What's your VSA story?

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What's your VSA story?
« on: 25 Jan 2010, 07:04 pm »
Let's face it guys, Von Schweikert is not exactly a household name, so I thought it might be fun to hear just how everyone came to become VSA koolaid drinkers.. :lol:  I find that this forum is akin to Devil's Rock in "Close Encounters".  We were all drawn to it by some strange siren's call and the general population thinks we are nuts.  :duh:  I'll go first.

I spent the better part of 15 years listening to a decent Martin Logan system with McCormack/Audio Research amps and an Arcam cd player.  My wife and I made the mistake of stopping by the local Wilson dealer and listening to a Watt Puppy 8/BAT/Esoteric (as I recall) system.  It was very dynamic (fatiguing actually) and very expensive.  First impression was a positive one and my wife encouraged me to buy the whole enchilada on the spot....nice to have a supportive wife but not bad to have a check-and-balance either.  Obviously I didn't buy it but I noticed this strange itch that was no longer being scratched by my current system.  I googled the WP8s and stumbled upon several threads that compared them to these unheard-of, "diminutive" VR4 SR MkIIs.  In fact, a number of the posts said that the VR4s actually bettered the WP8s and at 1/3 the cost.  Long story short, I called this Albert Von Schweikert fellow and after many conversations, bought them sight-unseen(unheard).  How's that for blind faith?  I absolutely loved the MkIIs but as many here know, I moved up to the VR5 Anniversaries and can honestly say that I love them even more.  This journey also includes updating all my electronics to McIntosh which is a story for some other board but it has been equally rewarding. 

That's my story and I'm sticking with it!  Now let's hear some others.  :eyebrows:


Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #1 on: 26 Jan 2010, 05:09 am »
Purely by chance. I had seen ads but the term "Virtual Reality" was overhyped at the time (sorry Albert). I didn't take the ads seriously as a result.

I was using Revel F30s and was ready to spring for Revel Ultima Studios when I was invited for a wine tasting at an acquaintance's house who I had no idea was into audio in a big way. There I spied a pair of Watt Puppy 6s parked against a wall. What was playing was a (sorry again Albert) rather clunky looking pair of speakers that sounded better than any Puppy 5 or 6 I've heard before. They turned out to be VR-4 Gen IIs. Some due diligence revealed that Albert had a hand in the reworking of the original Andra into the Andra II which I liked. I was hooked. I contacted VSA's former dealer and told him that I wanted to order a pair of Gen IIIs. He yo-yo-ed me for almost three months while trying to push me ever so gently into buying Dyns or Wilsons which are his staples but weren't my cup of tea. In frustration, I contacted Albert directly and ordered the Gen IIIs. Turns out the former dealer hadn't officially been associated with VSA since VSA moved to California and the last order from him was made years before. This yoyo action irked me but hey, his loss our gain  :thumb:

When they got here, my friends were floored by what they heard. So was I. Keith, my best bud, cousin and partner said he wanted to order a pair for himself too. The fantastic responses got us thinking so we decided to distribute VSA's ourselves. The rest is history. Using a very different sales model, in 2 short years VSA in the Philippines went from being unknown to being considered the loudspeakers to aspire for eclipsing many well established manufacturers. Something that drove the retail line well until they were discontinued.

When we brought in our first pair of VR-9s we were looking for amps that could do them justice. The candidates were VAC, DarTZeel and Lamm. VAC prices landed were off the charts and we needed Solid State as well as tubes. Kevin is a great guy and we still communicate once in a blue moon. VAC was eventually picked up by some other great guys in another city. Herve is likewise a great guy but the powerful Euro at the time also made their products too expensive, also the product line was very limited then and you needed two NHBs to make 9s sing. They didn't even have their preamp yet. Lamm was and is still very expensive but the line was diverse and each model built for purpose. This means the Lamm character was intact across the product range but each built for different speaker loads and user demands. No second bests as one reviewer put it. By happenstance the line syncs up with VSA's own line perfectly. The ML2.1 SET for Unifield 3s and DB-99s, The ML1.1 90wpc Push Pull with U3s, SRs, and 5s, The M1.2 Reference Hybrids for everything up to the 9s, The M2.2s from everything up to the 11s and there are the ML3 Signatures just begging to be bi-amped with M2.2s for the 9s and 11s. Shush! Don't give me ideas! Okay I'll admit it I'm hoping to win the lottery  :lol:

The move to VSAs also spurred me to return to vinyl where I went quickly from SL-1200s and a CA Emotion then up the VPI family and finally to TW Acustic AC-3 and Graham arms which I believe will stay with me for a very, very long time.

Best of all becoming distributors got us way more than just income. It was instrumental in enriching us with new friends not just at home but folks like you guys from all over the globe.

