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Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #20 on: 15 May 2010, 06:03 pm »
Yee-Haw!!!Let the sniping commence. You guys are both very good writers. This should be entertaining --- like the Algonquin Round Table.


Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #21 on: 15 May 2010, 06:05 pm »
Not to undermine any audio mags, but awards are there for pure entertainment. I am sure every piece that has recieved an award does represent deserved criteria for highend. but lets face it, the people who hand out these awards are somewhat self proclaimed experts. There is really no science that backs their endeavor other than specs. Its like wrestling, fake but entertaining.

I do enjoy reading audio mags and pointing at the awards but i am realistic about it. Its pure entertainment.. thats all.


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Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #22 on: 15 May 2010, 06:18 pm »
Can't agree that awards are placed simply to provide entertainment. They are created and distributed to stimulate sales for the publication and the manufacturers, distributors and/or importers who they choose, on whatever basis, to favor.


Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #23 on: 15 May 2010, 06:23 pm »
Can't agree that awards are placed simply to provide entertainment. They are created and distributed to stimulate sales for the publication and the manufacturers, distributors and/or importers who they choose, on whatever basis, to favor.

Yes, but they may as well make money doing it and please their sponsors to favor as you said.

Steven Stone

Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #24 on: 15 May 2010, 06:26 pm »
I agree with Werd. Awards are so a writer and publication can reinterate what they've already written about a product and remind their readers of the product's existence.

I seriously doubt a consumer makes a decision between two products based on whether one has received an award or not.

Awards are more important to marketing and PR folks to prove they've actually been out there doing their jobs - getting exposure for their products.

And while we're discussing marketing, comparing yourself with a market leader is an old and well-trodden stratagem for raising customer awareness of your product.

Sound familiar?


Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #25 on: 15 May 2010, 06:46 pm »
Now we are getting a little pissy, aren't we? 

I think I'll take the high road this time and not go there.  But I think you might do well to do your homework this time...


Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #26 on: 15 May 2010, 06:50 pm »
A big mistake that any audio mag in high circulation can make is to stop handing out awards. It does allow the mag to stop becoming an audio mag for a moment and allows it to come across in a more flashy appearance. Like i said they are entertaining editions (the award ones)


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Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #27 on: 15 May 2010, 06:50 pm »
Seasoned audiophiles who have bought and sold a lot of product over the years are influenced in their buying decisions, to some extent, by a sense of how easily and painlessly they can resell a prospective purchase when the time comes. In this regard, sadly, the magazine juice can be influential.

Steven Stone

Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #28 on: 15 May 2010, 07:01 pm »
I agree that in the resale marketplace reputation is important.

But I think you give reviews too much weight. Reliability, performance, features, customer support, style, and applicability all contribute to value and resellability of a component far more than any review (I hope.)


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Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #29 on: 15 May 2010, 07:11 pm »
Steven - Please refer to post number 18 in this thread for a refresher on how much weight I place on reviews.
In this age of internet sales and unqualified blog opinions, it is difficult to know who or what to believe. Many of us live too far from the nearest dealer to personally investigate items that might be of interest. Aside from the questionably motivated audio press, there is little left but audio shows and hearsay. Or sticking to the bluechip companies whose names and reputations are well-established.


Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #30 on: 15 May 2010, 07:14 pm »
This thread can use a hot librarian. short interlude to lighten it up....


well she dresses like one.... kinda


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Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #31 on: 15 May 2010, 07:35 pm »
In the era of the interweb, the consumer has access to an overwhelming array of information , both bad and good, about a particular product or service. In a free society it is the responsibility of the individual to do his due diligence to separate the wheat from the chaff concerning the accuracy of the information provided. That a particular source deems it nessary to bestow accolades on an overwhelming number of reviewed components would only cause a thinking person to dilute the credibility of that source. Caveat Emptor!
      I have read Steven Stones' reviews for years and find them to be accurate, well thought out, and comprehensive. I cannot say that about some of the other reviewers on TAS or the editorial staff. All publications have their strengths and weaknesses. Mr. Stone, thanks for all the great reviews over the years. Mr. Dorgay, thanks for pointing out, what should be, the obvious.

People who live in glass houses, should

get dressed in the basement.  :green:


Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #32 on: 15 May 2010, 09:01 pm »
Well put.  I would hope that anyone in the market for a piece of gear would read everything they can get their hands on, and spend some time auditioning whatever component they are planning to spend their hard earned cash on.

Even the best reviews are only part of the story.  Where I always get great information on the various forums is when owners start talking about potential glitches with a component, long term reliability, etc and also which features the consumer responds to and does not.

Back in the old days, we only had a few magazines.  Hopefully the extra information has helped all of you to find gear more to your liking.  And if we were able to help in any way, that's what keeps me doing my job.


