Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2

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Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« on: 15 Jan 2010, 08:32 pm »
I'm considering pre-ordering a One.2 amp, and didn't realize today is the last day for pre-order.  So I'm hoping to get some questions answered last minute.

First, what are the difference between the One "Classic" and One.2? 
It seems the "classic" is upgraded a bit from the original to get rid of the subwoofer pop and background noise.  What does one gain with the One.2 over the classic?

The other question is about crossovers.  I recalls with the original One, there was a mod to set a fixed crossover.  I also remember reading that the One.2 was going to have an internal fixed crossover already, but that it could be changed just by moving a jumper.  I think I read that it would be 80Hz from the factory.  So, my question is can either of these set to have a 100Hz crossover, and can this be done with changing a jumper setting, or does it require soldering?

Basically, I've been looking at options to upgrade from my Tweak City Audio Gizmo, and there aren't many that have a built-in crossover.  For my use, I need a 100Hz crossover and sub-out.  The Virtue One or One.2 might fit the bill, if I can get the crossover set to 100Hz.

Thanks in advance.


Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #1 on: 15 Jan 2010, 11:48 pm »
Non-authoritative answer here but given the timing... the product page says "A second set of input capacitors are built into the board so that you can cut low frequencies to your main speakers with a single jumper on the volume POT pcb." so that probably means that if you really need 100Hz you could replace that second set of capacitors.

Another difference is that ONE.2 has a stepped attenuator.

On the preorder the OnE.2 is only $20 more than the classic.


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Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #2 on: 16 Jan 2010, 12:23 am »
The ONE.2 includes a 0.1 uf input cap which can be jumper selected.  This cuts highs to the main speakers at around 80hz.  You can replace the cap with one of your choice, as you like.

The ONE "classic" we will be selling in 2010 includes all the mods that were incorporated into the ONE.2 except for the stepped attenuator and the 2nd set of input caps (discussed here).

Our email server crashed for three days so I'm going to extend the pre-order special a few days.


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Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #3 on: 16 Jan 2010, 12:32 am »
Thanks for the responses.

So basically, for the One.2, I'd have to replace that 2nd 0.1uF cap with a different one that would give 100Hz instead of 80Hz...then jumper select it as I would have done before to get the 80Hz xover.   

I've never soldered I wouldnt want to risk damaging it.  Unfortunately, with my speakers (Mirage OMD-5), I'm pretty certain I'd need 100Hz xover. 

Luckily, I have a few more days to think about this. 


Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #4 on: 16 Jan 2010, 01:07 am »
I just looked up the specs on your speakers and the frequency response is listed as 60 Hz - 20 kHz (+/- 3dB), so my guess is an 80 Hz cut off would be more appropriate than 100 Hz. I don't know what other amps you were considering, but you can't go wrong with the One Classic or One.2. At the pre-order prices Seth is offering, both are a steal.


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Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #5 on: 16 Jan 2010, 01:12 am »
I just looked up the specs on your speakers and the frequency response is listed as 60 Hz - 20 kHz (+/- 3dB), so my guess is an 80 Hz cut off would be more appropriate than 100 Hz.

Yeah, they are rated -3dB at 60Hz, but according to the measurements at HTmag, the -3dB point is at 101Hz.  Now that measurement is "quasi-anechoic", so the actual in-room response should be lower, but my guess is that 60Hz is very optimistic.

And judging from comparing the listed specs of various Mirage and Energy speakers/subs I've owned or researched (both designed by API although now owned by Klipsch) to actual measurements done by reviewers/owners, it seems their measurements tend to be of the "in-room best case scenario" kind. 

A perfect example being the Energy RC-Mini...  It's rated for -3dB at 80Hz, yet it's multiple owners at AVS have stated that Audyssey sets the xover 150Hz, so the -3dB is probably around or above 120Hz, even with the speakers wall mounted, which should give some bass reinforcement.


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Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #6 on: 16 Jan 2010, 01:19 am »
I don't know what other amps you were considering, but you can't go wrong with the One Classic or One.2. At the pre-order prices Seth is offering, both are a steal.

Actually, there aren't really any others I was considering right now.  I went with the TCA Gizmo a year ago b/c it was alot less expensive that the Virtue One, and had a built in 100Hz xover without the need for any mod.

The Virtue One.2 is my 1st choice...2nd being just stay with the Gizmo.  Other than that, I haven't found any other amps that have what I'm looking for.


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Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #7 on: 16 Jan 2010, 03:08 pm »
One other question....well actually 2...

What is the timeframe for the One.2 with built-in USB DAC?  And what is the projected pre-order and regular retail pricing?

I recall reading $50 more expensive than the One.2, but this was stated when the retail price of the One.2 was going to be be under $300


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Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #8 on: 17 Jan 2010, 02:35 am »
It will be a while before we have a usb input on the virtue one.  When it does come, it will be a "me-too" DAC and a convenience feature.  It will be around $50 more, yes.  Based on our prior product delays excuse me for not providing an estimated ship date.  There are lots of great, cheap, small DACs out there and it won't hurt you to pick one up in the mean-time.  That really ugly triangular thing for $99 got a decent write-up in Stereophile recently - ours will be no better (or worse).


Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #9 on: 18 Jan 2010, 01:22 pm »
alphaiii, all I will chime in on here is that the original Virtue ONE (their worst amp) is sonically in such a different league than the Gizmo that comparing them is not even fair.  IMHO of course  ;).  I understand the ease of use with the crossover setting.  Not sure how much cost a selector switch with mulitple options would add, but I think more and more people would have an interest in that kind of product.


Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #10 on: 18 Jan 2010, 05:52 pm »
Not to sound like some sort of Virtue Audio fanboy (which I am), and at the risk of repeating what I and others have already said, but it really isn't even a fair comparison between the Gizmo and the One.2, or even the One. The use of better parts, more consistant quality, and most importantly VERY good service all play a part. Plus, there is always the 30 day money back guarantee in the slim chance you aren't satisfied. Just my 2 cents (Canadian) as a satisfied, probably life-long customer.


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Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #11 on: 19 Jan 2010, 02:18 am »
droht, PSB Guy...

Thanks for your input.  I have no doubts the Virtue amps are a big step up from the Gizmo.  But they're also alot more $ too, so I have to make sure it's what I really am after before spending the cash.

I'd like your thoughts on one more thing...   I'd be using this amp connected to a NuForce uDAC from my PC...  I had thought about the HRT Music Streamer, but went with the uDAC for the variable output and headphone out...

So knowing that, do you still think it's worth the amp upgrade, despite using a relatively cheap USB DAC to feed it?
« Last Edit: 19 Jan 2010, 01:29 pm by alphaiii »


Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #12 on: 19 Jan 2010, 05:02 am »
I am using a Maverick Audio Tube Magic D1 to feed my Virtue ONE.  It is $219 USB DAC/pre/headphone amp w/built in tube buffer.  Sounds awesome to me on my Usher S520s.  I've had more expensive options as well, can't say they sounded a heckuva lot different.

I didn't use the Gizmo with the Maverick D1, so I have no exact comparison, but my guesstimate is that even with a low end DAC the Virtue will be well worth the upgrade.   With the pre-order deal you will probably be able to use it for six months then sell it at break even if you don't find it making as much difference to you.


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Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #13 on: 19 Jan 2010, 07:26 am »
The Maverick D1 looks cool.  I predicted this years ago.  It was only a matter of time before the Chinese started to cut out the middle-man and for products like that one... difficult to do, but affordable parts and very little secret sauce.  I'm so relieved that Virtue has satisfied customers and a high-value HI-fi product.  It's curtains on MID-fi. 


Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #14 on: 19 Jan 2010, 05:48 pm »
My Virtue One is fed uncompressed AIFFs from a computer through a Devilsound DAC and a Grant Fidelity B-283 linestage, with awesome results. Unfortunately, this is the only DAC I have expereince with, some personally I have nothing to compare it to. When Mr. Mardis finishes the Virtue Pre/DAC/Headphone unit, I'll share my experiences with that. But you can rest assured that the little Virtue amps are more than resolving enough to let you notice differences between DACs. Like Seth says, they are definitely HI-FI as opposed to MID-FI. For someone else's experience with the One and various DACs, check out this review:

BTW, the uDAC may be cheap, so was my Devilsound, but from what I've heard both are highly regarded.


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Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #15 on: 20 Jan 2010, 10:57 pm »
Hi.  Last day for the one.2 super special preorder price and I'm ready to order.  Except for one detail...  I'm looking to upgrade the PSU to get the most out of the amp.  Does anybody on here know if the 30V 130W supply has a fan or not?  The name of the game, for me, is a silent system.  If there is a fan, how's the noise level on it?  Thanks!


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Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #16 on: 20 Jan 2010, 11:37 pm »
There is a fan although I've never heard it.  Very quiet and only goes on to cool down the unit - which rarely happens unless you're playing music so loud for so long (ie. you wouldn't hear the fan regardless). 

However, if you want a dead quiet system with no background coloration, why not consider batteries?


Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #17 on: 21 Jan 2010, 12:32 am »
I have the 30v/130w supply on my Virtue One and the fan on it is so quiet that I didn't even know that it had one, until now that is. It's a great power supply, allows the amp to show it's some of it's true colours, but it has been mentioned elsewhere that to get the most out of the amp you should use a high current linear supply or batteries.


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Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #18 on: 21 Jan 2010, 12:45 am »
Virtue, thanks for the quick answer. Good enough for me, and I've place my order.

You asked why I didn't consider batteries.  The simple reason is that I was just more comfortable with the power supply upgrade.  It was cheaper than the deluxe battery options (in an order that's already expensive for me), and most everything I've read praises the 30V/130W PSU upgrade.

PSB Guy, thanks also for your confirmation that I made a good choice.  I feel no buyer's remorse for getting the PSU upgrade instead of the batteries.  Since my previous most expensive amps have been around $150, I have little doubt that this lil' Virtue will make me quite happy.  If I feel compelled to squeeze a little more out of my system in the future, I may look in to batteries.


Re: Need some help - considering pre-order of One.2
« Reply #19 on: 21 Jan 2010, 01:46 am »
Trust me, you'll love the amp, good choice. You can always upgrade the power supply later, as the audiophile upgrade bug hits you later...and it will  :D