the twins arrived today...

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the twins arrived today...
« on: 22 Jan 2003, 03:13 am »
My pair of xtreme mono's arrived today. One is new and the other my upgraded stereo unit.

They are replacing a pair of 100 DIY tube monoblocks. Immediate impressions are killer low end (as expected, especially in comparison to tubes) and greater image depth. Of course they are not broken in so things are not very smooth yet. Having owned Odyssey before I know it will be a while before they are at their best. Fortunately they have improved noticeably even in a few hours. :)

I had to take a peek inside to see the new goodies... so for all those who have not looked inside or are curious.

Note the dual power transformers. This appears to effectively double the available current to the amp in comparison to the standard mono's.  8)

Another picture of them in the rack.

Of course my wife's first question is "where are you going to put them?". :) I did have enough foresight to measure the rack before calling Klaus.

Speaking of Klaus, as always he was a pleasure to deal with and delivered the goods exactly when he said he would.


Eduardo AAVM

« Reply #1 on: 22 Jan 2003, 02:58 pm »
Awesome, massive spectacular, hehe, thanks for the photo and happy listening, I have to wait yet for my own Stratos Mono xTreme amps, but the wait will be rewarded...


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RE: the twins arrived today...
« Reply #2 on: 22 Jan 2003, 04:37 pm »
Did you get the "XTreme" placque that Klaus was talking about?

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2003 5:15 pm


Can't do that, but I'll engrave a special placque on the back from now on.

And just one more question, does the blue LED for the front logo standard or did you ask klaus to install it special for you?

My extreme mono's amps should be arriving sometime early next month, can't wait!!!!


the twins arrived today...
« Reply #3 on: 22 Jan 2003, 06:03 pm »
Damn!  I'm still waiting for mine.  According to my last talk with Klaus, they should have been here already.  I'm just jealous.


Re: RE: the twins arrived today...
« Reply #4 on: 22 Jan 2003, 08:09 pm »
Quote from: BWentler
Did you get the "XTreme" placque that Klaus was talking about?

And just one more question, does the blue LED for the front logo standard or did you ask klaus to install it special for you?

No plaque. I think mine shipped about the day Klaus posted that message. That's cool, just picking them up will let you know the are not the "old" amps. :) The additional transformer adds a bit of heft.

On the blue LED's. The amp I sent in for upgrading was built around July 2001 and had incandescent lamps for the front panel. Klaus called me (on a Sunday no less) and asked if I would like to have the old amp upgraded to match the current production amps. He charged $60 for that portion of the upgrade but it included new speaker connectors, new intenal cabling and the blue LED's and perhaps other items I'm not aware of. I thought it was worth it.

I believe the current versions have the blue LED's but Klaus could tell you for sure.



the twins arrived today...
« Reply #5 on: 22 Jan 2003, 09:12 pm »
drip drip drip (the sound of drool on my keyboard)
 :cuss: me
 :dance:  you
maybe someday

nature boy

the twins arrived today...
« Reply #6 on: 23 Jan 2003, 03:13 pm »

Congratulations on your new Xtreme twins! :beer:

Can't wait to hear your impressions when they are fully broken in.  Already started saving for a pair, so I can join the Xtreme Club.




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the twins arrived today...
« Reply #7 on: 23 Jan 2003, 04:26 pm »
Very cool mike!!  Congrats.  So, would you like to set up a comparison/shootout w/my DM Stratos at some point :-)


the twins arrived today...
« Reply #8 on: 24 Jan 2003, 12:12 am »

Mike,  glad that you like them.

Now, :

1. Bill (Blackcat),  your amps went out today,  hehehe.
2. Stephen,  yours went out today as well.
3. Bruce,  yours are still on schedule for end of next week.
4. Eduardo,  yours are also on schedule for early -mid February.
5.  NB,  yep,  better save up.



Eduardo AAVM

the twins arrived today...
« Reply #9 on: 24 Jan 2003, 02:53 am »
Thanks Klaus, remember I want lamps instead of blue leds... also check your e-mail... thanks...


the twins arrived today...
« Reply #10 on: 24 Jan 2003, 03:08 am »
Very sweet looking innards - damn Midwest/German hybrid beefy!


the twins arrived today...
« Reply #11 on: 24 Jan 2003, 03:37 am »
Quote from: Tyson
Very cool mike!!  Congrats.  So, would you like to set up a comparison/shootout w/my DM Stratos at some point :-)

But of course. Even after two days it's amazing how much better they are than the stereo Stratos. Of course we could always hook all three of em up and biamp. :) The DM on top and the xtreme's feeding the bottom. The mind boggles.. :o


the twins arrived today...
« Reply #12 on: 24 Jan 2003, 04:52 am »

wanna spend more $$$   :lol:


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the twins arrived today...
« Reply #13 on: 24 Jan 2003, 01:58 pm »
Klaus,  Last I heard from you, me and Mgalusha were likely next to hear from you regarding shipping our amps back for upgrades approx. " first of the year". I was under the impression that I would hear from you with a heads-up that you were ready for mine. Guess I misunderstood. Not a problem, but should I be packin the monos up this weekend? Is this done first-come-first-served? What is best guess re total time in your shop? Are there any extra tweaks available? Let me know please. Thanks. :)


the twins arrived today...
« Reply #14 on: 24 Jan 2003, 05:22 pm »

 Send them out.  We're ready for you.  As for extra tweaks,  nope.  The Extremes are already tweaked to the max.  Have no idea as to what else we could do other than the full X-bucks whammy,  but that's another 1K.

Anyway,  go ahead,



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the twins arrived today...
« Reply #15 on: 24 Jan 2003, 06:40 pm »
Thanks Klaus. Will do. What's turn around time running lately?


the twins arrived today...
« Reply #16 on: 24 Jan 2003, 07:34 pm »
Less than a week.


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the twins arrived today...
« Reply #17 on: 24 Jan 2003, 07:40 pm »
Gracias your Klausliness! :D


the twins arrived today...
« Reply #18 on: 24 Jan 2003, 09:11 pm »
You're welcomanchero !!!

Anthony C

the twins arrived today...
« Reply #19 on: 26 Jan 2003, 04:55 am »
Exactly what are the Extremes ? The new dual mono stero? Mono blocks or a modified version of one of them? I must of missed their intro. As a lot of the Stratos specs don't blow you away I have not had that must interest in them but as I see many respected members loving them I'm starting to wonder. I'm nervous about the 180 watt spec as well as how it doesn't double into 4 ohms. How would the compare to my Cinepro 1K2? How about  BAT VK500 ? Are they really that good or are we overdoing it here?
I really like the new Classe CAM200/350 can they be close to something like that? I realize they are much cheaper.