How I wound up in audio heaven.

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How I wound up in audio heaven.
« on: 7 Feb 2010, 02:21 am »
                                                           Part one.
  I used to have a dealer in Sacramento that said a speaker is only as good as the signal you give it given it's (the speakers) physical properties. When one starts with the physical properties or abilities of the VR4 SR 2.5 every improvement upstream is clearly heard and enjoyed. I started a few months ago with a conversation with Joe Fratus of Art Audio about improving my phono section of my preamp. Reviewers have talked about the enviable customer service you get from Art Audio. I consider myself very blessed to Have both Albert Von Schweikert and Joe Fratus to talk to about my system  Anyway Joe told me that a seperate Phono section was the way to go and we talked about A.A.'s phono sections as well as another companies he thought was very good for the money. I chose the A.A. Vinyl One and am very glad I did. Adding a  seperate Phono section required a new interconnect. I have always had Cardas Cables and liked them but I met Neng Kue (also a VS owner) of Zentara Cables at RMAF 2008 so I decided to audition his IC's on a 21 day home trial. I was surprised at the big improvement the Zentara made over the much more expensive Cardas Cable. After a period of buying and selling I wound up with Zentara Reference IC's on all components except the cd player which has Neng's less expensive IC4 on it. I had a double run of Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval speaker cable on the SR's (this is the hookup wire used inside the VS speakers). Neng suggested I try his Signature Biwire speaker cable against the much more expensive AP cable. Again the Zentara was  surprisingly better in clarity, sweetness, and dynamics. After more buying and selling The Zentara signatures are making beautiful music with the SR's. With the large improvement due to the phono section and cables I wanted to dial the sound in to perfection with tubes. this search to be concluded in part two.




Re: How I wound up in audio heaven.
« Reply #1 on: 8 Feb 2010, 01:10 am »
                                                            Part Two
  Let me start by saying what sound I was trying to achieve. First the midrange must be sing along sweet without being fat or dark sounding, very clear and detailed without being thin or analitical. I want to almost see the whole instrument or person singing. The highs must be well extended without glare,  shimmering throughout the hole sound not just a leading edge while still possesing the original attack. The bass must be powerful, tuneful, and controlled (I don't like the term tight bass if you played a banjo instead of a bass guitar you would have tight bass) full with good bloom without being to fat and slow. All this must come together to form a very live musical whole. I also like a big soundstage with well defined but not etched performers :thumb:. Now for the tubes.
  Again I called Joe Fratus. I had Tele 12au7's in the line stage which were very nice tubes but I wanted a little more fullness and punch for my cd player. Joe sent me three sets of tubes to try a GE and an RCA 12au7 and a military mullard cv4003 called 8136. The Tele, RCA, and GE all had strengths and weeknesses that were tradeoffs but the mullard fulfilled all of my sonic criteria. It was the hands down winner.  With this great triumph we went after the driver tubes in the Carissa amp which are 12bh7's. I had RCA's and Joe sent me a set of GE's and a set of Brimars he had just recieved and he said the Brimars were his favorites. The Brimars were called 13D6 and were truly fabulous sonically from top to bottom. The GE and RCA tubes were good but not in the same league with the Brimars. One more tube to go. In the Phono section  I had Tele 12ax7's for each chanel and either An RCA 12ax7 Black plate or Mullard 7125 for the cathode follower all are keepers. The phono section has a tube power supply with one 6FQ7/6CG7 tube. I had  RCA, GE, and Phillips samples on hand but I was hoping to find a little better top to bottom sound. This time Joe sent an old EI gold plate which sounds very much like a vintage Mullard, also a very well regarded Sylvania, and a very rare Radiotron tube he had just got in. The Sylvania and Ei were both wonderful when used with the RCA in the cathode follower and I could live happily with either one but the Radiotron was just in another league. The Radiotron with the Tele's and RCA Blackplate again fulfulled my criteria for sonic excellence. I had one other tube change in the amp. The Carissa uses 845 output tubes and I was using an 845M tube which you can find one from a good production run is a very sought after tube. It tends to have a very lively sound. When I tried my old tin plate Valve Art 845 I was surprised to hear much more natural timbers and a more realistic sound. So the Valve Art 845 now resides with the Brimar driver tubes and a Bugle Boy 6DJ8 input in the Art Audio amp.
     The conclusion and my purpose for writing this in part 3.


