Advanced Room Correction Plug-In from IK Multimedia - Pure Vinyl - iTunes

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I just purchased and have done some preliminary listening to the ARC plug-in, using Pure Vinyl as the host application and playing my iTunes library. This is software designed to measure your in-room response at the listening position and then adds eq and phase/time adjustment to the signal to compensate for your speakers/room.

Initial listening is that it makes a huge difference, probably 85% positive & 15% negative. The sound is more natural, and imaging is much more focused, but there is a loss of air and general ambiance. There is also a slight "digital" quality to the sound.

I also have room treatments, but seeing as how this cost around the same as one bass trap, it seemed like it was worth trying it out. I plan on doing some more testing, and figuring out if I can strike a balance between the positive aspects compared to the negative. I'm guessing best results will be obtained by getting the room and speakers close too neutral, so that the plug-in is doing minimal processing.

A few drawbacks are that it is limited to 96 kHz, and it is either all on or off. I have a feeling an adjustable mix of treated/untreated would provide a more tunable individual result. There is no easy way to change the target eq fro the four curves provided. And it needs a host application that will run AU or VST plug-ins.

It is normally a $450-$500 street price, but JR seems to be closing them out for $315, with a $40 gift card, so final cost is around $275 plus shipping.

Jim C


Sounds interesting. How is the integration with PV? I tried room correction with a TacT preamplifier a few years ago and had a similar impression regarding the SQ. 


Sounds interesting. How is the integration with PV? I tried room correction with a TacT preamplifier a few years ago and had a similar impression regarding the SQ.

The integration is pretty seamless, in PV preferences there is an advanced settings button that takes you to a window that has about 10 slots for plug-ins. So you can load any plug-in and then assign it to a bus of your output device, if you have more than just a stereo pair.

It opens up a lot of possibilities, like running something like SoundSoap to clean up live vinyl playback. Creating a "loudness" eq for low level listening. Using a compressor for low level listening. Or room correction like ARC.

You could also load some goofy plug-ins to do things like listen to Opera through an Ampeg SVT amp modeler. Or shift the pitch, and add reverb to something.

Right now I'm getting some issues about once an hour where it seems to lose track of the bit depth or sample rate and garbles the audio, but I haven't had time to figure out the cause. It is possible that my iMac doesn't have the computing power to do all the processing. There is a nice graphic that shows the percentage of CPU usage, and it skyrockets when you add the plug-ins.

I'm sure there would be a lot less overhead at 44.1, but I've been playing around with PV upsampling to 96 or 192.

Jim C


After living with this for a few weeks, I am really happy with the result. Music is sounding much more correct now - front to back soundstage is much better, before vocals always tended to sound a little recessed towards the back, but now it is a much more natural presentation.

I still plan to work towards getting the basic system without the plug-in working optimally, and then adding minimal correction, but I am hearing a far clearer presentation.

Jim C


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 63
  • I bend digital to my will
    • Core Audio Technology
ARC will take a few times to get good results. A better RTA mic than the one that comes with ARC will go a long way to a more accurate correction. If air and emotional content are lost it's because of a bad correction curve. I got fairly crappy curves until I upgraded to a nicer DBX RTA mic. It's incredible the difference a slightly off EQ can make.

I just wanted to post that in case someone else was interested in trying ARC and was having problems getting good results. The Mic makes a big difference.