Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews

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Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« on: 4 Oct 2009, 06:55 pm »
The Neko Audio D100 loaner program is still going strong and I thought it'd be good to post some of the reviews so far. Click the links for more information about how you can participate.
U.S. Loaner Program
Canada Loaner Program

For more information about the Neko Audio D100 and D100 Mk2, visit Neko Audio.

"The D100 throws a very clear window on the sound. It has an extremely quiet, black background, and a very relaxed, even smooth sound."
-pardales (full review)

"A very spacious soundstage, both in terms of left-to-right, as well as depth, is evident. The slight flutter in her voice as she sung was also quite remarkable ? I had heard it before but at times it is extremely subtle. The D100 had no trouble picking this up."
-mantisory (full review)

"The D100 does an excellent job here with those notes between the notes that contribute so much to the richness of this track. Nothing at all lacking on the highest notes but never shrill or grating, the D100 is smooth. Again the D100 does a great job, the best way I can describe it is delicate, it seems able to react to the detail of music better than what I'm used to."
-wndrmke (full review)

"With eyes closed I could easily imagine Arturo playing his violin in front of my fireplace. So my take is its no contest comparing the Neko to the Benchmark USB. At nearly similar prices, the [Neko] is my clear favourite."
-jakeman (full review)

"I immediately noticed the deep sound stage and was struck by the fact that I could actually hear all three trumpets separately, each in its own space, even when they played in unison. Compared to the Benchmark the [Neko] D100 MKII was more musical, with less harshness and grain. It was more revealing of details and had a great, stable soundstage."
-hmen (full review)
« Last Edit: 29 Oct 2009, 03:57 pm by NekoAudio »


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Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #1 on: 29 Oct 2009, 03:49 pm »
"I absolutely loved the D100. It is musical, revealing, and has beautiful, full and rich tonality. I also still love the [Music Hall Dac 25.2], I feel it punches out of its weight class when paired with the right tube, but the Neko Audio D100 is way better, more satisfying, something special all the way round and worth the price being asked for it. Definitely 5 Stars! *****"
-emoore44 (full review)


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Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #2 on: 18 Nov 2009, 02:36 am »
"I found the soundstage deeper and a little bit wider with more ?air? or separation around the instruments. The decay especially from cymbals was better, more apparent. Bass was a bit tighter.... I really liked the Neko D100 and I am going to purchase the Mk2 version...."
-DirtFt (full review)

"...the D100 had more natural and organic highs in comparison to the [Asus Xonar Essence STX]. ...the STX's treble had a glare and hardness not present with the D100. The D100 also had slightly more air in the upper mids and treble, and instrument separation was also slightly better. I did some swapping of the op-amps on the STX while the D100 was present, but nothing I tried could equal the natural and musical sound of the D100."
-Brooke (full review)


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Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #3 on: 10 Feb 2010, 04:19 am »
"Very analogue sounding was my first reaction. Smooth and polite are two adjectives that best describe the sound of the Neko. Musical and involving would be others. Female vocals shone though and were very engaging with little harshness or stridency."
-Pneumonic (full review)

"It had a relaxed and analog like sound...which was seductive. For me this was the Neko’s most endearing quality."
-dbdog (full review)


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Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #4 on: 12 May 2010, 02:01 am »
"Never have I heard a digital rig anywhere reproduce HF as well. Every area of music quality improved."
-Awedofile (full review)

"With the D100, Neko Audio appears to have sought a well-rounded sound. I've had it with brittle, shrill DACs...instead of the sparkly highs, the D100 gives sumptuous mids and a bit of bass kick that I find very musically satisfying."
-Monkey (full review)


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Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #5 on: 16 May 2010, 02:47 pm »
  Simply a wonder for its price. KABOOM for the buck here. If you are considering any DAC under $2500 check this baby out.
 I can list all its sonic attributes with audiophile descriptions. However in a nutshell, one of the least digital sounding DACs I have auditioned. Natural top with no hardness, brightness or exaggerated sibilance. BRILLIANT!!!!!
  If I did not own a Lector CDP7 the Neko would grace my system. In direct comparison to the $5500 Lector it was close but overall the Lector had the edge. It was to close for comfort.  I could live with the Neko for a long time.
   My only creveat is NO polarity switch. A must IMO as not all CDs are recorded in proper phase.
  I recco this DAC highly and would buy it. Thank you for the opportunity to demo this over achiever. Good luck.

