These tubes could have ranked up there with the Amperex as they have excellent bass and midrange with a very smooth, liquid sound with good depth and realism but treble was slightly pushed back for my taste.  They present a good sound stage but only average air and transparency.  They would be a great choice if you like to listen to Rock and roll and older brightly recorded Cd's.  They sounded equally good in both my DAC and Pre when paired with the RCA's.

These tubes really are a funky tube.  They do best in the DAC and need careful matching with other tubes.  When used in my Pre they have too much bass and it seems too loose.  But in my DAC they are warm and smooth sounding with a very natural sound, however they seem to lack bass when paired with the RCA's in the Pre. (note that I had upgraded to the Burr Brown Op Amps in my DAC for a while and the Mazda's had excellent bass in the DAC and boomy bass in the Pre, I have since removed the BB Op Amps and put back in the stock OA's.).  The Mazda's would be great in my system if I used a sub.

These tubes have a very neutral sound. They have very good resolution other than that they are average in all area's.  I could live with these tubes but there are better out there.  They seem more suited for my DAC.  In my preamp the bass was just a little loose sounding with bass heavy music.

Electro Harmonix-
Where do I start!  These are supposed to be exact copies of the RCA Clear tops but they sure don't sound like it.  They had no sonically redeeming qualities in my system.  They were way too bright with irritating sharp harsh treble and they lacked bass. Vocals sounded less natural and the midrange sounded dead.  They were also very ssssibilant.

6N1P Sovteks-
Good overall sound as these were the stock tubes in both my DAC and Pre. But the 6CG7's just sound better with more depth and resolution to the music (except for the Elctro Harmonix tubes).  If I had not heard the 6CG7's I could be perfectly happy with them.

I hope this helps some but every one has different equipment and tastes.
« Last Edit: 13 Aug 2010, 10:09 pm by I.Greyhound Fan »


Re: 6CG7 Tube Reviews
« Reply #1 on: 13 Aug 2010, 09:40 pm »
Wow. That was a lot of work - swapping, listening, swapping, listening. Excellent review - thank you.

My AvaStar is new so I'm going to listen for a while and I went a got a new FET Valve which also has a tube front end. I don't want to get too confused. I have some RCA clear tops I'll try in the pre when I get more familiar with the system sound.

How much time did you spend listening to each tube change - just curious.

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: 6CG7 Tube Reviews
« Reply #2 on: 13 Aug 2010, 10:01 pm »
I would say I gave each tube between 8-30 hours of listening.  Not really long enough to break them in but you could pretty much tell immediately which sounded good and which didnt.  (my 19 yo son helped me and we generally agreed on the sound) I did a lot of swapping with different combo's of the different brands.  One thing that became clear is that the RCA Clear tops generally sounded the best when paired with all other tubes. 

There were other tube combinations that sounded pretty good but it would take too long to write them up.

The only other tubes that I may give a listen to are NOS RCA Black Plates which are supposed to have a huge sound stage and more air than the Clear Tops but they are also supposed to be a little brighter.  They may pair well with the Amperex and Tung Sols to give me a little of the huge sound stage and air that I like.  I may also find a pair of the 1950's Sylvania's.

I'll eventually end up selling the tubes that I don't like but I'm planning on eventually buying some more Van Alstine tube gear for my second system in the future.
« Last Edit: 14 Aug 2010, 08:20 pm by I.Greyhound Fan »


Re: 6CG7 Tube Reviews
« Reply #3 on: 14 Aug 2010, 01:15 pm »
Excellent write-up! It will prove helpful to many!!  Thanks so much for taking the time. Now, where to find some Amperex tubes. :lol:

I hope this helps some but every one has different equipment and tastes.
That's true, but even with the very different presentations of our speakers (HT3's and 1.6's) we did experience many similiarities. It probably helps that we both prefer some warmth and want FULL range in the bass.

Thanks again, very cool it worked out so well for you. :thumb: 8)

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: 6CG7 Tube Reviews
« Reply #4 on: 19 Aug 2010, 02:10 am »
I received another 4 Amperex tubes in the mail earlier today and I am now running the Amperex in both my DAC and PRE.  The sound is excellent.  A little warmer than when I had then Clear Tops in the Pre.  There is slightly more bass but the slight sibilance is gone and there is more presence to the music.  I have to do about 20 hours of listening till I decide if I like runnning 4 amperex or 2 amperex and 2 Clear Tops.  By the way,  I had switched the RCA's to the DAC and the Amperex to the Pre.  That combo leaned a little to the bright side of neutral and was fairly sibilant.  It appears from all my testing that the RCA's are best suited to my Preamp in my system.  I suppose if I had a tube amp or fully tube pre or dac that the RCA's would be less sibilant.

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: 6CG7 Tube Reviews
« Reply #5 on: 19 Aug 2010, 03:01 am »
If any one is interested, 5 6CG7 amperex tubes are available on ebay




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Re: 6CG7 Tube Reviews
« Reply #6 on: 19 Aug 2010, 04:55 am »
Thanks for the update IGF. Between you, martyo, (& others in the original thread) eventually I'll get around to trying the alternate options. I do prefer the Mazda-Brimars to the Sovteks in my T-8, with my DCM-7's. But am looking forward to trying the others noted by the both of you.


