Eastern Electric DAC Reviews

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Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« on: 18 Feb 2010, 07:37 pm »
Hey EE DAC owners - lets get all of the reviews and initial set up comments here in one thread:

My initial findings from the "Inudstry Ads" thread:


Mine is up and running and I am quite pleased.  Bill - Thanks so much for letting me stop by and pick up the unit after hours.   :thumb:

The first tracks I played were from Diana Krall (various CDs), and I immediately noticed improvements from my prev DAC,  In comparison, the EE is open and airy, and subtle passages show greater detail.

The unit looks fantastic and appears to be very well built.  Also, the small size is great as it fits perfectly on the shelf next to the SB3.  The controls are very tight and have a quality feel when operated.  The LED lights are visible in a well lighted room, and yet not too bright when the room is dark (a complaint I have had with many prior audio components, including the EE CDP).  One complaint is the on/off button - you need to push it in firmly or it turns off again when you retract our finger.

It also plays both music and movie DVDs (prev DAC did not), which is great news for me as I recently purchased the new Oppo BDP-83 and did not opt for the SE version.  Since I am only using two channels for my HT, the EE DAC eliminates the need to upgrade to the SE, nearly paying for itself on day one.   :thumb:


Which DAC would that be ? Thanks.... :thumb:
LiTe DAC 62 from Pacific Valve.  I have been very pleased with the DAC 62 as it made my SB3 sound soooo much better.  Thus, I want to be very careful not to come across as being negative towards 62 - it is a great sounding DAC.   In comparison to the EE, I would say the 62 is warmer, where the EE is more neutral.  As an example, my system has historically had trouble with Amy Winehouse (insert jokes here).  The bass on all of the tracks from Back To Black suffered from excessive bass, and it was really not enjoyable.  Over the years, I have been able to reduce the bass, but it was still at a level that I would not listen to Amy.  With the EE, the bass is clearly reduced and tighter.  The bass is still very strong on Rehab, but no longer drowns out the vocals.  I have noticed other tracks where the bass is also reduced, which the Jury is still deliberating on.  Another track that my system has struggled with is Norah Jones.  Not sure how to describe it, but her voice would spike at times, which was not very pleasant.  Over the years, my system has been table to tame this, but not enough.  The EE appears to have solved the issue with her voice spiking.    My very first impression, listening to Diana Krall, was that her voice sounded more delicate and "airy" (is that a word?), much like the sound that I heard when I had the EE CDP and Maggies (a sound I have been trying to get back to for years).

Anyway, the unit is still breaking in, but my initial impressions are very positive.  The ISOTEK CD has been playing all night, so I look forward to some more listening today.  However, I leave town for Vail later today, so any further reviews will have to wait until next week.


Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #1 on: 20 Feb 2010, 03:08 am »
This DAC is outragous!  I've been listening for almost three hours now after it having warmed up for about 6 and I think like my other EE products, this sucker is home for good.

I don't want to get too far ahead of myself, but there is some great resolution and body to this thing.  Musical excitement and emotion come through. 


Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #2 on: 20 Feb 2010, 03:48 am »
And what other DACs can you compare it to? How do you find tube vs op-amp outputs???

Exciting to finally be getting impressions of this mighty exciting DAC.

Bill O'Connell

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Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #3 on: 20 Feb 2010, 04:24 am »
Please guys, let it burn in for some hours, Initial impressions are really great but it has been my experience that burn in time has been required on all our products over the years. To go into critical listening mode trying to compare the tube output to the Ss output at this stage is really not validating anything except it sounds pretty darn good right out of the box. 9 hours with maybe 4 hours thru the tube and 5 hours thru the SS really doesn't withstand the scrutiny of critical listening mode. Not yet anyway :lol:

 Thanks for posting though.


Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #4 on: 20 Feb 2010, 12:10 pm »
You are definitely right, Bill.  Thats why I said I didn't want to get too far ahead of myself, but I did want to share some of the 'out of the box initial excitement'.

I've got a question for you:  I like to leave my digital sources on 24/7 to keep everything warmed up/stabilized.  Would there be any detriment to doing so with this DAC, but toggling to SS mode when its idle.  That way a little 10minute tube warm up is all it will take to sound its best?


Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #5 on: 20 Feb 2010, 02:57 pm »
Bill or Alex,

Any idea of the break-in time for the DAC?


Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #6 on: 20 Feb 2010, 03:27 pm »
I would say about 50 hours or so.

Cheer !


Bill or Alex,

Any idea of the break-in time for the DAC?

Bill O'Connell

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Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #7 on: 20 Feb 2010, 04:16 pm »
[quote author=Gopher

I've got a question for you:  I like to leave my digital sources on 24/7 to keep everything warmed up/stabilized.  Would there be any detriment to doing so with this DAC, but toggling to SS mode when its idle.  That way a little 10minute tube warm up is all it will take to sound its best?