« Last Edit: 6 Jul 2010, 05:27 pm by rollo »


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Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #6 on: 28 Jul 2010, 12:45 am »
"On all the high resolution files I played the D100 was really excellent at pulling out all the details of the music.... sounded very "real". (Note: The room where this system is located also has a 6' 6" Baldwin Grand the sound of the "real thing" is readily available for comparison). In summary, I would characterize the D100 as a first-rate component which always did justice to the music (which is my highest praise)."
- whitland (full review)


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Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #7 on: 18 Sep 2010, 05:03 pm »
"The bass was also full of texture. Finally my favorite part of any recording is the voice of a woman. It was produced with stunning realism and depth when the recording called for it."

- Carlton8000 (full review)


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Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #8 on: 9 Oct 2010, 05:00 pm »
"I could go on, but suffice it to say that the D100 provides a window of clarity into it all.... ...close your eyes and you are in the studio with them.  The sound stage on this recording is wider and deeper than I have previously heard in my digital system...."

- mayoski (full review)


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Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #9 on: 10 Oct 2010, 05:49 am »
    While I did not participate in the loaner review program, I did purchase a D100 Mk 2 on the 30 day trial basis. 
    Cutting to the chase, I am keeping it. 
    I basically can say +1 to all of the previous reviews, but of course i have to add my 2 cents. 
    The D100 Mk 2 just gets out of the way and lets the music flow. 
    It is relaxed when it has to be, taunt when it needs to be.
    There is detail, but always in service of the music; never calling attention to itself unnecessarily. 
    And it is quiet, the noise floor is below my threshold of hearing. 
    I find the D100 Mk 2 to be a very professional looking product, and a product that I feel was well worth the money I spent. 


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Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #10 on: 13 Oct 2010, 01:38 am »
Thanks, rollo + ZLS! :)


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Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #11 on: 14 Nov 2010, 06:19 pm »
"Norah Jones "Come Away With Me" was perfect. Listening to Stevie Ray Vaughn was sublime and I got lost in his music one evening. Andrea Bocelli's "Amore" was outstanding."

- Aimless1 (full review)


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Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #12 on: 28 Dec 2010, 01:26 am »
"...the finest digital to audio converter I've had in my home. Vivid, detailed, and with all the notes occupying their space with ease."

- postjack (full review)


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Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #13 on: 6 Feb 2011, 04:49 am »
"Voices were incredible, and yes there was more air, and it was much more musical."

- Early (full review)


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Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #14 on: 2 Jul 2011, 09:18 pm »
New reviews from round 2 of the loaner program!

", natural, and smooth, but without losing any detail at all. ...a more 3D holographic presentation."

- digger945 (full review)


Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #15 on: 18 Jul 2011, 06:10 pm »
Wes/Neko Audio...I didn't even realize you had a string here running for the past almost 2 years :duh:

Hey, good job on your Neko Audio D100 Mk. II DAC...I was at the NORCal Show on Friday, tired as I am, but your DAC was a revelation that was hard to ignore. 

I even added to a post in our Critic's Circle here:

Digital at any sane price point (I am not a DIY'er, so that always pushes up the tab for 'excellence') is good for the past 5 years or so, but still mostly a snoozer next to vinyl for me. 

Your DAC sounded decidedly different and better than most  :thumb:

Regards, John


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Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #16 on: 2 Aug 2011, 10:08 pm »
Thanks, John! I'm sorry I didn't see your post earlier--I thought I had thread notifications enabled but I guess not. :duh:

Since it sounds like you're a vinyl guy, blessingx's review seems to be right up your aisle. :) I just added a reply to the thread in the Critic's Circle.

"...very 'analog sounding.' If you're looking for a very detailed, but softer sound, this could be your path."

- blessingx (full review)


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Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #17 on: 15 Aug 2011, 01:35 am »
"...a smooth 'analog' type sound with black backgrounds, good imaging and were largely free of digital nasties."

- kwlinca (full review)


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Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #18 on: 28 Sep 2011, 03:32 am »
A now a couple more from the Canada program. :)

"Overall, I think those who are looking for a smooth analogue sound will like the D100 very much."
- ujamerstand (full review)

"The emotion of the performance was still there, though, and in fact there was more of it. The super-silent background allowed me to hear things I had been missing."
- Toby (full review)
Edit: Toby's review is also up on the Canuck Audio Mart. You can read it here.
« Last Edit: 2 Nov 2011, 01:36 am by NekoAudio »


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Re: Neko Audio D100 Loaner Reviews
« Reply #19 on: 4 Oct 2011, 03:46 am »
Claude, who participated in the Canada loaner program, decided to purchase the D100 Mk2. :thumb:

"a pure pleasure to listen to."
- claude (full review)