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Re: 6CG7 Tube Reviews
« Reply #8 on: 19 Aug 2010, 11:23 am »
If any one is interested, 5 6CG7 amperex tubes are available on ebay



"Now we are 7."  I mean, there is 1 available now. :eyebrows:

Thanks Larry :thumb: 8)


Re: 6CG7 Tube Reviews
« Reply #9 on: 19 Aug 2010, 08:10 pm »
Note that a tube brand that works well in one specific circuit design might not be the best choice in a different design.


Frank Van Alstine

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: 6CG7 Tube Reviews
« Reply #10 on: 19 Aug 2010, 08:22 pm »
Note that a tube brand that works well in one specific circuit design might not be the best choice in a different design.


Frank Van Alstine

Yep, thats why I ended my review with the statement "every one has different equipment and tastes".  What works for me may not work for others.

And by the way.  I know I rated the Electro Harmonix poorly, but just out of curiosity today I tried them in my preamp paired with the Amperex in my DAC and I was pleasantly surprised at the sound.  They actually sound better than the RCA clear tops in this configuarion although the sound is similar.  The sound leans a bit on the bright side but resolution is better and cymbals sound crisper more clear.  They also present a bit more transparency and air.

I find it interesting how a tube can sound so bad to me when paired with so many other tubes but paired with the Amperex the sound is pretty sweet.  I still prefer the combo of the Amperex in both my Pre and DAC.

Frank, if you would like I would be happy to bring over my DAC and Pre  and some of my tubes for you to compare.  For me, the Amperex and some of the other tubes I have tried have taken my AVA gear to an even higher level of sound and enjoyment.



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Re: 6CG7 Tube Reviews
« Reply #11 on: 26 Jan 2012, 02:14 pm »

What are the Jan GE 6cg7 like soundwise? Is GE amperex brand? I have Ei 6cg7 in my valve preamp. How do they compare with the NOS tubes you reviewed.




Re: 6CG7 Tube Reviews
« Reply #12 on: 26 Jan 2012, 05:28 pm »
To add to this discussion, I have been using 6SN7s with adapters in my FET Valve DAC since there are so many great choices with the those.  I had to modify the cover since the tubes plus the adapters are taller than the case.


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Re: 6CG7 Tube Reviews
« Reply #13 on: 26 Jan 2012, 10:32 pm »
Did you use Greenlee knock out to cut those holes?

I.Greyhound Fan

Re: 6CG7 Tube Reviews
« Reply #14 on: 26 Jan 2012, 11:17 pm »
I have not tried any GE tubes, my Amprex probably were made by GE.  The best tubes that I have found so far are 1950's Raytheon Black Plates.  They have a slightly warmer sound with a rich deep midrange, good bass, transparency and detail. I am using them in my preamp. I also found some 1950's GE Black Plates which work great in the preamp but lack bass in my DAC.  They have tremendous air and transparency.  I also have recently tried some 1950's Tung Sol Black Plates which are pretty good but a little brighter sounding than the Raytheons.  The problem that I have been running into with my Ultra DAC II and the 6CG7 tubes is that they can be ssssssibilant with my Magnepan 1.6 speakers.


Re: 6CG7 Tube Reviews
« Reply #15 on: 27 Jan 2012, 01:27 am »
Did you use Greenlee knock out to cut those holes?

No. I ended up using a circular hole bit. The greenlee option would have been very expensive. Instead I used the hole saw bit with a guide bit.


Re: 6CG7 Tube Reviews
« Reply #16 on: 31 Jan 2012, 01:15 am »
To add to this discussion, I have been using 6SN7s with adapters in my FET Valve DAC since there are so many great choices with the those.  I had to modify the cover since the tubes plus the adapters are taller than the case.

I have been using Black Treasure CV181-Z with adapter as well in my Fet Valve Ultra+ preamp.  I like seeing the tubes exposed.  Drilled mine and had some aluminum rings anodized black.  CV181-Z have great depth, separation, staging and extension on both ends.  Have tried a few NOS 6CG7's(Tung-sol, Amperex, Clear Tops, RCA Black Plates, Sylvania) and it is all dependent on the tubes upstream in my amps.(Rogue M-150's).

I would experiment as the wallet allows.....IMHO you can never have too many tubes on hand to change the mood! :wink:


Re: 6CG7 Tube Reviews
« Reply #17 on: 4 Feb 2012, 02:27 am »
+1 on never having enough tubes

Neal :wave:


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Re: 6CG7 Tube Reviews
« Reply #18 on: 4 Feb 2012, 03:51 am »
Hi all,

What are the RCA blackplate "Fat D getter" type or rayheon glass like sonically.



I.Greyhound Fan

Re: 6CG7 Tube Reviews
« Reply #19 on: 8 Feb 2012, 05:05 am »
The 1950's Raytheon black plates are my favorite tube.  They have a slightly warmer more liquid sound with greater depth but give up just a little air and transparency when they are paired together in both my preamp and DAC.  They are the least sibilant of my tubes and pair well with most other tubes.  They are a great preamp tube.  A very good friend of mine who is an audiophile commented on how much he liked my system with the Raytheons.  He thought it was the best the system has sounded.

The RCA black plates have a slightly laid back thinner sound but have more air and wider sound stage with good treble.  I think they sounded better in the preamp than the DAC.  If you really want to know I can look up my notes that I keep on the tubes.

I have one other set of tubes to try and then I am done tube rolling.  I may have quite a few tubes to sell in a couple of months.