 Gopher, I haven't shut my off yet and probably won't for a week or so. I like to shut things down usually after 7 days or when I know I won't be around for a while(12 hours) and upon return home I'll have something to do other then listen, so then I'll turn it all on to get everything warmed up while I do my other chores and then the system when ready for play is ready and raring to go.
 I never leave my tube amps on anymore when I leave the house. I use to all the time but I was at a customer/friends house and one of his buddies was trying to sell him a DAC and lent it out for him to try. We plugged the thing in and thank God we didn't leave the room when he turned it on because within 45 seconds it started smoking and flames were seem coming from the piece. That pretty much convinced me to shut it down when I'm not at home.Not that I worry about our equipment but just to be on the side of caution as my brother who is a cop had half his house burn down because he had an extension cord that his fridge in his garage was rubbing against or the fridge was somehow on top of it, anyway the cord shorted, started a fire and he lost litterally everything inside his house. Luckily his wife smelled something and his 2 daughters ,wife and himself were able to escape unharmed.The dog my brother had to run into the house and get and she was hiding under the kitchen table. Albeit devastated from watching half their house go up in flames but things are replaceable and that's why we have insurance. Moral of the story, we take electricity for granted, without proper precautions it can end your days in a split second.


Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #8 on: 24 Feb 2010, 01:52 am »
FYI guys, these things seem pretty responsive to tube changes.  I got out of work early for the first time in forever (only an hour after my scheduled day) so I decided to throw in a 12au7 I had in my box. 

The first one I grabbed was a NOS Ratheon 5814A.  Really interesting how it changes the presentation.  Very lush, kinda dark, maybe less resolving.  When Bill recommended this tube to me originally (for preamp) he described it as having a smokey night club type of sound and I think that is spot on. 

Bill, what is the stock tube branded minimax?  Are they Shunuangs?  I know Alex prefers them in his circuit.


Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #9 on: 24 Feb 2010, 02:53 am »
Yes it is Shuguang.

Cheers !

FYI guys, these things seem pretty responsive to tube changes.  I got out of work early for the first time in forever (only an hour after my scheduled day) so I decided to throw in a 12au7 I had in my box. 

The first one I grabbed was a NOS Ratheon 5814A.  Really interesting how it changes the presentation.  Very lush, kinda dark, maybe less resolving.  When Bill recommended this tube to me originally (for preamp) he described it as having a smokey night club type of sound and I think that is spot on. 

Bill, what is the stock tube branded minimax?  Are they Shunuangs?  I know Alex prefers them in his circuit.

Bill O'Connell

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Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #10 on: 24 Feb 2010, 05:15 am »
FYI guys, these things seem pretty responsive to tube changes.  I got out of work early for the first time in forever (only an hour after my scheduled day) so I decided to throw in a 12au7 I had in my box. 

The first one I grabbed was a NOS Ratheon 5814A.  Really interesting how it changes the presentation.  Very lush, kinda dark, maybe less resolving.  When Bill recommended this tube to me originally (for preamp) he described it as having a smokey night club type of sound and I think that is spot on. 

Bill, what is the stock tube branded minimax?  Are they Shunuangs?  I know Alex prefers them in his circuit.

You may want to check your notes, the smokey night club tube for me is the old Black glass tungsol 12AU7.Not saying the Raytheon 5814A would be embarassed in the nightclub setting,it has more of a Latin Salsa club feel, as your legs can't help but tap to the music.Makes me want to get up and dance or at least run into the basement and bring up my Conga drum and play along.
 The Raytheon 5814A triple mica is my, this tube does everything so wonderfully tube, along with its brother the blackplate Raytheon 12au7 from the 50's
 Let that 5814A get a few hours on it, it will open up and the music will pour out of it like a crisp chardonnay :lol:


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Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #11 on: 24 Feb 2010, 10:40 am »
Gopher, Bill:

Any recomendations where one might obtain this Tube?


Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #12 on: 24 Feb 2010, 12:26 pm »
Just an fyi.. I've found rolling tubes in a DAC has different effects than in a preamp.. Their character is not as predictable in my experience.. but maybe they are in the EE DAC.

Glad to hear folks are excited.  I'm looking forward to hearing impressions after 10 days of 24/7 break-in.  Everything takes 200 hours in my opinion. ;)


Bill O'Connell

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Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #13 on: 24 Feb 2010, 11:08 pm »
I'm writing this as a music lover not the distributor, but it was a very interesting session.

 After talking with Alex yesterday he mentioned how going thru the AES/EBU for him created the best results, well not having a transport or a Balanced cd player I thought I would give what I had on hand a try. Would it sound good, who knew but I had a couple of spare hours this afternoon.

 My source is a Macbook Pro, the biggest baddest one they made a year ago. anyway I have from Locus Audio Design(Thank you Lee) his Axis USB cable. I liked what this cable did so much to the music and at the time I had until the MiniMax DAC came an old Theta Pro and also an Apogee Mini as DAC's, the Apogee only had the Balanced out and I wanted to try running balanced into our Eastern Electric EL156 monoblock amps, so Lee was kind enough to build me a pair of his Axis Balanced cables(again Lee thanks). I sold the Apogee a couple months back as I knew our DAC was coming in shortly and didn't need 2 DAC's laying around(needed the funds).
 I was plating around with the inputs going between USB and the optical out of my Mac there was this hint of grain using the optical but I had just switched out the stock 12AU7 tube in the MiniMax DAC to a E80CC pinched waist D getter which Alex said was ok to use in the DAC, although not a direct substitute for a 12au7 as it draws twice as much heater current, Alex the designer said it was ok to use.
 Now how do I get to use the AES/EBU input, I remember I had a Trends USB converter laying around somewhere, I found it  :thumb:. So I use my Axis cable out of the Mac to the Trends which has a few different outputs on the back ,one being the lonely AES/EBU. So far so good, will my Axis balance cable work in this configuration.Do a search in the basement and in the huge pile of cables that have accumulated over the years is a pair of the Axis Balanced cable, heck I only need one, all right :D

 Let everything warm up for 10 minutes or so as the system was playing for a couple hours before the journey began so tubes were still probably a little warm already.
 The listening test proved to be smooth as silk listening in this configuration.
I don't have a lot of Hi-Rez music and what I do have I don't listen to them often but I will give them a shot later this evening but just listening to what I call normal music, albeit my favorites which are recorded very nicely(needless to say I guess because who wants to listen to a crappy recording) every song that I listened to was exceptionally better then they have ever sounded before.
  If possible you might want to try and listen through the AES/EBU input.
 Delightful is my word of the day for this :lol:


Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #14 on: 25 Feb 2010, 03:00 am »
Very interesting, Bill.  Do you know if something like this might work for those of us without an aes/ebu transport?


$7 bucks may be worth it to experiment.


Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #15 on: 25 Feb 2010, 03:10 am »

Since you are using a computer, I'd like to know how you think the direct USB input sounds compared to the aes/ebu or any of the other inputs.

Bill O'Connell

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Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #16 on: 25 Feb 2010, 04:49 am »
Very interesting, Bill.  Do you know if something like this might work for those of us without an aes/ebu transport?


$7 bucks may be worth it to experiment.

 I think that cable would work great, you can't beat the price so I would go for it.

Bill O'Connell

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Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #17 on: 25 Feb 2010, 05:03 am »

Since you are using a computer, I'd like to know how you think the direct USB input sounds compared to the aes/ebu or any of the other inputs.

 The USB on the bottom had a little bloat to it, not as defined on the bottom end as compared to the toslink but I prefer the USB in the upper frequencies as I heard a little grain using the optical out of my Macbook Pro. The USB into the Trends USB audio adaptor that I had on hand and then from the Trends using its AES/EBU output into the MiniMax DAC's AES/EBU input right now is just lovely. Taut bottom with tinkling highs and the midrange is perfect.It really is a beautiful blend.


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Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #18 on: 25 Feb 2010, 05:07 am »
The USB on the bottom had a little bloat to it, not as defined on the bottom end as compared to the toslink but I prefer the USB in the upper frequencies as I heard a little grain using the optical out of my Macbook Pro. The USB into the Trends USB audio adaptor that I had on hand and then from the Trends using its AES/EBU output into the MiniMax DAC's AES/EBU input right now is just lovely. Taut bottom with tinkling highs and the midrange is perfect.It really is a beautiful blend.

Maybe Lee could turn you onto his Nucleus USB cable, just might take care of any bloated bass issues. I know I'm pretty happy with mine.  :thumb:

Bill O'Connell

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Re: Eastern Electric DAC Reviews
« Reply #19 on: 25 Feb 2010, 05:38 am »
Hi Robin,

 Really ,the bloat wasn't excessive at all just not as taut as with the optical.
 If Lee needs a spokesperson for his Nucleus then I'd be willing to trade up but the Axis will have to do for now. I like this cable a lot(as posted earlier ,so much so Lee was kind enough to build me some balanced Axis cables) but I noticed about 6 months ago you after having the Axis moved up the chain to his Nucleus.I envy your decision but I just can't afford the upgrade at this present time.
 Keeping in mind all the comments that I've made have been with about 60 hours on the DAC as I don't like to keep the MAC running for more then 12 hours at a time to let the computer cool down a bit as it is a laptop. Plus, I like to listen to the very first unit in house thru the break/burn in process so I can tell others what to expect along the way. If sending units out for review, I will use a burn in disc to spare the reviewer the process usually.
 That is the only part of being in the business that I have grown weary of. I've burned in enough components for any one man's lifetime.When the original MiniMax preamp came out years ago , I burned in at least 50 of them, listening to each and every one of them. Then all the components Eastern Electric has put out since then. I'm not looking for any tears :bawl: to be shed for me but the little bit of time it seems that I have to just listen as a music lover gets cut short. Being that the springtime of my life has passed and winter has begun to set in, the hours seem much more valuable now. :banana piano: