Windows cannot hear my Ripper

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Windows cannot hear my Ripper
« on: 26 Aug 2009, 02:56 am »
Everything else works up to "Now try using recording software...."  on the testing and installation page.  I've tried Windows recorder, Audacity and Spin-it-Again with no luck - no input detected.

Does the Ripper convert to digital when recording?  If not then, what signal are these softwares looking for - analog audio via the USB?  Maybe I'm missing something fundamental.

Confession:  I left out the power indicator LED since my parts arrived with only one, and I chose the USB indicator position to install that one.  It does not light, but I assumed it was because the other LED was not  installed yet. 

Could this be my trouble? 

Another clue might be in italics below as response to steps from the setup page:
...?   "USB Audio CODEC" should be selected. If not, click on Audio, and select for both playback and recording.   check
?   Click on Volume and set to maximum. !!!!!! Volume controls not available for recording!!!!!!

Please help, and thanks in advance.


Re: Windows cannot hear my Ripper
« Reply #1 on: 29 Aug 2009, 10:58 pm »
When you plug in to your computer, did it pop up a bubble and say "new hardware detected"?  Sounds like the USB circuit is not running.  The computer is not seeing a valid device.  You can confirm this by going into the device manager.  It will show an error if there is one.

Usually the problem is that the 12MHz oscillator isn't working.  Do you have an oscilloscope or any way to check it?



Re: Windows cannot hear my Ripper
« Reply #2 on: 30 Aug 2009, 03:37 am »
Thanks for the reply.  I do not have an oscilloscope.  Analog multimeter, yes, and a digital multimeter with many more capabilities is on the way. 

"USB Audio CODEC" appears to be recognized, but Windows still may be the culprit.  I have scratched the surface of trying different things -disabling audio drivers, updating drivers, etc.  The situation appears the same on two windows machines-A laptop and a desktop.  Laptop has onboard SigmaTel sound card, and dektop has AnalogDevices SoundMAX Integrated digital HD audio.

All recording / volume controls are either not there or are not available (greyed out.)  Here are some screen shots of the windows situation with the Ripper plugged into the laptop.  I hope you can help me configure things from this.

Above, my audio codecs - I have tried disabling these and that enabled recording volume controls on the laptop's on board sound card, but not for the USB device.


Re: Windows cannot hear my Ripper
« Reply #3 on: 1 Sep 2009, 05:22 am »
Good news is that the RIPPER is working and getting recognized.  You can't play an audio file or a youtube through the RIPPER output?



Re: Windows cannot hear my Ripper
« Reply #4 on: 1 Sep 2009, 02:42 pm »
Yes, I can play computer files and hear them on the phones of the Ripper.  See your "testing" page from the instructions and my first post - everything up to "record" checks out.

I'm still suspect of the Windows configuration...I have one other windows computer that does not have an integrated sound board.  Should I try it with that next, and see how far I get?
Thanks again,


Re: Windows cannot hear my Ripper
« Reply #5 on: 2 Sep 2009, 04:14 am »
For audacity you need to select software "playthrough" or "loopthrough".  Or something like that.

Did you try RIPPER as standalone phono section?



Re: Windows cannot hear my Ripper
« Reply #6 on: 2 Sep 2009, 05:48 pm »
Yes, it works as phono preamp to phones and to line out jacks ("standalone phono section").

How can I test the output from USB jack on the Ripper?  I have a digital multimeter with frequency test.  Is that useful?
« Last Edit: 5 Sep 2009, 04:21 pm by Aljaheejus »


Re: Windows cannot hear my Ripper
« Reply #7 on: 5 Sep 2009, 06:41 pm »
Only way to test USB is to plug it in.  If it gets recognized by operating system, then it works.

Did you use the analog/digital switch on front panel?  Did you build as stock?  Can you post photo of the build?



Re: Windows cannot hear my Ripper
« Reply #8 on: 5 Sep 2009, 07:23 pm »
I was talking about confirming an audio signal is coming out of the Ripper USB jack.  Is it a digital (converted-by-the-Ripper) signal that comes out for Windows to "hear?"

Can you please confirm the screen shots showing no recording volume or "okay" box, no recording inputs are correct?  Can we eliminate the Windows / computer side?  I have XP pro OS.

Yes, I built with parts listed.  Only variation was I installed only one LED (usb indicator) and I installed it reversed polarity, because I did not  know any better.  I did all initial testing with that one LED reversed and not lighting.  Then, when the other LED arrived, I installed it reversed also.  At that point, when they both did not work I reversed both of them and they light.  Another anomaly is that one of the LEDs ordered has "ND"  and the other does not have "ND" at end of part no.   Also they both have differing light output level to the eye.  I don't know which is which, as when I reversed them I lost track.

I can post a photo of the board and will soon!  I want to get to recording!


Re: Windows cannot hear my Ripper
« Reply #9 on: 10 Sep 2009, 02:57 am »
Please advise with more direction on photography if these are not sufficient.

Hope this helps figure out what might be wrong.  Thanks, David


Re: Windows cannot hear my Ripper
« Reply #10 on: 11 Sep 2009, 12:54 am »
There is no analog signal coming in or out of the USB jack.  It just has digital data packets sent every now and then, both directions.

Photos look fine.  Can you record anythine else on your PC, like maybe the built-in mic input?  You should at least be able to record noise.



Re: Windows cannot hear my Ripper
« Reply #11 on: 12 Sep 2009, 02:20 am »
First I have some more questions.  If the ripper usb cable puts out digital audio packets - okay.  The ripper converts the analog input into the digital audio packets - okay.  My understanding is this is better than letting the computer do the conversion - all okay.  But:

The Audacity, or Spin-it-Again, or windows recorder are looking for analog audio are they not?  When I provide audio input to Audacity on the XP machine via built-in stereo microphones I can record.  Input options were "line-in" or "microphone" as I did not have the USB ripper plugged in.  So analog audio signals are recordable on the XP machine.

Also, as another test, I plugged the Ripper into a Vista laptop, and USB device was unrecognized.   Vista thinks the device is malfunctioning.  Tried reconnecting as it suggested, with same results - unrecognized.

Another clue?  Another mystery?  Someone on the Audacity forum said many have abandoned their USB devices, because of windows compatibility problems, for recording and just use the analog "line-in" on their computer.   I am really hoping for high quality conversion, and I hope someone can help me figure this out so the ripper can make the conversion from analog to digital.  Thanks in advance.


Re: Windows cannot hear my Ripper
« Reply #12 on: 18 Sep 2009, 01:03 am »
The sound card on your PC converts the mic and line inputs to digital.  Audacity just sees bits.  In Audacity, you have to select the USB Audio Device for both input and output.

Vista should recognize it.  Maybe something wrong with the USB chip circuit?  If you get stuck, you can send it to me and I will take a look at it.



Re: Windows cannot hear my Ripper
« Reply #13 on: 24 Sep 2009, 03:32 am »
I guess I am stuck, so I will send it over.
Thank you!