TP Mini's

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TP Mini's
« on: 25 Mar 2010, 12:27 am »
It's too quiet around here.  Almost eerie.  Is it because you guys finally found sonic bliss and can stop obsessing over gear?  I hope so.

Anyway, I am a long-time lurker around here.  If you look me up it looks like I just recently joined but every time I forget my password I just create a new user account (sorry site admins) so I've been around a lot longer (remember harmonic discord days?).

I just did something I promised myself long ago that I would not do...I ordered audio gear (the Mini's) based soley on reviews.  Now I have to summons the patience for the longest four to six weeks of my life!  Bob says only four weeks but I know creative genius takes time.   :wink:

I wanted to ask you guys not to bother Bob until my Mini's are done and shipped.  No phone calls, no e-mails, no technical or philosophical questions whatsoever.  Don't bother him.  I mean it!    :wink:

I also wanted to ask advice... how does one keep his sanity while awaiting aural nirvana?  It has been a long time since I have been this excited over an audio purchase!   :thumb:

Do you think those guys who cryogenically freeze cables can do that to me?  And then wake me up when the Mini's are here?   :lol:



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Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #1 on: 25 Mar 2010, 12:35 am »
Well, I COULD tell you what you're in for with the Mini's, but I won't.  :green:

What I will tell you is that it's just starting. Once you hear the Mini's, you'll start thinking about what the TP 3.0's would sound like. And before you know it you've taken a step up Mr. Smith's ladder. So sweet!  :thumb:



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Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #2 on: 25 Mar 2010, 12:53 am »
Good to have you back Chuck! Your expectant excitement is justified. Spend the time making sure your signal chain and room are worthy and as good as you can make them. What wood did you settle on? How does one keep ones sanity? You're assuming we are sane to begin with.  :nono:  :banana piano: :cuss: :singing: :bounce: :tempted: :duel: :shake: :dunno: :wave: :rock: :slap: :dance: My wait was 11 months. :green:


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Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #3 on: 25 Mar 2010, 01:04 am »
I won;t tell you what my wait was....but it was WAYYYYY worth it for my Revelations and Continuums!  :thumb: :thumb:

By the way, Bob has production streamlined much better than before so I would trust his wait times are a bit tighter now.

As previously posted, make sure the rest of your system is up to snuff...but I'd wait on major cable or accessory upgrades until you hear the Minis and get them broken in.  Their transparency and dynamics will greatly affect your cabling and other decisions.

Finally, have fun.  Congrats!  :beer:


Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #4 on: 25 Mar 2010, 02:36 am »
So hard to wait. Try to be patient. Hopefully you have a system up and running to tide you over.  Be  8)


Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #5 on: 25 Mar 2010, 03:02 am »
4-6 weeks sounds good!  You'll have to post your review here after you get them, of course.


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Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #6 on: 25 Mar 2010, 04:00 am »
Thanks guys.

Actually, Bob selected the cabinet finish for me.  He had a finished pair of walnut cabinets sitting on his shelf and said he could have the Mini's done in four weeks since the cabinets were already built.  I wanted walnut to begin with, so imagine how pleased I was to hear he had walnut cabinets in stock!  I was expecting a six month wait or longer...just for the standard matte black finish.

Along those lines; the longest I've waited for an audio component is nine months (my first Odyssey Stratos amp).  The wait about killed me (or so it felt)!  But I was glad I waited.  It was really well built and looked (and sounded!) like at least twice what I paid.  I eventually sold it to finance other audio adventures and to try out tubes.  Klaus quoted me nine months for delivery so I knew I was in for a wait.

Right now though I have a 35 watt Antique Sound Lab integrated tube amp.  I really enjoy it with my moderately efficient Usher bookshelf speakers.  But from what I have been reading, I will want more power and control.  I guess Odyssey is back on my short list!  I like what I read about Creek audio too.  I used a Creek passive pre years ago that I thought was a great value for a budget component.  I guess I can try to pass the next weeks researching SS amps.  I prefer integrated's for convenience.  I need to read up on NuForce, of course.

