SongTowers and the NEW AVA Ultravalve Experience - Oh My!

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FYI..its like getting a the Salk SongTowers all over again...didnt want to post in 2 places but here is the link to my first impressions of using the new AVA Ultravalve and a new Insight SL + Pre with my SongTowers..

All the best


Re: SongTowers and the NEW AVA Ultravalve Experience - Oh My!
« Reply #1 on: 24 Jul 2010, 12:02 pm »
Nice write up and glad you are liking the new amp/preamp.  As I was reading I had to laugh when I saw ["Play Me Something Good" this is code for put on the 'EAGLES'].  My wife is exactly the same when she sits down to listen! :lol:



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Re: SongTowers and the NEW AVA Ultravalve Experience - Oh My!
« Reply #2 on: 25 Jul 2010, 01:28 am »

I am sitting here after several hours of listening to the new toys watching HGTV with my wonderful wife when I read your reply! I read it to her and we both started laughing!!

Life is good!


Now where did i put that Eagles cd??


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Re: SongTowers and the NEW AVA Ultravalve Experience - Oh My!
« Reply #3 on: 29 Jul 2010, 01:55 am »
Its just getting better....I call it audio aurgasm....It was so good I had to stop!

I was listeing to a Walter Hyatt cd, followed by Dogs and then Quincy ...Also Known as Mary....what a session.

I replaced my interconnects today with some LC1's from Blue Jeans and have the entire setup rewired and arranged.

The Ultravalve and the preamp with the analog out from the Oppo has taken us to a new level of sonic nirvana...

Its like being able to look into the music and see whats happening. All those neat subltle things, like wire brushes on drums, cymbols and all those cool percussion thingys!

The bass is so tight, the strings are so sweet and of all kinds shine so nice.

Life is good!


Re: SongTowers and the NEW AVA Ultravalve Experience - Oh My!
« Reply #4 on: 29 Jul 2010, 03:10 am »
It's amazing what you hear when you eliminate a receiver and get some good 2-channel gear.  Especially when tubes are in the chain! :thumb:


Re: SongTowers and the NEW AVA Ultravalve Experience - Oh My!
« Reply #5 on: 29 Jul 2010, 09:10 am »
Sounds like you've really found the right equipment combo.  I've been trying to convince my wife that we 'need' to get some tubes in our system, but all I get are rolled eyes and a shaking head   :nono: when I suggest some new equipment.  Maybe it would help if your wife talked to my wife...their musical tastes seem to be the same :icon_lol:



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Re: SongTowers and the NEW AVA Ultravalve Experience - Oh My!
« Reply #6 on: 29 Jul 2010, 02:06 pm »

I am a very fortunate guy to have an understanding wife!  :D
She knows how much enjoyment this stuff is to the Songs and the Ultravalve 'A Marraige Made in Audio Heaven'

Life is a compromise, and we all have budgets etc..

I have a spool of 12ga wire coming in on Friday and will be wiring up a second set of speaker cables, I have the Oppo to the Pre to the Amp to the Speakers now...and its strictly a 2 ch setup...I did connect the analog outs from the Touch last night to the preamp so I can compare the 2 sources. There is a bunch of stuff to try on the Touch for improving this source from what i have read on the discless circle...power supply and software mods to the TinyOS in the Touch etc.

I will reconnect the AVR and when I watch a movie use the AVR and when back to 2 ch I will manually disconnect and reattach the cables from the Ultavalve. I also will have the digital and coax outs from the Touch to the AVR.

When I get brave I will attempt to take the AVR LR pre outs to the spare ins on the AVA preamp and try the HT byapass switch. have to recalibrate the AVR Audessy levels etc.. I am the kind of guy that changes only one thing at a time so I dont get lost in the wiring and logic!

All the best