Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle

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Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« on: 27 Aug 2009, 01:57 pm »
Welcome all!

New'ish requirements at AudioCircle require this sticky...but, the welcome mat has been out to all active, returning and inquiring vinylphools for some time.

Each circle tends to take on it's own 'lilt' based on the activities of participants and moderator(s) alike. I see this circle as a place where there are no 'stupid' participants, questions or experiments.  We're all on a road together - each of us with our share of foibles, expertise, and aptitudes - let's enjoy the ride in its entirety.

I was tapped as Moderator a few years ago by member Josh K., who at the time was inactive in vinyl and was looking for a more active participant.  I had just returned to vinyl after 4 of my most miserable years of music listening ever - exclusively with compact disc.  I tried and failed and was tortured by digi-titus for 4 years :cry:

Clearly, digital has improved dramatically and at quite reasonable prices the past few years....but, there is nothing as alluring as dropping a needle on a well cleaned record and playing it for me.  As good as digital has gotten - vinyl continues (at this writing) to reign supreme.  I suspect my time as caretaker of this hallowed circle will pass the day I feel otherwise. 

As one's hearing acuity is lessened as we age no matter how well you take care of yourself...that day may one day occur.  But, for now, vinyl reigns supreme when my system goes on. 

Come one, come all - all questions are entertained here - please let our team or dedicated vinylphools answer your needs or sympathize in your vinyl plight (we have ALL spent some time in vinyl hell, I assure you :wink:).  Whether the questions has to do with 'synergy', turntable or cartridge selection, record cleaning, more arcane stuff like capacitive and resistive loading and the like - your posts will be fielded successfully here. 

Don't forget to peruse the archives for years of discussions that might relate to your needs...it's a great resource to have around :thumb: 

Regards, John / TheChairGuy   


Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #1 on: 27 Aug 2009, 03:27 pm »



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Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #2 on: 27 Aug 2009, 04:33 pm »
Nice to have our own little niche!  99%+ of my listening is via vinyl (and has been for the last 15-20 years), so I'm defintaly a vinylholic[tm]!  :-)

S Clark

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Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #3 on: 27 Aug 2009, 06:37 pm »
Thanks for Facilitating the Vinyl Circle for the rest of us  :beer:.  Seldom does a day go by that I don't check in on it. 



Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #4 on: 27 Aug 2009, 07:43 pm »

I'm very glad you are moderator(?) for this circle.  I will read it with interest and drop a line now and then.


Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #5 on: 8 Sep 2009, 12:12 pm »
Hey guys - gr8 and thanks!

As vinyl is not a plug in and play technology - it requires a lot more hand holding for many.  I've always seen this circle as a place where the voodoo and seemingly impossible task of successful vinyl playback is helped along by experienced folks.

Its in all our best interests as vinylphools to foster more active participants in this craft.  So, as much as I might veer or sway topics - this place becomes irrelevant when you all stop actively helping and participating.

Vinyl rules....perhaps not by as much as it did ~5 years ago, but my honest feeling is that if you consider yourself an audiophool and don't participate in vinyl....your like a chef claiming to be great, but you never step foot in a kitchen 8)



Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #6 on: 10 Sep 2009, 04:40 am »

Vinyl rules....perhaps not by as much as it did ~5 years ago, but my honest feeling is that if you consider yourself an audiophool and don't participate in vinyl....your like a chef claiming to be great, but you never step foot in a kitchen 8)


Three years ago I decided to "get back" into vinyl. A combination of growing tired of digital sound and an increased desire to again hear the many records in my collection from the 60's and early 70's that were never relased on CD. After a month of listening on my B & O Beogram from the mid 70's, I purchased the Pro-ject Perspective with a Sumiko Blackbird cartridge. A powerful TT/cartrdige combination for under $2,000. Three years later I find myself listening to vinyl 80+% of the time and all new music is vinyl unless it was only realesed as a CD. Music once again had the magic I remembered from the 60's and 70's. Last month I found a used SME 20/2 with a Series IV.Vi arm on Audiogon and even with the Blackbird, it has delviered a big time WOW factor to my system.

I give this background as a lead in to my belief that vinyl does indeed live again and the resurgence is real. There is a reason vinyl is the only physical medium to show increased sales in each of the last 3 years--the sound. I am fortunate to have a great indie record store in Spokane that is celebrating its 20th anniversary. The owner commented that he started as a record store, evolved into a CD store and now is a record store again (and he couldn't be happier). If it wasn't for vinyl's resurgence, he would have had to close. Vinyl still rules, and if my local indie record store is any indication of a national trend, then perhaps more than anytime since the early-mid 80's.

I look forward to participating, sharing and learning in The Vinyl Circle. Thanks for being the mod.
« Last Edit: 12 Aug 2011, 01:36 pm by vinyl_lady »


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Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #7 on: 14 Sep 2009, 05:05 pm »
Thanks for moderating.

I agree with VinylLady. .  Between the new issues, increasing reissues and tons of used records, it's a great time to indulge in vinyl.  CD and digital downloads can't compete with taking a record out of the sleeve, enjoying the artwork and liner notes and enjoying the best possible sound available.  I look forward to learning from others on this thread.


Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #8 on: 14 Sep 2009, 06:50 pm »
Yeah - it's such a bloody inconvenient medium, with so many things pulling us aside now then decades past, it MUST be the sound that's bring us pleasure.

Very few folks have more available free time these days, very few folks have more disposable income than they did....so there really does seem to be something more alluring about vinyl sound all in all.

We're here to congregate and reminisce a bit...but to also look forward to (unbelievably) a real future for vinyl once again.

Rejoice...the musical magic, too, returned for me with my return to vinyl after 5 years in the digital darkness :(



Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #9 on: 14 Sep 2009, 07:26 pm »
Between the new issues, increasing reissues and tons of used records, it's a great time to indulge in vinyl.  CD and digital downloads can't compete with taking a record out of the sleeve, enjoying the artwork and liner notes and enjoying the best possible sound available.

I agree. I recently purchased the new Mobile Fidelity release of The Cars and the new remastered reissue of The Smiths' The Queen is Dead and on a recent trip to Denver found a NM copy of UB40's Labour of Love II, The Best of Leonard Cohen, and Jefferson Airplane's After Bathing at Baxters (my original copy from the 60's was, let's say, abused). My VPI 17F is getting a real workout.

BTW, that is a very nice system and set up you have!


Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #10 on: 14 Sep 2009, 07:36 pm »
I've just recently put ARMod (a DIY table) on my granite slab that the Technics was on. I have now taken vinyl playback to the next level as the granite has absorbed any remaining motor energy and the background is very, very black.

I will be bring several CDs made from this set up to the RMAF. I recorded about 6 of my favorite sounding albums for your amusement. It will be interesting to hear comments about the recordings.

Wayner  :D


Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #11 on: 14 Sep 2009, 07:55 pm »
 :D remastered 'Crime Of The Century' album from A&M will bring you to tears.this album will show just how good your deck is working.it is KILLER....... :D  PS-think i will buy another copy as i will for sure wear this one down till i see daylight across it  :lol: :D  PS-PS ,Thks for your help with the big black disc John. you guys sure know your stuff!!!!! Pat in Canada


Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #12 on: 14 Sep 2009, 08:07 pm »


Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #13 on: 14 Sep 2009, 08:35 pm »
I've just recently put ARMod (a DIY table) on my granite slab that the Technics was on. I have now taken vinyl playback to the next level as the granite has absorbed any remaining motor energy and the background is very, very black.

I will be bring several CDs made from this set up to the RMAF. I recorded about 6 of my favorite sounding albums for your amusement. It will be interesting to hear comments about the recordings.

Wayner  :D


That is a really cool set up. What are you using to record your CDs from vinyl?

I hope we have a chance to meet at RMAF.


Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #14 on: 14 Sep 2009, 09:03 pm »
I'll be in the Audio by Van Alstine/Salk Speakers booth with Frank and Jim.

I have a very ancient Philips CDR 765 stand alone CD recorder (it takes music cd-r/cd-rw dics) and I try to manually index tracks (if they aren't played into each other), cause you can only record music or track indexes, not both at the same time.

Then I transport the dics over to my computer and download it thru the media player (POS). I then dump each track into Calkwalk Proaudio to clean the beginning and ends up and when I done, I burn to disc. It works pretty good, but it is a hassle, because my new computer only has Windows Media Player which is a total stupid piece of software.

Here is my vinyl list for the show:

David Gilmour - On An Island
Supertramp - Brother, Where You Bound
Andreas Vollenweider - White Winds
Stephane Grappelli/David Grisman - Live
Rodger Waters - The Pros and Cons of Hitchhicking
Friedmann - Indian Summer
Genesis - Selling England by the Pound

How's that?

Wayner  8)


Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #15 on: 14 Sep 2009, 10:03 pm »
That's a nice vinyl list. All good choices!  :thumb: :D

About a year ago I bought an Alesis Masterlink ML 9600 hard disk recorder. It does a nice job of making CDs from vinyl. It allows one to make both Red Book and 24 bit/96kHZ recordings. http://www.alesis.com/masterlink. I haven't taken the time to learn how to use all the bells and whistles that came with it. I insert the track changes on the fly as I record vinyl to the hard disk. It allows me to burn a CD straight from the hard disk. It does a very nice job.

I'll stop by the room to meet you, say hi and listen.


Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #16 on: 15 Sep 2009, 01:07 pm »

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I wish we lived closer together, because I know we could spend many an afternoon going through our old record collections together and enjoy the same music and a cold beer or two.



Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #17 on: 15 Sep 2009, 05:08 pm »
Thanks Laura,

Marantz also makes a nice CDR burner for around $700. It's the CDR-632. I just don't burn too many LPs to CD except for occasions like this. The very thought of burning an LP to CD makes me ill.

Bob, someday.......... :beer:



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Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #18 on: 15 Sep 2009, 07:33 pm »
I just don't burn too many LPs to CD except for occasions like this. The very thought of burning an LP to CD makes me ill.


I think there's a law against such sacrelige.  And if not, there ought to be!


Re: Welcome! - The Vinyl Circle
« Reply #19 on: 15 Sep 2009, 07:36 pm »
I agree, just play the damn records!  :lol:
