Welcome to The Lab

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Welcome to The Lab
« on: 11 Sep 2009, 02:17 am »
Welcome, the door is open so come on in.

The Lab is a place on Audio Circle to discuss the various technical aspects of our hobby or perhaps obsession is more appropriate.

As the tagline says "The technical side of audio. How and why our equipment works, construction, and DIY." All of these are fair game and I'm here to help keep things on track.

There are a few rules in addition to the standard Audio Circle Rules and posting guidelines. I am going to continue the policy of keeping The Lab a DBT discussion free zone for exactly the same reasons as one of the previous facilitators, those threads always end up hostile and I have limited time for facilitating and would much prefer not to spend it bashing heads from threads that were doomed from the beginning.

The other rule I have is really just an extension of the main rules, treat other folks with respect and dignity. Disagreement is fine, just do so in a civilized manner. If you disagree with someone or their opinion feel free to post your thoughts but don't poke fun, name call, make childish remarks or behave in an other than adult and professional manner. I won't tolerate it.

I am not confrontational by nature but if pushed I will push back. Just think of the big, quiet guy you don't want to make mad, that would be me. :)

I am particularly fond of DIY projects, so I encourage you to post your latest work. It's fun to share and others will almost certainly learn something from it.



Re: Welcome to The Lab
« Reply #1 on: 11 Sep 2009, 02:50 am »
The facilitator title looks good on you.  :thumb:  Thanks.


  • Newbie
  • Posts: 2
Re: Welcome to The Lab
« Reply #2 on: 4 Mar 2015, 06:48 pm »
I am a newbie from Redmond, Washington.  I enjoy DIY Projects and have built the Buffalo III SE DAC which sounds fantastic.  I am looking for an USB to I2S module that I can use with the DC to provide USB input.  Thanks.


Re: Welcome to The Lab
« Reply #3 on: 15 Jun 2021, 05:19 am »
Thank you I just found out about audiocircle from Danny Ritchie and New Record Day on youtube.  I’ve been an audio enthusiast for about 50 years, now thinking about retiring from my real job I’m building a music room 14ft x 20ft x 9ft and came here as I need to DIY a horizontal quadratic diffuser to sit in front of large LED TV when the room is in music mode and not home theater mode. I am thinking 48” square, there is lots on this on YouTube but I am hoping to find something more exacting and road tested here?
My other pending DIYIsh project is assembling an open baffle sub woofer probably a GR Research servo sub kit 4, but that I assume is going to be a fairly straight forward cut and assemble job.  But first I need to take delivery of a pair of Magnepan 3.7i’s ordered 6-8 weeks ago.  Apparently there is a supply chain issue and I should get them July 6~20. I have never waited so long!  Once I get them i am supposed to decide whether or not I ‘need’ a sub woofer … but I am 90% sure I will ‘want’ one, especially now that I’m learning about open baffle dipoles like the GR Research kits.
There are lots of topics I hope to search and read about here. Including can I have or modify a subwoofer like the GR Kit 4 to have two low level inputs so that I can switch between music system and home theater systems.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 3
Re: Welcome to The Lab
« Reply #4 on: 1 Jun 2024, 06:57 am »
I guess this is where I should share my ideas about a DIY hardware mod to the Squeezeboxes/Slimdevices survivors from the early 2000s. Am I right?

Cheers, Daniel