need advice on how to cosmetically implement ob sub as stands...

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I am looking to use a pair of ob servo subs in w frame as stands.

The trick is making it look ok when one speaker is going to be pointed to cross a few feet in front of the listener, and the ob subs going to point directly at them....

I figured there is probably some talented person on audiocircle who would share a clever idea?  Anyone?

I expect the drivers are going to be hidden by a screen, so figured some kind of rounded screen on the sub section might work... wish I knew how to do that 3d modeling...



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Here is some more info, and a pic
Trying to find a way to mask the woofers and make the sub not look directional. Then I want to use it as a stand.

(This room is early in the planning stage!  I am thinking up some unique room treatments)


I like the look of these ones and plan on doing them like that:

Some people have talked about putting on a granite top to use it as a stand.


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I actually tried to buy those from the guy George got them from, but he wasn't ready to let them go at the time... he was selling the MTM tops only for a while.

I downloaded google sketchup, so I am going to give that a wack and see if I can come up with something. I think I have a rough idea of what i could do now...


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Ok its going to be quite a while for me to get the learning curve of that sketchup...

this was made by the ol' standby "paint"

Make it kind of an oblong spherical top and bottom. Have the front of it blacked out with grill cloth (don't think metal idea is going to block vision enough, but maybe put the metal  over grill cloth for a bit of a twist)  :scratch:


Ah, I see what you are getting at. You basically want a round coffee table to put the sub into and then just add grill cloth.


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Yeah... but its oversized a bit in this little sketch. Should be closer to top in shape, but still a bit rounded, but pointy, not a circle.

ok... here is top view.
gray is main speaker facing
light blue green is way woofer facing
darker blue is shape of stand


 take a good look at some of the speakers on his page and you will see the grill clothwrapparound approach he uses, i think that would work out for what you want


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Yeah, something like that....

Still have a few aspects to mull over.

Anyone know source of nice, dark, grill cloth? I hear some have issues being black, versus dark gray...