Feel free to feed me some suggestions while I am waiting for the Mini's.  I would like to limit the cost of the amp to around $2,000 but could probably go up to $3k if I were convinced it was a good value.

I normally listen in the evenings when my wife is in bed so usually soft to moderate listening levels.  I value details and dynamics more than volume because to my ears, more details and dynamic nuances equals a more intimate, lifelike sound; which is what I find the most emotionally engaging.

Thanks for your suggestions!


Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #7 on: 25 Mar 2010, 06:56 am »
Although I still haven't received my TP3.0, I have been using a DAC DAC4800A with my SP Tech AV-2 speakers.  I had picked up the DAC amp in anticipation of the TP3.0's arrival.  I wholeheartedly recommend this amp.  Amazing dynamics and detail, no digital hash.  It has the power you need.  If you can afford to step up the Cherry, I hear it's better, but I can vouch that the DAC4800A is a top notch performer.  If you want a clean and powerful sound, this is a great place to start.


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Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #8 on: 25 Mar 2010, 07:16 am »
At a past Rave, we did run the Mini's with a Cherry amp....sounded quiet good. :D

Tommy (DAC) was surprised at how they can handle high power....I knew they could. :wink:


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Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #9 on: 25 Mar 2010, 08:37 am »
Right now though I have a 35 watt Antique Sound Lab integrated tube amp.  I really enjoy it with my moderately efficient Usher bookshelf speakers.  But from what I have been reading, I will want more power and control. 

You will want more power and control because they can handle it effortlessly.  All Bobs speakers are like that - they eat power for breakfast.  That does not mean however that a modestly powered amp like you already have wont be able to drive them to acceptable levels.  Remember the ear is logarithmic in its response to volume - 10 times the power only sounds twice as loud.  What I suggest you do is keep your current amp and get used to it with your new timepieces.  Then try a number of amps until you get the one you want.

Its what I now plan to do when I finally get my timepieces delivered.  I have been waiting for ages due to monetary issues but that will all dissapear in November when my pension comes though.  I can hardly wait.  What I was planning to start with is a peachtree nova:

Then I hope to upgrade to a Soraya:

Its only 100W but I have heard Bob mention that amount of power is quite acceptable for a Timepiece mini.  But if you really want to show them off at their awesome best you really need lashings of power - 1000W would not go astray.  But by starting out simple with what you already have you can experiment to see what suits you.  Its just I know my listening habits - I don't really turn the wick up much.  But Bobs speakers are a bit unusual.  They can handle an awesome amount of power without distorting.  That is usually what stops people winding the wick up - the speakers show their distress.  Since Bobs speakers don't do that there is nothing to stop you - except maybe damage to your ears.



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Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #10 on: 25 Mar 2010, 08:53 am »
At a past Rave, we did run the Mini's with a Cherry amp....sounded quiet good. :D

Tommy (DAC) was surprised at how they can handle high power....I knew they could. :wink:

Thanks of posting that Chris - its appreciated.  Just out of curiosity how would you compare the Aspen amplifiers like the Soraya that I am interested in to the Cherry?  Totally different amps I know but just out of curiosity which would you prefer?



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Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #11 on: 26 Mar 2010, 08:03 am »
Just out of curiosity how would you compare the Aspen amplifiers like the Soraya that I am interested in to the Cherry?  Totally different amps I know but just out of curiosity which would you prefer?

I don't own an Aspen Soraya Bill....I have a Nirvana+....but I have heard a Soraya....and have heard the Cherry a number of times.

The simple terms....forceful...good power....good detailed sound.

The Aspen Soraya....warmer....smooth....another good sounding amp.

Either would work well with the Mini's....all depends on the room size and power you need, and the type of music that you listen too....

I tend to run my Mini's with the Nirvana+....or with a KR Audio VA320 (tube amp-small room)...but as mentioned, more power = a better sounding Mini... :wink:


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Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #12 on: 26 Mar 2010, 12:34 pm »
Either would work well with the Mini's....all depends on the room size and power you need, and the type of music that you listen too....