Re: How I wound up in audio heaven.
« Reply #2 on: 8 Feb 2010, 03:45 am »
                                             Part 3
  All of these changes happened over a period of seven months and envolved extended periods of burn in/ break in of components and then audition time. The effort has paid huge rewards. I have one last upgrade now in the works. Art Audio has a power supply filliment cap upgrade for the Vinyl One that lowers the voltage and as a result the noise floor and can extend the life of the Power supply tube. This was just perfected around the first of the year. The basic sonic character remains the same with more silent backgrounds. I also did better than expected on my taxes so I'm having a Goldpoint Stepped Attenuator put on to replace the Alps Pot. Again lower noise floor and slight increase in Dynamics.

    My system:
  The analog system now consists of a VPI Scoutmaster Signature with heavy clamp and TNT Mini Feet and a Grado 1.5 mv Sonata 1 Cartridge. This feeds the Vinyl One Phono Amp which runs direct into the Carissa Amp. All running through Zentara Reference IC's.
  The cd player is a Cayin 17A with 4 Mullard 2493 tubes running through Zentara IC4 IC's to an Art Audio VP1 mk2 preamp and through Zentara Reference to the AA Carissa Amp.
  The amp sends its signal through the Zentara Signature Bi wire speaker cables to the VS VR4SR mk2.5.
   Power Conditioner is Shunyata Hydra 4 fed by a Shunyata Anaconda Alpha on a dedicated 20 amp circut.
   Power cords are Shunyata Taipan Helix on the Turntable, Python Helix on phono amp and pre amp, Python VX on cd player, and Anaconda Alpha on the amp.
  When I sit down to really enjoy music listening 90+ percent of the time I listen to records and this is the sound I call audio heaven. The cd sounds good and I do enjoy it but is not on the level as the LP record based sonics.

  By the Lords grace I have been able to attain a level of sonic excellence that I never thought I would. For all of us VS owners at every level we have transducers that are capable of performance way beyond their price points and with patients and good advice (to be found on this forum and elsewhere) It is my hope that all may dial their systems in to their hearts content. Then you can share your stories also.
  Enjoy the music and bless you all, Bob



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Re: How I wound up in audio heaven.
« Reply #3 on: 8 Feb 2010, 02:25 pm »
Wow Bob, that's quite a journey you've been on.  Based on the anxiety I've put myself through just positioning my speakers, I don't think I'd be the ideal candidate for tube rolling...but I commend your efforts.  I wonder if someone will start a cult movement of rolling transistors?  :duh:


Re: How I wound up in audio heaven.
« Reply #4 on: 8 Feb 2010, 02:49 pm »
  I wonder if someone will start a cult movement of rolling transistors?  :duh:

They will, right after they finish rolling caps.


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Re: How I wound up in audio heaven.
« Reply #5 on: 8 Feb 2010, 03:08 pm »
Those TacT amps are nice Don.  Are you triamped?  What speakers are you using?


Re: How I wound up in audio heaven.
« Reply #6 on: 8 Feb 2010, 04:33 pm »
Wow Bob, that's quite a journey you've been on.  Based on the anxiety I've put myself through just positioning my speakers, I don't think I'd be the ideal candidate for tube rolling...but I commend your efforts.  I wonder if someone will start a cult movement of rolling transistors?  :duh:
    The tube rolling actually didn't produce much anxiety because the best tubes were clearly evident and truly what I was looking for. They also didn't empty my pocketbook because Joe doesn't make money on tubes for AA owners. Now if transister rolling becomes popular getting those things in and out would give me great anxiety :lol:.

  Blessings Bob


Re: How I wound up in audio heaven.
« Reply #7 on: 8 Feb 2010, 05:31 pm »
Hey Bob, your tube stash is making me drool. Hate to sound like an addict think you can hook me up with your source of NOS?  :eyebrows:


Re: How I wound up in audio heaven.
« Reply #8 on: 9 Feb 2010, 05:39 am »
Hey Bob, your tube stash is making me drool. Hate to sound like an addict think you can hook me up with your source of NOS?  :eyebrows:
Hi Jack,
 Hooking into some really good NOS tubes in some really good tube gear can be really addictive. If you start smoking them or shooting them up then it's time to seek professional help :lol:. Anyway you can always contact Joe Fratus at Art Audio to see what he has around. He sells at retail to non AA owners. He is a straight shooter and will do you right. If you would like an introduction PM me and I'll call Joe and let him know who you are. I have also bought a couple of tubes from Vintage Tube Services. It takes a long time to get them in the US so out your way you may have to will them to your decendants.
Best  of  luck to you on your search. Blessings,Bob


Re: How I wound up in audio heaven.
« Reply #9 on: 9 Feb 2010, 08:09 am »
Okay I'll confess....I AM a long time addict! A good friend of mine is the AA dealer over here so no prob there, I'll get in touch with Joe F. through him. Thanks!