super bowl recipes?

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super bowl recipes?
« on: 24 Jan 2003, 10:23 pm »
I use a hooters recipe for hot wings that is pretty damn close without the waitresses, but any others?  

Layered dip usually goes refried, chili, jalapenos, olives, refried, guacamole, cheese, salsa, chili, cheese, bake for an hour or so and munch.




  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 63
super bowl recipes?
« Reply #1 on: 24 Jan 2003, 10:34 pm »
Beers and chips are fine with me. Might need some ROLAIDS you're betting on the wrong team :-)

  Do they broadscast Superbowl on local TV other where you are or do you have to get a satellite?


super bowl recipes?
« Reply #2 on: 24 Jan 2003, 10:41 pm »
they do on the military channel, but it is without commercials, which is often the reason  for watching...have not checked my satellite schedule yet.  this game should be worth watching in itself, although I have thought that before.




super bowl recipes?
« Reply #3 on: 25 Jan 2003, 01:56 am »
Hey dawg, that layered dip sounds pretty good, I'll have to remember that one.

Here is a quick one.  Mexican Velveta cheese and browned burger (preferablely seasoned with taco seasoning) all melted together.  If you want to get a little nutty you can get the regular Velveta and dice a mixture of hot peppers and add according to how many beers you have.  Also fresh tomatos are good too.

Another favorite.  Homemade meatballs.  mix burger, thyme, garlic, whorshershire (sp) sauce and make into balls.  Cook.   Add fresh shrooms and cream of mushroom soup and place in a crock.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 107
super bowl recipes?
« Reply #4 on: 25 Jan 2003, 02:37 am »
Which Hooter's recipe do you use.  There are a million of them on the net?  I tried one last week.  Very good...except the butter kept seperating from the rest of the ingredients when the sauce cooled.  Had to keep it warm.


super bowl recipes?
« Reply #5 on: 25 Jan 2003, 03:48 am »
I haven't tried any of the hooters recipes but I've been making them as follows for years:

base of Franks or Durkee's red hot sauce. about 2 cups.

1/2 stick of butter (melted)

cayanne pepper  - havn't measured the amount. I just keep adding until it looks and tastes right. :)

garlic powder - a pinch or two

onion powder - a pinch or two as well.

fresh ground black pepper - about the same as the cayanne pepper.

dave's insanity sauce - a little! very little until you get the heat at the point you like it. 'course I like it pretty warm, so a teaspoon full for a big batch is about right.

I also sprinkle the wings with cayanne pepper before frying. immediately after frying, drain and put into bowl of warm sauce, coating throughly. Remove from sauce and put in serving bowl. repeat until all wings are cooked and pour remaining sauce over wings.

nothin' fancy and mostly seasoned to taste, but damn they taste good. I will have to pick up some wings tomorrow. :)


super bowl recipes?
« Reply #6 on: 25 Jan 2003, 08:43 am »
I had a drop of one of those sauces once on a potato chip...I was retching in the nearest john shortly thereafter.    Below is the recipe I use, from  The only difference is that I make batches of 10 to 15 wings and put the flour/spice mix in a ziploc bag and store them in the fridge until I cook them.  It does help to keep the breading on the wings.  I do a lot of stirring with the sauce and butter mix to keep it blended and I also keep it heated for the same reason you had to.  Enjoy the game all!  

# Vegetable oil for frying
# 1/4 c Butter
# 1/4 c Louisiana Hot Sauce
# 1 ds Ground pepper
# 1 ds Garlic powder
# 1/2 c Flour
# 1/4 ts Paprika
# 1/4 ts Cayenne pepper
# 1/4 ts Salt
# 10 Chicken pieces
# Bleu cheese salad dressing & Celery sticks

Heat oil in a deep fryer to 375 degrees. You want just enough oil to cover the wings entirely -- an inch or so deep at least. Combine the butter, hot sauce, ground pepper, and garlic powder in a small saucepan over low heat. Heat until the butter is melted and the ingredients are well blended. Combine the flour, paprika, cayenne pepper, and salt in a small bowl. If the wings are frozen, be sure to defrost and dry them. Put the wings into a large bowl and sprinkle the flour mixture over them, coating each wing evenly. Put the wings in the refrigerator for 60 to 90 minutes. (This will help the breading to stick to the wings when fried.) Put all the wings into the hot oil and fry them for 10 to 15 minutes or until some parts of the wings begin to turn dark brown. Remove the wings from the oil to a paper towel to drain. But don't let them sit too long, because you want to serve the wings hot. Quickly put the wings into a large bowl. Add the hot sauce and stir, coating all the wings evenly. You could also use a large plastic container with a lid for this. Put all the wings inside the container, add the sauce, put on the lid, then shake. Serve with Bleu cheese dressing and celery sticks on the side. Serves 2.


super bowl recipes?
« Reply #7 on: 25 Jan 2003, 01:40 pm »
:mrgreen: going to make some venison chili today.
i like to make it a day early and let it set over night.  :dance:
go raiders


Not for the faint of heart - Jalapeno Poppers
« Reply #8 on: 25 Jan 2003, 06:18 pm »
I made some venison chili a while back and it was amazing.  Nice call!!

Here's an easy jalapeno popper recipe:

2 dozen jalapenos
1 lb. cream cheese (I use lite to kee my girlish figure)
1/2 lb. Cheddar cheese
1/2 lb. parmesan
8 tortillas

Cut the jalapenos in half and scoop out ALL the innards.  Make sure to remove all the seeds, otherwise the final product will be too spicy.  Also, be careful here as the oil and seeds can get under your fingernails pretty easily and that is painful :evil: .  I use a spoon and wash my hands periodically.  

Dump the cleaned jalapeno halves into boiling water for a minute, and then take them out and run them under cold water.  Set aside.

Grate the cheddar and then mix the cheeses together to form the filling.  Season as you see fit.  I add some salt, pepper and ground cumin.

Scoop the cheese mixture into the jalapeno halves so it is level with the jalapeno edges or maybe slightly crowned.  Place on cookie sheet.

Cut the six ways so you end up with 48 tortilla triangles.  Place in a bking dish.

Put the stuffed jalapenos and tortiilla trangles into a 400 degrees F oven.  Bake about 4 minutes, pull out the tortillas, and then quickly broil the poppers for a minute or so until the cheese browns a little bit on top.  

Let cool for a few minutes and then serve side by side.  By removing the jalapeno innards, you kill almost all of the jalapeno heat and they are friggn' delicious!!

Oh - beware the burning bung!!!