I tend to listen to Jazz, Blues such as John Henry Steel Driving Man, Cranky Franky, Bobby Darren (just love Mac the Knife), Aretha Franklin, Fleetwood Mac (Rhiannon still electrifies me) and I actually rather enjoy Susan Boyle - dont ask me why just something about her voice.  And I don't tend to wind the wick up much - which may be a bit of a pity considering just how much power those minis can handle.  Oh well at least they wont clip the louder passages.  And my room is a mid size bedroom - nothing too large.

I guess from that the smoothness of the Soraya would probably win out.  That's good to because being an Aussie I like to support Aussie companies.  Besides I also enjoy posting to Aspens forum as well.



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Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #13 on: 27 Mar 2010, 04:57 am »
I guess from that the smoothness of the Soraya would probably win out.  That's good to because being an Aussie I like to support Aussie companies.  Besides I also enjoy posting to Aspens forum as well.

Hugh makes some very good equipment....and since he's "local" to you....looks like a win-win situation ...go for it. :thumb:


Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #14 on: 27 Mar 2010, 05:20 am »
Yeah that Soraya is a very good amp, I hear it at least once a week.  :lol:
Good choice


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Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #15 on: 27 Mar 2010, 08:11 am »
At a past Rave, we did run the Mini's with a Cherry amp....sounded quiet good. :D

Tommy (DAC) was surprised at how they can handle high power....I knew they could. ;)

Oh how I remember that moment in time.  :o  It was the absolute best I've ever heard Bob's speakers sing. I still get chills thinking about it. Those Cherry amps got game,,, a whole lotta game! And the Mini's took the game that night into overtime. I'm glad I spent the night at that RAVE.  :beer:


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Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #16 on: 27 Mar 2010, 11:35 pm »
Hugh makes some very good equipment....and since he's "local" to you....looks like a win-win situation ...go for it. :thumb:

Yep - it looks like the go for me.  The only thing is I am jump starting my system by getting a Peachtree Nova which I hear good things about.  Its just to start me off.  I will very quickly be upgrading to a Soraya.  The reason I like the Nova is has that great Sabre dac and oodles of inputs.  I will be using a specialist audio/video computer I will be putting together as source via USB but it has analogue inputs for my pay TV service which also streams local radio stations and other audio digitally.  I have found I rather like listening to that as well. 

My question is can anyone else think of a better starter to build on?  Later on I might look at as Steve Nugent Overdrive.



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Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #17 on: 27 Mar 2010, 11:44 pm »
Peachtree Nova looks like a good start will fit your needs...and when you wish to move on...should sell quickly...I would say. :thumb:


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Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #18 on: 27 Mar 2010, 11:55 pm »
Yep - it looks like the go for me.  The only thing is I am jump starting my system by getting a Peachtree Nova which I hear good things about.  Its just to start me off.  I will very quickly be upgrading to a Soraya.  The reason I like the Nova is has that great Sabre dac and oodles of inputs.  I will be using a specialist audio/video computer I will be putting together as source via USB but it has analogue inputs for my pay TV service which also streams local radio stations and other audio digitally.  I have found I rather like listening to that as well. 

My question is can anyone else think of a better starter to build on?  Later on I might look at as Steve Nugent Overdrive.


You might want to consider the giant killer Eastern Electric Dac for PC audio. I'm currently demo'ing a friend's EE DAC with a Mullard tube upgrade and it does many many things very very well. I use an Empirical Off-Ramp 3 w/Ultraclock upgrade and have used the EE Dac both as a Dac and as a USB Dac w/o the Off-Ramp 3 and I'm telling you I could have saved a whole lotta money had this Dac with it's new Saber chip (which addresses PC jitter) had only come around a year sooner. Just something that I'm discovering in just the last day or so,,, fwiw.  :thumb:


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Re: TP Mini's
« Reply #19 on: 29 Mar 2010, 12:31 am »
Peachtree Nova looks like a good start will fit your needs...and when you wish to move on...should sell quickly...I would say. :thumb:

Thanks for the thumbs up.
