Albums you didn't want to like but love anyway

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Rob Babcock

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Albums you didn't want to like but love anyway
« on: 27 Jan 2004, 05:56 am »
Anybody have any bands or albums that you really expected to/wanted to dislike due to their image or hype?  For me, Flaming Lips was one of those.  With every critic and his dog lining up to sniff their ass, I was just sure I'd despise them.  Still, when TAS rave 'em I took notice.  And when Yoshimi came out on DVD-A I jumped- and a couple discs later I'm just totally in love with them. :inlove:

Beck is another.  With the smarmy image he has, and all the talk, I really wanted to hate that sucker.  But I think Sea Change is friggin' hipnotically brilliant.

One last one:  Coldplay.  I'm so sick of hearing about their singer tagging Gweneth Paltro, etc, but what I've heard of them so far has made me think I'll probably have to buy A Rush of Blood to the Head.

Two more teachers pets that I'm finally going to have to break down and listen too:  Wilco & Radiohead.  I wanna hate em, but I'll probably end up digging em.

Any discs you guys have wanted to hate, only to find you really liked it?


Albums you didn't want to like but love anyway
« Reply #1 on: 27 Jan 2004, 12:41 pm »
I never thought I'd like Lyle Lovette but I find his music very entertaining.
Especially when he gets his Big Large Band swinging.

There are a couple of albums that I really like but are not considered great by their fans:
Elvis Costello- Spike
Miles Davis - Amandila


Albums you didn't want to like but love anyway
« Reply #2 on: 27 Jan 2004, 04:03 pm »
Anything by the Monkeys


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Albums you didn't want to like but love anyway
« Reply #3 on: 27 Jan 2004, 04:16 pm »
Certain Dinosaur Rock Lps I like even though they're a) derivative, or b) not loud enough or fast enough:

Led Zeppelin--II (ripped off every single song)
Tears For Fears--Songs From The Big Chair (really embarrassing)
Led Zeppelin--Physical Graffitti (has to be one of the slowest lps of all time, really boring)
Yes--Relayer (prog rock, indulgent and self-important)
Kiss--Live (other than Styx, the single biggest waste of space known to humankind)

Rob Babcock

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Albums you didn't want to like but love anyway
« Reply #4 on: 30 Jan 2004, 04:03 am »
I feel your pain:  I really love a few of those Tears For Fears songs.  It's probably nostalgia in my case (graduated HS in '87).


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Albums you didn't want to like but love anyway
« Reply #5 on: 30 Jan 2004, 04:10 am »
Listen to Wilco, but more importantly listen to Uncle Tupelo.

Here are a few I thought I wouldn't like:

Johnny Cash
Lucinda Williams


Albums you didn't want to like but love anyway
« Reply #6 on: 30 Jan 2004, 06:29 am »
Justin Timbalake- Justified-  I'm actually not kidding on this one.  For a pop album, it's quite good.  It reminds me of early Michael Jackson (off the wall era).

George W

Albums you didn't want to like but love anyway
« Reply #7 on: 5 Feb 2004, 12:12 pm »
Sickeningly I must agree with mcrespo71


Albums you didn't want to like but love anyway
« Reply #8 on: 5 Feb 2004, 02:40 pm »

When I saw the title of your thread, my initial reaction was "Why in the world would I (or anyone) buy an album/CD if they were hoping/expecting to dislike it?"  This is my hard-earned cash we're talking about.

Then, I remembered that I am not the norm.  I don't listen to the radio;  I don't watch MTV/VH-1; I haven't watched the Grammys in years;  I don't sample/download songs off the internet.  Once I came to my senses, I realized there's many ways for music-lovers to get exposure to artists without plopping down money first.

If I just don't take advantage of these possibilities, that's my problem.  For folks like me, a more fitting thread would be:

"Which albums have you bought lately that you wish to God you hadn't wasted your money on?"

Now, that is a thread I could identify with!



