
Do you plan on getting vaccinated for H1N1?

31 (45.6%)
32 (47.1%)
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5 (7.4%)

Total Members Voted: 68

To vaccinate or not?

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Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #60 on: 4 Nov 2009, 10:27 am »
Proving once again that a little bit of knowledge can be very dangerous.  Protect the herd, get the shot.  Be a man, do it for others.

Science is over "worshiped" in western culture because we have gained so much comfort and convenience from it.  But it's a logical approach to understanding the world and is supported by tons of real evidence.  Audiophiles should be some of the first to value true science, so all this BS disturbs me greatly.  How do you reconcile picking and choosing which pieces of science to believe?  Is the internet so full of anarchists?  What the naysayers here have produced is anecdotal and hearsay, that are best kept to neighborhood gossip and cookie recipes.

But the alternatives are snake oil salemen, of which the internet and TV shopping channels have provided plenty of.  And it seems to be selling well here at AC.

Wind Chaser

Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #61 on: 4 Nov 2009, 12:27 pm »
On average, only 50% of the population intends on getting vaccinated, and yet there's an overwhelming shortage for the vaccine.  What's up with that?  Could it be that it was concocted in haste - quick and dirty solution at best?  Knock on wood and hope like hell it at least has the efficacy of a placebo without any nasty side effects...

When pharmaceutical companies advertise in Canada, by law, they have state / list all the possible side effects and potential adverse reactions to their "drugs".  This list is so long that by the time they are done you have to wonder why the hell anyone would even consider taking the crap considering the risk vs benefit.

Which leads to wonder, why hasn't there been some official statement by them (or at least the government) as to what are the potential side effects of this brand new untested and unproven vaccine?  Something doesn't smell right.

Go ahead get the vaccine if that's the chance you're willing to take.

Big Red Machine

Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #62 on: 4 Nov 2009, 12:40 pm »
I'll be in line to get my shot.  I have more faith in the currently accepted science than non traditional "cures".  Although there are always those that beat the odds with a low percentage treatment, vaccinations are a very well established and effective means of avoiding viral disease. 

By the way, John, have you any experience with the Signet "Microline" cartridge?

But that is EXACTLY the point!!!  Uneducated Americans not taking the time to learn about how non-medical industry cures work!!  Americans do not spend enough time educating themselves about how to care for their bodies and we leave it to the "medical industry" to do that for us.  How crazy is that?!!  Doctors don't have a clue nor are rewarded for finding your cause and fixing but instead slap a bandaid on the symptoms.  But because big pharma and the "medical industry" are so big and influential, anyone who looks for natural cures or "alternative" medicines are considered wackos.  I would not be a believer if I didn't see my wife in her business get an increasing number of folks who have been turned back by doctors who cannot find the time to treat their causes and only treat their symptoms with drugs that further degrade their health.  She finds solutions to their root causes.  No snake oil involved.

I say: "Don't be a victim!  Take charge of your own health and you will quickly see how everything, even cancer, can be naturally cured."

Big Red Machine

Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #63 on: 4 Nov 2009, 12:44 pm »
So even if the vaccines work and save lives, you should avoid them if you don't believe you can trust government or large companies?


Do they work?  At what cost to your longterm health?  Are they really worried about protecting you or are they driven by profits?  I'd rather my immune system learn on its own than be taught by a batch of chemicals.

Big Red Machine

Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #64 on: 4 Nov 2009, 12:51 pm »
Proving once again that a little bit of knowledge can be very dangerous.  Protect the herd, get the shot.  Be a man, do it for others.

Science is over "worshiped" in western culture because we have gained so much comfort and convenience from it.  But it's a logical approach to understanding the world and is supported by tons of real evidence.  Audiophiles should be some of the first to value true science, so all this BS disturbs me greatly.  How do you reconcile picking and choosing which pieces of science to believe?  Is the internet so full of anarchists?  What the naysayers here have produced is anecdotal and hearsay, that are best kept to neighborhood gossip and cookie recipes.

But the alternatives are snake oil salemen, of which the internet and TV shopping channels have provided plenty of.  And it seems to be selling well here at AC.

I want my kids to get the flu.  I want them to have that registered in their immune system.  They will be stronger for it long term.  I'm not concerned about them weathering it as there are no Count Chocolate or Cocoa Pebbles, start you day on a high, breakfast foods in our house.

Pretty good chance most of TV advertisers should be avoided as the top vitamin/supplement companies out there don't need to advertise there.  The top 10, at least, vit/sup providers all produce pharmaceutical grade products with all the controls big pharma has in place and then some.  They are not Bob in his garage concocting some rat-infested mixture.  You just need to hook up with folks who are in the know.

Big Red Machine

Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #65 on: 4 Nov 2009, 01:00 pm »
Wouldn't it be easier if we were deliberating the benefits of aftermarket power cords? :icon_lol:


Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #66 on: 4 Nov 2009, 01:27 pm »
Wouldn't it be easier if we were deliberating the benefits of aftermarket power cords? :icon_lol:
Indeed, that would give this thread the shot in the arm (or head) it needs...


Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #67 on: 4 Nov 2009, 01:54 pm »
This compound was proven to have the capacity to destroy and inhibit the growth of an incredible array of pathogenic organisms including bacteria, yeast's and viruses when tested in-vitro (ie. in a petri dish). The organisms that were wiped out included common infectious illnesses such as cold and flu viruses, herpes and retroviruses like HIV. Types of bacteria and parasites included planterum, E. Coli and malariae.

Rather than shoot/immunize yourself with some shit concocted in a definitively for-profit Pharma that cares little for your actual health....go try some Olive Leaf Extract and be all the better for having done so. Yes, it's a compound isolated from the common leaf of an olive tree.

So you have talked about in vitro how about in vivio?  Direct application fine it may work but how much reaches the bloodstream taken orally?  How much then passes to the infected tissues?  How good is its biodistribution?

Also you are saying that all olive oil extracts are made by nonprofit corps?  Thats super cool.


Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #68 on: 4 Nov 2009, 02:00 pm »
Scott/S Clark
Signet was Audio-Technica's high line cartridge line in the 70's and 80's....that was where their most advanced and expensive stuff went.  So, I don't know the model you refer to specifically, but in general only as Audio-Technica's top-of-the-line offering from back then.

I'm not a big fan of the Audio-Technica sound, but I'm in the minority (wouldn't be the first time a la this topic, but prejudicial majorities have little or no effect on what is correct)

The findings for Olive Leaf Extract are 40 years old and available on a good search of the topic.  Far more insightful would be trying it yourself - expect an unpleasant Herxheimer Effect quelled considerably by oodles of water as virus, bacteria and microorganisms are felled by cheap and plentiful (and non-patented) Olive Leaf.

Rather than potentially dropping me down a peg or two on your favorites here at AC :wink: ...consider that I offered up to you a very cheap, plentiful gift that could spare you much discomfort and could possibly save a loved one in the future.  Only that at this time in your life, you are not open to 'hearing' it fully. You may one day, I hope, for the sake of many.

Jeff - you're not really holding yourself out as a model of good health now are you?  You've mentioned you are obese and have diabetes before....surely two of the more simple, preventable (and linked) states and 'diseases', no?

Flu shots are in the same bin of ill-conceived (and barbaric) fixes and immediate gratification as stomach stapling, sleeping pills and anti-psychotic drugs.

I'm 'man enough' to see thru the Big Pharma ruse and not subject myself to vaccines and flu shots.  As a sales and marketing person of 25 years, perhaps I see the snake oil salesmen quite a bit more clearly than others (in a takes one to known one kinda' way), but the profiteering panderers that will more often take your life (and your money, too) in error most often have hi-fallutin' degrees and take a Hippocratic oath to 'do no harm'.  Phooey :nono:

Big Red Machine
I, too, want exposure to flu's (and the same for my wife and daughter).  That toughens the immune system to soften the blow of the next derivative of flu that comes next year.

There are a good 6-10 common or health store-bought products kept around our house that wipes the flu out rather quickly once it strikes.

Olive Leaf is tremendously effective orally....the Herxheimer Effect is most unpleasant and more than sufficient proof that something is working well within.

"The only source of knowledge is experience" - Albert Einstein



Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #69 on: 4 Nov 2009, 02:09 pm »
I am diabetic - Type 1 though, insulin dependent.

Though I am 5'8 180lbs, and by BMI I am likely outside the "healthy" range, my strength level might dictate otherwise...


Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #70 on: 4 Nov 2009, 02:21 pm »
From the all knowing webs on olive leaf extract:

In conclusion, olive leaf extract was not broad-spectrum in action, showing appreciable activity only against H. pylori, C. jejuni, S. aureus and MRSA. Given this specific activity, olive leaf extract may have a role in regulating the composition of the gastric flora by selectively reducing levels of H. pylori and C. jejuni.

The funny thing is that I can hardly find one site that is not trying to sell me this stuff for profit.  Werid huh?

Wind Chaser

Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #71 on: 4 Nov 2009, 02:51 pm »
Lymphoma is a cancer that either rides on virus-laden cells or is in fact a virus itself.  Wipe the virus out and you will wipe out many of not most forms of Lymphoma.  My Dad had a particularly aggressive non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (called Burkitt's), the docs gave him 90 days to live with the golf ball sized mass in his chin area....which was wiped out without a trace within 30 days when he saw his doctor next.  That was 7 years ago and he's a positively radiant 80 year old now :)

The only thing the oncologist(s) at Long Island Jewish and Sloan-Kettering could offer up was chemotherapy with a 5% chance of success of his reaching one year even with it. Olive Leaf Extract, two bottles, saved this fantastic man's life (I call him 'fantastic' not because he's my Dad, but because he really is)

Interesting... I was hoping to learn more about Olive Leaf Extract at earthclinic.com but surprisingly they have very little info.  I know someone in a similar situation as to what your father was in with just a few months to go.  I?ll pick up a few bottles and pass it along.


