World's BEST ac outlets.......Maestro ac outlets ???

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Re: World's BEST ac outlets.......Maestro ac outlets ???
« Reply #20 on: 4 Jul 2010, 07:23 pm »
I think among the best investments in this hobby was a $10 IG8300 hospital grade outlet from Lowes a few years ago.

I ended up with a $36 (cryo'ed) Porter Port outlet....if there was a difference from the original $10 Lowe's unit, it was very slight.  But, the step from the $0.49 contractor grade unit to the $10 Lowes was outright HUGE.

No wire swap has ever provided that level of consistent betterment as the change to a 'better' outlet was. The music just settled and sounded so much more natural with any of the outlets past the original contractor grade one.

  Someone over on the audio asylum forum ( their tweak forum) said that the maestro outlets are a lot better than the Porter Port outlets.....


Re: World's BEST ac outlets.......Maestro ac outlets ???
« Reply #21 on: 4 Jul 2010, 11:02 pm »

Thanks for sharing your nonexperiences Nuance.  8)

And you know this how?  Lets not forget I was a believer in everything a while back, even those cable risers.  Then I tried them, subjectively and objectively.  I don't dismiss your opinions and experiences; I give you the benefit of the doubt and don't make bad assumptions.  I'd appreciate the same in return. 

I really get so tired of that argument (nothing personal Nuance).    That's like saying because the state, county, and city don't take care of the roads, I shouldn't have a nice smooth driveway because it's only the last 50 feet.


No offense taken.  Thing is though, its a completely different analogy.  No one is claiming your entire driving experience will magically be improved by simply paving your driveway.


You just agreed with something you have no clue about.  You must be proud!  :roll:

Anyone care to answer my questions from the second post on the first page? 


Re: World's BEST ac outlets.......Maestro ac outlets ???
« Reply #22 on: 4 Jul 2010, 11:08 pm »
  A stereo system is only as good as its weakest link and those very cheap ac outlets is one of those weak links.....

So is the actual power running into your home.  You going to replaced the power lines too? :)  In all seriousness, please explain how an outlet like this will improve that already terrible power running into our homes.  This isn't meant to be argumentative - I seriously want to know.  As always, if proof exists I am ready and willing to see it/read about it.  And if they actually do work, I'll be right there with you in line to buy them.

If you guys wan't to believe in this and buy it - go for it.  It's not my money.  I simply prefer proof.  YMMV and to each their own. :wink:


Re: World's BEST ac outlets.......Maestro ac outlets ???
« Reply #23 on: 4 Jul 2010, 11:24 pm »
I also bought Porter Port cryoed outlets and indeed it made a huge difference from the contractor outlets that came with my house. The difference was analagous between having an average power amp upgraded to a state of the art power amp.


Re: World's BEST ac outlets.......Maestro ac outlets ???
« Reply #24 on: 4 Jul 2010, 11:25 pm »
lonewolf, I think in this case that's spelled ad nauseam.
 It's pretty funny when a post from HiFiSoundGuy can lure those with rigid agendas out of the woodwork.
Once again history repeats itself.


Re: World's BEST ac outlets.......Maestro ac outlets ???
« Reply #25 on: 4 Jul 2010, 11:40 pm »
In high end audio a lot of the manufactures explainations are suspect. Yes I know it don't make sense but ,IMHO outlets and PC can sound quite different.
 Nuance did you ever try different PC's and outlets? If your system has somewhat good resolution you should hear a difference.

Sorry - I missed your post.  In my old home, yes, I tried the PS Audio Power Port Outlets and they made no difference.  I also tried a Panamax power conditioner.  Since I have moved I have tried neither again, for what its worth.

I see this thread turning into what all the other ones usually do...  No matter what you believe, enjoy!



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Re: World's BEST ac outlets.......Maestro ac outlets ???
« Reply #26 on: 5 Jul 2010, 12:49 am »
Sorry - I missed your post.  In my old home, yes, I tried the PS Audio Power Port Outlets and they made no difference.  I also tried a Panamax power conditioner.  Since I have moved I have tried neither again, for what its worth.

I see this thread turning into what all the other ones usually do...  No matter what you believe, enjoy!


Well now, you do have experiences to share afterall.  :thumb:  We have something in common with the use of PS Audio PowerPorts as they were the very 1st outlet I tried in place of my stock home POS 50 year old duplex. The change is the audio was not only a stark improvement, it was too much of an improvement and made my system highly bright & fatiguing. I tried a copper Hubbel which was more system friendly and them a gold 20a Furutech which I fell in love with. I won't be looking or should I say listening to any more duplex's as I've made my bed with Furutech,,, unless someone happens to walk in with a duplex to compare. I'm always open to freebee comparisons.  :eyebrows:
Cheers & Happy Independence Day,


Re: World's BEST ac outlets.......Maestro ac outlets ???
« Reply #27 on: 5 Jul 2010, 12:58 am »
I had a very similar experience to Robin's.  PS Audio Power Ports made a difference.  For me, better bass but not better HF.  When I switched to gold Furutech, bass improved more, the soundstage opened up (PS Audio sounded constricted by comparison) and the mids and HF were much improved.

Overall, the difference was quite surprising since I thought the two dedicated outlets couldn't be improved on much. 


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Re: World's BEST ac outlets.......Maestro ac outlets ???
« Reply #28 on: 5 Jul 2010, 01:29 am »
gold 20a Furutech which I fell in love with. I won't be looking or should I say listening to any more duplex's as I've made my bed with FurutechCheers & Happy Independence Day,



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Re: World's BEST ac outlets.......Maestro ac outlets ???
« Reply #29 on: 5 Jul 2010, 01:52 am »
I've found that power issues can be very localized. 

Personally I've never found issues where I live.  My last place was a 50 year old house with a rat's nest of over stressed wiring and fuses, yet a PS Audio PowerPlant made very little difference.  But the power at Steve Deckert's place (Decware) was very noticably improved after local small/old factories closed down after 2nd shift.  My current digs has nearly ideal power.  We have our own transformer with underground service, all new appliances, all 12 gauge/20 amp or bigger circuits.  The audio system has 3 dedicated circuits, each with a single cryo'd hospital grade 20 amp duplex convenience receptacle in plastic boxes with a combined use grounding rod.  I even tried going with a battery amp and DAC (made no noticeable difference).

And I've not heard any advantage to lifting/separating cables, using footers under components, or adding weights (except for an Oppo universal disc player).


Re: World's BEST ac outlets.......Maestro ac outlets ???
« Reply #30 on: 8 Jul 2010, 02:50 am »
This topic has been pared down and is unlocked.  Please keep it friendly. 

BTW:  This board, while it may get into technical issues, is a meeting place for friends who share a hobby.  It doesn't pretend to be a scientific forum.  If that's your bent, there are other forums.