Mike's Songseries setup in ziricote

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Mike's Songseries setup in ziricote
« on: 27 Oct 2009, 08:27 pm »
Mike wanted a full SongSeries setup in ziricote.  It took a while to track down a nice batch of veneer, but we finally found it.

I tried to take some photos, but there were so many speakers, it was hard to get any decent detail.  Oh well, the photos never do them justice anyway...

Here are some pics...

And a closer shot with the SongSub...

A shot of the front and top of the SongSub..

And a close up of the side of a SongTower RT...

Happy listening Mike!

- Jim


Re: Mike's Songseries setup in ziricote
« Reply #1 on: 27 Oct 2009, 08:37 pm »
Great looking setup. Wasn't originally a fan of the ziricote veneer but its seems to be more popular on the board lately, and the coloring/grain on this particular set is fantastic. I'm sure he will enjoy these for years to come!


Re: Mike's Songseries setup in ziricote
« Reply #2 on: 27 Oct 2009, 08:42 pm »
 :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:  beautiful.   :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:


Re: Mike's Songseries setup in ziricote
« Reply #3 on: 27 Oct 2009, 08:43 pm »

It looks like your recent speakers come complete with Rorschach Tests!  :lol:


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Re: Mike's Songseries setup in ziricote
« Reply #4 on: 27 Oct 2009, 08:48 pm »
Oh baby, those would be mine...

Thank you so much Jim. They look amazing!


Re: Mike's Songseries setup in ziricote
« Reply #5 on: 27 Oct 2009, 09:17 pm »
Have you got them yet? Or is Jim teasing you? Hope customs will be a non-issue.

They're beautiful my friend.

I didn't tell you when you were here, that I originally was considering some ziricote that Jim had at the time, but it just didn't fit my decor so to speak. But look at you ...so many pieces to compliment each other! Wow :drool:

Would love to hear them when I'm in the neighborhood.



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Re: Mike's Songseries setup in ziricote
« Reply #6 on: 27 Oct 2009, 09:49 pm »
Have you got them yet? Or is Jim teasing you? Hope customs will be a non-issue.

They're beautiful my friend.

I didn't tell you when you were here, that I originally was considering some ziricote that Jim had at the time, but it just didn't fit my decor so to speak. But look at you ...so many pieces to compliment each other! Wow :drool:

Would love to hear them when I'm in the neighborhood.


They should be going on a truck tomorrow. Still have to set up stuff with a customs broker - they were closed before I could call in this afternoon. That east to west coast time zone difference can be a pain at times.

And absolutely you're welcome to come over once they're set up. Will let you know!


Re: Mike's Songseries setup in ziricote
« Reply #7 on: 27 Oct 2009, 10:02 pm »
That is going to make for one superb home theater/multi-channel setup.  Oh, and it looks great too!  Enjoy!


Re: Mike's Songseries setup in ziricote
« Reply #8 on: 30 Oct 2009, 12:13 am »
And in the background you see the very forest from which they were made. :D

Those are really cool looking. Besides offering good value, Jim's other niche is playing up the real characteristics of wood rather than offering photo-copied looking cabinets.


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Re: Mike's Songseries setup in ziricote
« Reply #9 on: 30 Oct 2009, 12:12 pm »
Jim has done a great service to all of us who have discerning ears and wives that have discerning eyes.  I love the wood myself, but I would live with speakers of lesser looks.  My wife, however, will not be so forgiving.  Jim has really stepped up for all of us who have such an issue.  Kudos to Mr. Salk once again.


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Re: Mike's Songseries setup in ziricote
« Reply #10 on: 3 Nov 2009, 09:10 pm »
The speakers made it over the border with flying colours. Truck is due tomorrow. Delivery window is 10am - noon.... for some reason, I can't seem to stop bouncing...  :drool:


Re: Mike's Songseries setup in ziricote
« Reply #11 on: 5 Nov 2009, 05:26 pm »
I have the HT3 in Mexican Ziricote... the same looks as this.
Let me tell you... that the pics are not what they look like....
Mine are a lot darker than what they featured in the pics.....
Oh when I saw them.....they were so amazing...
that dark look with the patterns are just BEAUTIFUL

Enjoy dude.



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Re: Mike's Songseries setup in ziricote
« Reply #12 on: 6 Nov 2009, 12:29 am »
As mentioned in vintagebob's thread, pictures are forthcoming - I left my patch cable at home this morning.

After scrambling over the past couple days to finish re-organizing my living room, everything was set for delivery yesterday morning. The majority of my apartment is now filled with 'stuff', but the living room re-org looks great. I suppose that it was inevitable that I wouldn't actually start doing any of the things I said I'd do until things were actually "on the way". Just who I am I suppose.

Just getting a delivery window from FedEx was interesting: when we were scheduling it, FedEx claimed that the order didn't have a residential delivery option on it... I insisted that it did, so they called Jim. A short while later they called me back and had changed their story. Not sure what Jim said, but he sorted them out quite nicely (thanks again Jim!).

Then they started talking about trucks with lift gates... Insisting that the boxes were too heavy for a normal truck, so they were going to need a lift gate, which was an additional charge. We eventually settled on my being there (possibly with a friend) to help the driver unload the boxes off the truck. This was a satisfactory compromise for both sides. The driver wouldn't kill himself, and I'm a healthy young guy, no issues here lifting boxes.

