Panel presentation on room correction at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest

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  • Industry Contributor
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On Sunday the 4th, at noon, in the Aspen ampitheater room (ground floor, across the hall from Classic Audio Reproductions) I will take part in a panel presentation on the topic of room correction.  My area will be room-friendly loudspeaker design.   Moderator is Neal Van Berg of Sound Science, and the panelists are Richard Rives Bird of Rives Audio; physicist Tony Knight; and yours truly.   We'll each do a brief presentation and then open it up for questions.  You are all of course invited. 

Here's a link:



  • Full Member
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Looking over the Exhibitor's List..... I didn't see you show room this year ? :scratch:



  • Industry Contributor
  • Posts: 1160
Good question, Chris!

I've been quite busy developing a line of prosound speakers, and so hadn't planned on attending RMAF this year.  Then this invitation was extended, and participating in the seminar is several orders of magnitude less daunting than doing an exhibit room (at least this go-round) so that put it within the realm of possibility.  And besides, it sounds like a helluva lot of fun.

Tony Knight sent me some actual in-room measurements, and they are unbelievable.  Like plus or minus 1 dB from below 10 Hz to about 16 kHz.  He uses multiple Quads and custom subwoofers in a purpose-built room, he doesn't skimp on room treatment, and I'm sure he's going to teach me a thing or two about DSP correction.  Unfortunately we won't be able to replicate anything like that for the presentation, but he has a most interesting demonstration planned (described in the link in my first post).


  • Full Member
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  • Speakers....What Speakers ?
Thanks Duke. Sounds good... :beer:
Looking forward to seeing you again in Denver.... :thumb:


  • Industry Contributor
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Well my part of the presentation was minor at best, as our time for presentations was pared down to 5 minutes maximum each followed by a Q&A session, and I didn't get to field any questions.  I didn't have time to present anything new or even in depth, just quickly talked about radiation patterns, power response, the reverberant field, and the benefits of a multisub system. 

We spent some time the night before calibrating room correction for a pair of MRLs, but the specially recorded music that was to be used for the demo didn't get there so they were just visual props. 

Russell Dawkins

well - too bad nothing more than this came of it.

Was Tony Knight able to do his DSP room correction demonstration?

How are the prosound designs coming along?


  • Industry Contributor
  • Posts: 1160
Hi Russell,

The music selections we were hoping to present were Tony Knight's in-room recordings, so no we didn't get to do that.