That's my story  :thumb:


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Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #2 on: 26 Jan 2010, 02:22 pm »
..and quite a story it is Jack!  If you have any leftovers...orts if you will...mind sending them my way?  :wave:


Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #3 on: 26 Jan 2010, 11:50 pm »
Hi Gavin,

Hope things are well! My VSA story started in the summer of 2007 when I was shopping for a plasma TV. I visited several shops aditioning several models until I went to Stansbury AV. There I watched and purchased a 60" Pioneer Elite plasma (great choice). While I was there, I saw these strange two piece speakers, I asked, what are they? The dealer said, they are Von Schweikert VR-5SE. During my demo for my TV, I said, what the heck, I'll give them a listen. Well, my jaw dropped when he played an SACD of Livingston Taylor! I couldn't believe my ears!! So much detail, soundstage was unbelievable! So, at the time, I did not have the funds to puchase them. So I told my dealer, I will see you next year. The very next year, summer of 2008, I went back and purchased the VR-5SE's in African Hazelwood for 20k. Well, about three weeks into my order I get a call from my dealer, he said that VSA had a back order of 8-12 weeks on the African finish and gave me the option to purchase the VR-5 Annie upgrade at no extra charge!!! Well, you know what I said. There you have it, my VSA story and happy ever since.

Take care,


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Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #4 on: 27 Jan 2010, 12:27 am »
Hi Henry,

That must have been an agonizing decision to go with the annies upgrade.  :lol: Thanks for sharing.



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Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #5 on: 27 Jan 2010, 10:44 pm »
The Virtual Reality Trip


Well tell a story as Gavin wants us to.


Our Story starts 13 years ago now when my good old friend Niko de Graaf called me about a very interesting speakersystem I had to listen to. As a pro-audio- and recording-engineer I knew a lot of speakersystems already, but my friend convinced me I had to come.


Niko was in Las Vegas at that time visiting the CES and, as many of us know, there were a lot  little rooms at street-level and suddenly there was live-music coming out of one of the rooms.

And as a musician himself Niko was forced to have a look inside and see what band there was playing this nice music. Since it was a sunny day it took a while to get used to the dark inside.


Wow, there was no band playing this music, there were only two speakers sounding that nice!

Outside we were sure there was live music inside. Than we saw Albert with a big smile and got started, talking, talking and talking. Albert explained a lot this day and Niko decided to bring the speakers to Holland.

The first shipment arrived by boat, (it took a while) and the VR 4 gen II went around the country and people got  enthusiast too. We had a little problem with the WAF. Lucky, Albert designed a new line of speakers and the sales increased. To bad Albert had to cancel this ‘Asian line’ but never the less the new line his company builts now is ‘Top of the World’ as many audiophiles tell me. We received several Premiers like the first VR 5 , the big VR 7 SE and the complete Unifield line now. I know the VR 11 SE and I also know the Unifield One (arrived yesterday). All speakers of VSA have that funny realism that you will believe there is music playing by an orchestra or who ever. Albert’s knowledge of psycho acoustics is very valuable to reach this goal.


After 12 years, with ups and downs in the beginning, we convinced a nice number of other music lovers and it will never stop.

Regards from Holland,




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Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #6 on: 28 Jan 2010, 12:48 am »
Hey Cor,

What speakers do you have in your personal listening room?


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Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #7 on: 28 Jan 2010, 07:46 am »
Hey Gavin,

At home we have the VR 3.5 ,a tall but very small tower once designed for home theatre. The VR 3.5 is a smaller version of the first VR 5 model.

I have placed them just beside our bookshelf and put them on wheels.
(The WAF drove me to this solution)
Normaly we listen to the radio (REVOX A 76) and the VR 3.5 is filling the room easily with exeptable sound.

When we have time to spend listening to music I pull the towers from the wall in a dedicated position and enjoy the soundstage. Ou room is 7 m. x 11 m. and has a 2.5 cm thick oak floor. The floor is very valuable and make the room nice and musical. (the piano also has a wooden floor).

Unfortunately we have little time to listen to music in private.
But in my worksituation it is all about music.

My second situation at home I have a very pleasant place to stay a while.
We have a IR Sauna Cabine  with a built in Audio System.
When it came, the sound was horrible. I pulled out the speakers an replaced them for the drivers from the VR one. Now the sound is very good.
The 'big wooden box' is acting like a headphone with real bass. You are realy into a soundbubble of reality.
On top of the cabine there is a small KR amplifier and a nice DAC.
The signal is coming from the computer and I often listen to one of the stations on http://www.kiesfm.nl/ or http://radiotime.com/station/s_6814/Radio_Swiss_Jazz.aspx

Very nice to stay half an hour in this cabine. You come out there as a complete other person. Clean from body and mind. Take a shower and go to sleep. 8) 8)




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Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #8 on: 28 Jan 2010, 02:40 pm »

I would have expected that you at least tried to wedge a pair of VR11s in your cabine. :lol: :lol:


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Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #9 on: 28 Jan 2010, 06:03 pm »
Hi Gavin,

It is only a one person cabin so we went for the VR 1. :wink:



Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #10 on: 29 Jan 2010, 12:21 am »
I used to work in a home theater centric retail/install shop 15 years ago. 

One of my clients was setting up a 3 channel home theater.  I had already sold him Pioneer Elite PJTV and a surround sound processor forgot which one.  And, I was asked to bring over a few amps for him to audition.  Well, I lugged two 40-50lbs amps up to the 3rd floor of his condo.  I got tired and needed to rest, but, all of a sudden, my body felt lighter than air...

The beautiful music whisked my body through the door and across the room... absolutely transparent wall of sound.  Yes, I was that impressionable. 

Anyways, it was a pair of Von Schweikerts of earlier vintage about the size of a VR4 SR but without modular mid/tweet.  They were initially powered by Rowland preamp and White Audio Lab amps while using Meridian sources. 

I brought over a pair of Nakamichi NOS poweramps my shop just got from Nakamichi before they closed down and horizontal bi-amped the speakers.  Even larger soundstage and separation of instruments bla bla...


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Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #11 on: 29 Jan 2010, 02:25 am »
I got hooked in the early 90's while visiting George Merrill's Underground Sound retail store in Memphis Tn.  The same George Merrill of turntable fame,, the AR mod table that produced great sound... George invited me to judge the VR 4's (original), Nesterovic and Avalon speakers.  The amps were powered by a Nesterovic tube amp and then a Spectral DMA200 SS amp.. Clearly to my ears,, the VS's best both competitors,,and they were priced twice and three times more..  The VS's back then were a whopping $4k..   They remain to this day,, a terrific speaker and can be found on audiogon from time to time for next to nothing.  I was so taken by the Spectral stuff I bought a pair of DMA50's and a DMC6 preamp from George and the 4's followed..  I can remember George was  mfg'ing and selling solid and beautiful racks called the Merrill stable table.. Weighed in something like 400lbs!  Anyway,, George is making and selling turntables again that can be seen at CES and other shows. 
In fact Paul Garner who used to work with Albert and developed a ribbon cable line for VS yrs ago was employed by George at Underground Sound.  BTW Cor,, those 3.5 were/are beautiful!  They are imaging champs and can play LOUD!  I loved them!



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Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #12 on: 29 Jan 2010, 08:49 am »
Back in 2007 we were moving in a new house and I upgraded  my old Sonus Faber Guarneri's with Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario. The result was awful !!!!!! The speaker had a very bad interaction with the room (although the living room is almost 80 square meters) I couldn't stand it and tried everything to make it play at least decent. But it was a 22,000 euros (almost 30 K dollars) speaker!!! I was completely dissapointed and ready to exit the hobby......

Then, when I was visiting the 2007 Athens High End show I stopped to a room playing with VS VR4 SRII, EmmLabs and Edge and I was shocked with the sound! Three days later the VR4's were sitting in my living room and 6 months later I was talking with Albert and bought my VR 5 Anni's , which now are playing with Emmlabs TSD Transport and Emmlabs DAC2, Gryphon Allegro Sonata pre and Gryphon Antilleon Signature amplifier (150 W of pure class A ) and Pierre Lourne J1 turntable, SL5 parallel tonearm, Miyabi cartridge and Allnic H 1200 phonostage!!!

The only speaker I am dreaming of now is the 9 ........ :green:


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Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #13 on: 29 Jan 2010, 02:36 pm »
Ah yes the VR9s...stuff of dreams for we mere mortals.  :bowdown:


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Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #14 on: 29 Jan 2010, 03:06 pm »
I've had dreams of sharing space with the upcoming new model,, the VR77..  I love the redesign of the old Darth Vadar looking, VR7's..  I'm guessing they'll sound better than the 7's with a much smaller footprint. The new Vandersteen model that captured much attention at rmaf and the recent ces has gone thru a similar evolution in appearance and sonics.   


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Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #15 on: 29 Jan 2010, 03:40 pm »
attn. Albert, Joe & Damon:

We want pix of the new 77s NOW!  :guns:


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Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #16 on: 29 Jan 2010, 03:41 pm »
...and while you're at it, the 33s.  :eyebrows:


Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #17 on: 29 Jan 2010, 03:46 pm »
I should have my VR-33's in a couple of weeks.. I'll post my findings.  :D


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Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #18 on: 29 Jan 2010, 05:11 pm »
Please Albert show us the VR 77 maybe is the answer to our prayers since we cannot afford the 9's  :drool:


Re: What's your VSA story?
« Reply #19 on: 30 Jan 2010, 03:55 am »
I was in the market to move up from my Mirage FRx-7 speakers. I called VSA and was able to demo a pair of VR-4 Gen. III at a private owner's home about an hour from my house. I wasn't terribly impressed with the demo. I became smitten with a demo of a pair of Thiel CS2.3, but ended up purchasing a pair of Gershman Acoustics Avant Garde RX-20's. They weren't a tough load, but they weren't an easy load either when I moved to tube amps. After falling in love with SET's, I knew I had to move on. Low and behold, a used pair of dB99's came up for sale at a killer price. I read all the reviews I could find and decided to jump. Haven't looked back or regretted it one day. Not nearly as inspiring as other's stories, but it's my story.

Kevin T