New Circle for Morkai

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Sedona Sky Sound

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New Circle for Morkai
« on: 14 Jan 2004, 03:03 am »
I would like to put in a request for a Manufacturer's Circle for Morkai USA.

Morkai Electron Company started off in 1974 making switches, power supplies, and electronics for military and telecom applications in Taiwan. They broke into the high-end market in 1992 and are the OEM/ODM for several companies as well as having their own products they sell in Asia. After 12 years of making other people's products, they have come out with their own high-end brand. I am currently partnering with the owner/chief designer David Liu to bring these products to the US. David was the head of the Taiwan inventor's association for 20 years and is considered one of the top audio designers in Asia.  

List of current products include:

Diamond F1 and B1 - High-end speakers based on Morkai's patented 1-point isolation speaker stand. A majority of the people who heard them at CES (specifically on Saturday and Sunday) commented that they were one of the best (if not THE best) sounding speakers there.

MK-88 - Integrated 75W, fully balanced, solid silver wiring in the audio path, 24 step attenuator with 1% resistors for just $2k

K180 Pre-amp - Dual mono pre-amp, fully balanced, solid silver wiring in the audio path, dual 24 step attenuators with 1% resistors for just $2k. Cullently being reviewed by Martin DeWulf

M180 Amp - 100W, fully balanced, solid silver wiring in the audio path and dual internal voltage regulation for less than $3k

Disc Demagnitizer ($345) - Fully demagnitizes discs in less than 1 second.

Balanced Power Supply ($945)

DAC - 24 bit, 128 times oversampling, external power supply with dual transformers for digital and analog paths (currently waiting on FCC approval)

GUN1/GUN2 - Micro monitor speakers with dual long-throw 2" drivers good for 90Hz-15KHz

Room Diffusers - Both the city-scape type and quadratic panels. These products are currently being used in the top recording facilities and opera houses in Taiwan.

Future products include a complete line of budget Stereo/Home Theater speakers based on their 1-point speaker stand in the $1000-$5000 range (designed be me  :mrgreen: ). Several new pre-amps and amps are also in the works and should be available in April.

President - Morkai USA


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New Circle for Morkai
« Reply #1 on: 14 Jan 2004, 06:36 am »
That is some tricky woodworking in those speakers.">

These kinds of requests are a little tricky. I think the best approach would be for you to use the Market Square until products that qualify you for the "Manufacturer" role are available for purchase. Then we would see whether there was a good fit. I think a poll would also be required to get a clear go-ahead for a new circle.