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Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #72 on: 4 Nov 2009, 03:02 pm »
Let's take this hypothetical scenario. Suppose a group of terrorists infect themselves with smallpox and then travel all over the US via public transportation infecting thousands  thereby spreading the virus throughout the nation. There is a vaccine for smallpox. Would you choose not to vaccinate yourself and your family? Would you take that chance?

Are all vaccinations bad for you? Are they only available because of a government/big pharma conspiracy? :roll: Would you walk into a room full of smallpox carriers relying just on your strong natural immune system to protect you?

What about polio? Was Jonas Salk part of the government/pharma conspiracy team? What happened to polio? Didn't the polio vaccine have a part in virtually eliminating the disease?




Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #73 on: 4 Nov 2009, 03:06 pm »
Here is a list (by no means definitive) of several other helpful items to have to get you thru the flu season...without resorting to vaccines, that in themselves, may not be harmful but the potential for harm short and longer term are for many folks...

Oscillococcinum or Oscillo - A homeopathic trituration of  goose or duck liver.  The all-knowing scientific crowd love to guffaw at this one, but it indeed works well.

Boericke & Tafel C & F - Another homepathic flu remedy helpful in reversing and containing flu outbreak.  One must take more than one shot of both C & F and Oscillo to be effective.  But, effective they both are if taken up to 4x in 24 hours.

Grapefruit Seed Extract - Or, Citrus Seed Extract.  Probably not as effective as Olive Leaf, but some find helpful.

Silver solution - Ionically or colloidally bound, silver is a widely proven germicidal, antibacterial, and antifungal agent.  My preference is Tri-Medica's Silva Solution...but there are likely many others.

Zinc - Wanna' reduce the duration of colds and flu's with just one product?  Make sure you are getting 10-50mg of zinc during the onset of symptoms.

Your great Grandma had it right...when winter flu season strikes, takes some dark/blackstrap molasses and cod liver oil.  The molasses has oodles of bio-available vitamins, minerals and healthy compounds and cod liver oil is one of the richest sources of Vitamin D....which is deficient for many folks without exposure to sunlight in the long winter months.  It is also a significant source of Vitamin A.

Naysayers & doubters - fling away with your jagged barbs discrediting all or most of the above.  But, the very future of medicine is well rooted in the past...and the next 20 years of research will likely be a lot kinder to the above methods than you are likely to be to me now. 

Bookmark this post for 2029 and see :wink:


Big Red Machine

Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #74 on: 4 Nov 2009, 03:23 pm »
In our house everybody gets pharmaceutical grade nutrients plus silver solution and a drop of vitamin D everyday, many of them twice each day(breakfast and dinner).  And each of us, including my kids 11 & 13, take 2000 mg of Vitamin C each day.  To the tune of $300+ each month to be proactive in our health and immunity.  Why isn't that covered by insurance?  Or why don't we get a major discount for being proactive and not getting sick?

ChairGuy, you make me proud.  Silver actually works with your immune system to strengthen it.  Forgot the brand we use.  But silver has been used successfully for centuries.

And folks, all of the items John listed are not cheap by any means.  He is serious about his health and his proactive stance is what many of us would like to see from the rest of the "victim mentality" displayed by many Americans.  There are natural solutions to prevent illness and disease so we don't have to take drugs to treat symptoms later when it is possibly too late.  But being proactive and preventing is a course many of us have chosen.

Don't forget, we are bombarded with toxins in every breath, every drop of water, every processed food we eat.  I forgot the exact stat, but it is something like 10,000 or more hits to our immune system everyday.  Not something our ancestors had to deal with and so their systems were less taxed than ours.


Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #75 on: 4 Nov 2009, 03:39 pm »
pharmaceutical grade nutrients

Buzz word BINGO!!

No such thing.  It is either a pharmacetical or it is not.  All these things are not regualted as a pharmaceutical and these companies are not spending the money it takes to be cGMP.  They have no FDA audits and there is no metric for purity.  Just because one says 99% pure there is no set analytical method to prove this.  One manufacturer could use one method while other use another.  FDA does not regulate their claims int he same way. 
PLUS I am sure that none of these companies do stability studies and do not even stabalize their product.  Mix it with corn starch and SELL it to the masses.  Now we are talking real snakeoil.
I am not saying these things do not work.  I am saying that this is a dangerous under regulated industry with just as major lobbying dollars at work to keep it under regulated. 


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Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #76 on: 4 Nov 2009, 04:05 pm »
The fact that we have regulatory agencies does not guarantee hat we have regulation.


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Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #77 on: 4 Nov 2009, 04:08 pm »
Catherine Austin Fitts served as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, and was the president of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc. She posted her opinion of the swine flu vaccine on her blog this past summer....


What a nutcase...


Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #78 on: 4 Nov 2009, 04:17 pm »
I may be an alarmest but, I do not believe or trust the government.  I think the governing body should not exceed the control of the local people.  Just my opinion.  I am not getting the shot, and my wife is an ER nurse and she is not going to get it either. 

Kevin Haskins

Re: To vaccinate or not?
« Reply #79 on: 4 Nov 2009, 04:18 pm »
I'm going to schedule my flu shot today after reading through this post.   :lol: