As the new facilitator, I'd like to officially say welcome to everyone who posts here, and welcome those of you who are new to this circle, or to computer-based audio in general.
Just to remind everyone, this is a hobby for most of us, and I'd like to keep this circle fun and friendly.

If you are a manufacturer, feel free to post. I'd like to keep this circle from becoming an advertisement for any particular vendor or product though. Please keep posts pertinent to the OP.
Feels like I'm starting to ramble...

Welcome to the Discless Circle
This circle is dedicated to computer based audio servers, network players and associated hardware and software.
While this isn't a commercial circle, vendors of related products are very welcome and encouraged to participate in the discussion, however please refrain from what could be seen as pushing one's own product.
Of course all of the standard rules for AudioCircle apply here too, so lets keep it respectful and share all we can - there is no "right way" to build or buy a server, no "best" software - just lots of options to wade through and new technologies all the time
the first round is on me