So yeah, I got a 10am-noon delivery window on Nov 4th. 10am rolled around and every time I heard a truck go by I ran out to the balcony to look outside (on the 17th floor). It was garbage day in our neighbourhood, so there were a lot of trucks moving around!

11am came and went.

Noon came... and went.

At 12:15pm I phoned FedEx:
"Hi, FexEx Freight, John speaking. Can I help you?"
"Yes, I had a package ship with you guys that arrived in Burnaby yesterday. It was scheduled for delivery between 10am and noon this morning. Noon has come and gone and I see no signs of a truck. So what's going on?"

30 minutes later, the truck showed up.

Despite our earlier conversations, the truck had... a lift gate. Ha!

The driver pulled the pallet off and then used a dolly to get the boxes up the elevator and into the apartment.

Unpacking / Setup
It's been said many times and I'll say it again: Jim and crew do a fantastic job with their packaging. I was SUPER impressed with how well it was done. Particularly the box with the surrounds and center. I have a picture of it that I'll post.

I had a friend over to help with the truck, so he stuck around to help unpack everything and then clean up the mess. The two of us then set about putting the plinths and spikes on the tower / sub. Used pennies under the spikes to save the laminate floor in my rental.

Putting the plinths on was easy. The spikes were supringly hard - if you don't get them perfectly straight, they catch while threading. It took several tries for most of them.

After that, it was time to run speaker cable. Like floresjc, I had placed an order with Bluejeans for a spool, a sub cable and some banana plugs. It was my first time finishing cables with plugs instead of using raw copper, so it was a very slow process. Agonizingly slow when the speakers were *right there*. But it was still fun, and the anticipation was fantastic.

Jim was right by the way. Pictures just don't do justice to the beauty of these speakers. The workmanship is amazing and they're super well matched. I particularly like the towers and one of the surround pairs. The one set of surrounds feels amost zen in how well matched the graining is and how perfectly matched it is to the shape of the speaker. Truely a work of art.

The Towers
In the end, the anticipation was too much. Once I'd finished cables for the two towers, I had to get something going though them before I was willing to do the others.

The room I'm in at the moment is far from ideal:
  • 13' x 12'6"
  • laminate floors (with a large throw rug covering more than half the room)
  • one 13' wall is entirely glass and has a heavy curtain covering it
  • the other 13' wall is only half a wall... the other half opens up as a hallway into the rest of the apartment
  • no proper room treatments

I read through Jim's placement suggestions and quickly realized that it wouldn't be an option in my room. The towers are about 6'6" apart and a bit closer to the back wall than they 'should' be. That said, I figured I can move them around and work on placement over time.

Before playing through Jim's demo CD, I had to play a track that I'd long before decided would be the first track played on my speakers. It's a track from a CD I listened too WAY too often as a teen... the "Throne Room and Finale from Star Wars" on this CD: http://www.amazon.com/John-Williams-Conducts-Star-Trilogy/dp/B000002712/ref=pd_sim_m_15.

I had an idea of what to expect because I visited with fishinbob before deciding on the purchase. And I was not disapointed in the least!

The sound came through beautifully and clearly. I was amazed at how loud I could turn up my stereo and still find that I could handle more volume. In the end I chickened out and kept it somewhat down. Despite being concrete, I know that sound can carry up into other apartments in my building.

I could actually hear the limitations of the room as well. It was incredible to realize that at a certain volume level things sounded good, but that after a certain point, the bouncing in the room became obvious and hurt the sound quality.

I listened through my track and about half of Jim's demo CD before I went back to work on setting up the rest of the equipment.

Surrounds / Centre / Sub
Not a whole lot more to say at this point. My stands aren't in yet for the surrounds, so they're sitting on the floor and their sound is being eaten by my couch.

The Song Sub is incredible... I turned it on and ran a test tone through it at only 1/3 of its power and I could feel the vibrations hitting my skin and clothes. I LOVE the sub and I've barely even begun to play with it.

Lacking any surround music, I dropped in a blue-ray disc to check out the surround setup. Iron Man was incredible! When they first demonstrate the Jericho missile system, there's the sound of the dust flying past everyone watching... it was at that point that I was blown away by the quality of the sound.


Pictures will probably be up (with more listening impressions) over the next couple days.  8)


Re: Mike's Songseries setup in ziricote
« Reply #13 on: 6 Nov 2009, 02:21 am »
Yeah!  :thumb:


Re: Mike's Songseries setup in ziricote
« Reply #14 on: 18 Nov 2009, 01:45 pm »
Mike -

Great write up. I know exactly how you feel when you are combination trying to set everything up and listen all at the same time. And its harder than it sounds to form a coherent impression and write it up with pictures!

If you wouldn't mind, I'm sure many readers would appreciate some details on the SongSub in your forthcoming update. I know when I was looking for info/impressions on it, there were virtually zero posts out there on it, other than to say it was a part of the product line. And I think you are one of only 2 or 3 people on the board I know that have one. Your experiences integrating it with the rest of the system would probably be of great interest.