Albums you didn't want to like but love anyway
« Reply #9 on: 5 Feb 2004, 03:46 pm »
Michael Jackson - Off the Wall
George Michaels - Listen without Prejudice...
Pretty much anything by Neil Diamond
Metallica - the Black Album
Jerry Rafferty - City to City

Rob Babcock

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Albums you didn't want to like but love anyway
« Reply #10 on: 6 Feb 2004, 03:39 am »
Well, meilankev, I was more talking about things you stubbornly keep disliking until you actually listen to them! :lol:   I'll often form a reactionary dislike to stuff that gets hyped to death.  But if enough people I trust keep harping on me, I'll often give it a try.  And I'm open minded enough to admit something is great even if I fully expected it to stink.

Justin Timberlake would be that kind of thing.  The guy seems like half a fag, and his previous band sucked the big one.  On the basis of that I'd expect his solo stuff to blow the dead.  And maybe it does, I don't have the guts to listen to it (if I ended up liking him I'd have to shoot myself! :lol: ).

When I was a kid I passionately hated mushrooms- they looked funny and felt like little erasers.  Then one day when I was 12, I accidentally ate a piece of pizza without looking to see if there were 'shrooms on it- low and behold, it was great!  All I had to do was set aside my opinion long enough to try them.

BTW, I did post a thread a while back about albums you wanted to like, but eventually had to admit sucked.  For example, I worship Liz Phair, so despite all the scathing reviews I bought her new CD.  And since she kicks ass, I wanted to like it, really I did.  But after cracking the windows to let the stink of that awful disc air out I had to admit that it's fucking dreadful.

Sorry, Liz.  I still love you though! :inlove:


Albums you didn't want to like but love anyway
« Reply #11 on: 9 Feb 2004, 07:11 am »

I avoided them like the plague when they first emerged just because I couldn't stand the whole glam/schmaltz image thing.  Then one day I  accidentally tuned into a live performance on TV and was unwittingly hooked in.

Not the greatest musicians (Ace is pretty sloppy, actually) but much, much better in concert than I'd expected.

Mind you, I didn't rush out and buy any of their albums either :wink:

Rob Babcock

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Albums you didn't want to like but love anyway
« Reply #12 on: 9 Feb 2004, 07:19 am »
Honestly I think Ace was the only one with any talent at all, of the original guys.  Gene can't sing a note, Paul is average/mediocre, Kris was a laughably mediocre drummer and one trick pony as a singer.  Granted, over the years they've all learned to play passably, but starting out Ace was the only member with any above average instrumental ability.

That said, I really love Kiss.  The had a lot of attitude and many great songs.  I don't have many of their albums, but I do have Unmasked and Dynasty.  And the  remastered "Double Platinum," too.  Eventually I'd like to buy a couple of the '78 Solo's and The Elder.  (My brother has all the remasters, all the originals, most of 'em also on tape, some 8 track & LPs, too! :o   He's a Kiss fanatic, so I've heard 'em all a zillion times).

Tonto Yoder

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Albums you didn't want to like but love anyway
« Reply #13 on: 9 Feb 2004, 12:33 pm »
One artist I ignored was Ani DiFranco, thinking she was just a radical feminist to whom I probably wouldn't relate. Alana Davis covered Ani's "32 Flavors" and I loved it, finally causing me to break down and buy the original Ani version.  Ani also got some mainstream exposure on TV when "Plastic Castles" came out, so I bought that as well.  I've ended up buying all of her stuff though some of the later CD's aren't as appealing.

She IS a feminist, but one I can relate to.


Albums you didn't want to like but love anyway
« Reply #14 on: 11 Feb 2004, 12:00 am »
With all due respect, you guys are pikers.  My confession is that I'm addicted to Eminem.  Until last Fall I was sure that he was an utterly repugnant human being who symbolized everything I detest and made disgusting, horrible music to boot.  Last Fall, a nephew gave me a copy of "The Eminem Show" to test out a new subwoofer.  The CD confirmed that Eminem is an utterly repugnant human being who makes incredibly addictive -- and I must confess, often hilarious -- music.  He is truly my guilty pleasure.

Tempest Sub Construction Pix:;area=browse;album=130

Rob Babcock

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Albums you didn't want to like but love anyway
« Reply #15 on: 11 Feb 2004, 12:38 am »
I do agree with the repugnant part- although he's Mr. Milquetoast compared to the hardcore guys.  The Rap Weird Al thing isn't getting many chuckles from me, though.

BTW, what's a "piker?"