Say Goodbye to the Timepiece Mini & Hello to the Spirit-1SE

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Aether Audio

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We have one pair of Timepiece Minis left to ship (alredy spoken for), and that will be the last pair to sail from our shores into the sunset.  They're just too hard and cost too much in parts to build for no more than we can charge for them.  Folks are only willing to pay so much for a speaker of a certain size, and that's not enough to make them pofitable for us to continue manufacturing.  This is now all the more true that we have upgraded all of the Millennial Reference Series speakers to the new ring-radiator tweeter/500Hz crossover.

So... say your "goodbyes" and if you aready own a pair... you might wanna think twice before selling them... if the thought ever crossed your mind.  :nono:

But... you can say "hello" to the Spirit-1SE that will be taking the Minis' place.  The Special Edition uses the same enclosure, woofer, etc., as the standard version... but includes the new tweeter/crossover mentioned above.  The cost to upgrade is an even $1K, which raises the price to $2,990.00 per pair (or $2,490.00 per pair for the 4 remaining pair of Spirits being offered at the discounted price).

So... the "old man" returns to the dust from which he came, but new life takes his place on the world stage... well, the "stage" in your listening room - maybe.  :eyebrows:

Take care, :D


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Re: Say Goodbye to the Timepiece Mini & Hello to the Spirit-1SE
« Reply #1 on: 27 Aug 2010, 06:30 am »
Photos Bob?

Aether Audio

  • Industry Participant
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Re: Say Goodbye to the Timepiece Mini & Hello to the Spirit-1SE
« Reply #2 on: 27 Aug 2010, 05:26 pm »

How's it going my friend?  Good to hear from you! :thumb:

Drop me an e-mail some time.  I think we just might have something that will work for you and with a turn-around time that is a LOT better. :wink:

Take care,

PS: Here are the pics: (Binding posts are Cardas copper on the SE's though - not shown here)