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Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #33 on: 15 May 2010, 09:12 pm »
I read TAS, Stereophile, Enjoy The Music and Tone Publications.  I must say that a print mag is still my favorite to read.  Personally, I look at a computer screen way to many hours in a day.  It's really nice to hold paper and read.  Yes, I know, I can print them out...that's not  :green: though.  It kinda defeats the whole purpose IMO. 

At the end of the day, it's nice to read what someone thinks of the gear.  Do I purchase equipment based on that?  Hell NO!!!  My ears, my room and my time decides.

Jeff and Steven are great writers here with something to add in this hobby (for us) and living for you.  I will say that last month I did say to myself that it always seems like I'm reading an advertisment on TAS lately.  I would prefer it to be less issues and more reviews rather then so many ads and less reviews.  Either way, I'll probably still read it.   :dunno:

Stu Pitt

Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #34 on: 15 May 2010, 11:35 pm »
What turns me off the most with the magazines is that 99%of what they review is unaffordable to the average working class hero such as myself and just about everyone I know.  I stopped buying the mags because I got sick of reading about how great $30k speakers and amps are.  How many people are buying the $15k Spiral Groove turntable on the cover of this month's Stereophile?

I'm not saying no mags review affordable gear, but most review very few affordable pieces.

I haven't read Tone in a while, but they reviewed a lot of affordable gear.  Hopefully they still do.


Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #35 on: 16 May 2010, 12:13 am »
We try to grab a little bit of every price category for that reason.  And most importantly (at least to me) we cover more music than TAS, Stereophile and HiFi + combined in every issue and we put it up front, where it belongs.

I'm guessing that no matter where you are on the budget pyramid, you'd probably at least like to buy a few new discs now and then....


Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #36 on: 16 May 2010, 12:21 am »
I'm going to chime in, but only from my time at the helm of Affordable$$Audio:

For the years 2006,7,8,9, A$$A gave out on average 16 "Best of" awards each year out of approximately 75 reviews, that turns out to be 21%.  Each writer was allowed to choose whatever they wished without interference from me.  Since the staff is all-volunteer  advertising never entered into the equation.

Like any "Best of" article, so much it is /entertainmentfun, for both readers and staff.   


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Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #37 on: 16 May 2010, 01:49 am »
There is a complicated formula involving advertising dollars, dollars spent on advertising and number of full page ads placed per issue. These figures are summed, averaged and assigned a letter rating.
I agree 200%.   This is a interesting and timely thread.
I was a TAS subscriber in the past, Iam surprised and shocked with the multichannel era of TAS, a ghost from the past, a real useless magazine, because seems all TAS awards go only to advertiser of the magazine, even here in Brazil this is suspicious.
Personaliy I think the ''tests'' and the awards of all or nearly all magazines receive some kind of payment in return.  As all the readers already know or suspect this commercial practice happen, it is best to assume that the magazines charge for ''testing'' and prizes awarded. 
Sincerity increases the credibility, which is what is missing in all the big magazines.   Someone still believes in audio magazines with advertisers??


Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #38 on: 16 May 2010, 03:33 am »
All kidding around about TAS aside, I used to work there.  They didn't charge for reviewing or for giving out awards.  It's not that dirty of a business.  None of the high end audio companies are that wealthy.

Why is it best to "assume" that they do that when you don't know the people that make up the magazine personally?

Is it best for me to assume that because there is a lot of violent crime in Brazil that you are a terrorist?  No fun when someone is pointing the gun at you, is it?

The first thing they told us in day one of News Writing 101 was "never to assume anything..."

If you don't like TAS or TONEAudio, don't read them. But it's very insulting and uninformed to just assume that we are all criminals.  Just like it's wrong of me to assume that you are one without meeting you in person.


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Re: TAS and POY
« Reply #39 on: 16 May 2010, 04:11 am »
All kidding around about TAS aside, I used to work there.  They didn't charge for reviewing or for giving out awards.  It's not that dirty of a business.  None of the high end audio companies are that wealthy.

Why is it best to "assume" that they do that when you don't know the people that make up the magazine personally?

Is it best for me to assume that because there is a lot of violent crime in Brazil that you are a terrorist?  No fun when someone is pointing the gun at you, is it?

The first thing they told us in day one of News Writing 101 was "never to assume anything..."

If you don't like TAS or TONEAudio, don't read them. But it's very insulting and uninformed to just assume that we are all criminals.  Just like it's wrong of me to assume that you are one without meeting you in person.
I do not mean say TAS charge money/cash, sorry.   But I see there is a constant relationship between advertisers and products tested, or be, are tested only products from advertisers of the magazine, this actually happen in all the big magazines I read.
Iam not saying this is out of law/crime or unethic, I just wish the readers should be informed of this procedure, as any magazine have to pay bills and salaries.
I do not like TAS anymore because there is too much HeavyMetal and others aggressive music styles on the discs reviews and the equips reviews are very light, no deep analisys etc.    Also the lack of support to the SACD format and Stereo formats annoys me.
Regards, Gustavo