Organic Eggs

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Organic Eggs
« on: 20 Aug 2009, 10:23 pm »
Sometimes I have a hard time choosing which beer to buy because they're all the same to me. I'll gulp down anything if I'm in the mood. Don't ask me to taste and compare champagne, wine, or cheese; I'd probably prefer the cheap one as often as not.

Eggs, though. That's different. I love organic eggs. They just taste like eggs, whereas "regular" supermarket eggs taste like eggs, only bland. Some people, I've heard, either can't taste the difference between them or have no concern over any difference, but to me it's like night and day. By the way, do you know what organic apples were called when I was a kid? They were called, "apples."

Until now, I haven't told anyone that I like organic eggs better than regular eggs. I've been afraid that my friends, neighbors, and relatives would shoot back with replies like these:

"Can you provide any proof that organic eggs taste better?"

"Do you have a white paper to support your claims?"

"Have you done a double-blind A/B test with others involved?"

"It's just the Placebo Effect."

"It's psychological. Because you paid more for them, you think they must taste better."

Just like tasting wine (or eggs), listening to music is subjective--an art more so than a science. Trying too much to make listening to music a science can be a sour pickle, as can trying to prove your case to skeptics. None of us are psychos who are "hearing things." If you hear a better clarity in your music, a more natural tone, a more engaging listening experience, so be it. Appreciate what you hear and enjoy the music.

Best regards,

Herbie's Audio Lab
« Last Edit: 23 Aug 2010, 01:42 am by Herbie »

Wind Chaser

Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #1 on: 20 Aug 2009, 10:43 pm »
Can't speak for eggs, but I swear by organic bananas.

Regular bananas are repulsive.  Even if somebody wrote a white paper on other kinds of bananas, I wouldn't eat them.  I'm a banana purist.

Daedalus Audio

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Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #2 on: 20 Aug 2009, 10:52 pm »
I  normally eat organic eggs, but I'm an old hippie anyhow. This week friends gave me some eggs straight from their hens, very fresh and organic. Now those tasted different for sure, lot of flavor!


Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #3 on: 20 Aug 2009, 11:01 pm »
We've had organic and free range eggs available for the past few years and they are definitely better to us.  The farmer's market has just opened here and organic beef, purely grass fed, is locally raised and sold there.  It reminded me of eating at home as a kid.  I didn't realize that there was a noticeable difference in taste until we tried it.


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Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #4 on: 20 Aug 2009, 11:18 pm »
I love sour pickles. The taste of white papers is awful.


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Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #5 on: 20 Aug 2009, 11:54 pm »
I've eaten organic eggs exclusively for years however I've never bought the brown ones. Do they taste better? You certainly pay a premium for brown eggs. :icon_surprised:


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Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #6 on: 21 Aug 2009, 01:26 am »
I was watching a Penn and Teller episode on Showtime and it was about organic foods.  One of the things they did during the show was conduct blind taste tests outside of a Whole Foods with people who were clearly in favor of organic foods from a taste perspective.  The vast majority of the time, the people who swore that organic foods tasted better couldn't correctly pick them out vs. non-organic foods.

Personally, I could care less what people eat - simply eat what makes you happy!   :thumb:

However, I do get tired of hearing about how organics foods are better for the environment, better for people, etc... there is simply no proof for those types of statements.  In fact, organic foods are more expensive and use up considerably more land to produce less food!  But maybe I should save that type of discussion for another thread...



Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #7 on: 21 Aug 2009, 02:00 am »
With eggs I strongly believe it is not organic but what they are fed.  Is it running around a field eating bugs plus the grain feed or is it just a feed ?  We get eggs from the farm we do our meat csa through.  They will pass the pepsi challege every day.  This is not a small difference.


Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #8 on: 21 Aug 2009, 02:13 am »
Somehow, I don't think this was the direction the OP wanted this thread to go in.
I love my system right now, "it tastes great"!


Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #9 on: 21 Aug 2009, 03:06 am »
I was watching a Penn and Teller episode on Showtime and it was about organic foods.  One of the things they did during the show was conduct blind taste tests outside of a Whole Foods with people who were clearly in favor of organic foods from a taste perspective.  The vast majority of the time, the people who swore that organic foods tasted better couldn't correctly pick them out vs. non-organic foods.

Personally, I could care less what people eat - simply eat what makes you happy!   :thumb:

However, I do get tired of hearing about how organics foods are better for the environment, better for people, etc... there is simply no proof for those types of statements.  In fact, organic foods are more expensive and use up considerably more land to produce less food!  But maybe I should save that type of discussion for another thread...

Spoken like a true pragmatist.  George, Penn and Teller have an act to do.  Something wrong with the opinions expressed here?  I couldn't quit eating carrots in England.  They were sweeter and more favorable than any carrots I had ever eaten from the super.  I've eaten bread in Northern California you (bet) would be happy to make a meal of that didn't come from the super either.  Same goes for avocados fallen off the tree.  Don't think it's because I'm a romantic or delusional.     


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Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #10 on: 21 Aug 2009, 03:23 am »
I was watching a Penn and Teller episode on Showtime and it was about organic foods.  One of the things they did during the show was conduct blind taste tests outside of a Whole Foods with people who were clearly in favor of organic foods from a taste perspective.  The vast majority of the time, the people who swore that organic foods tasted better couldn't correctly pick them out vs. non-organic foods.

Personally, I could care less what people eat - simply eat what makes you happy!   :thumb:

However, I do get tired of hearing about how organics foods are better for the environment, better for people, etc... there is simply no proof for those types of statements.  In fact, organic foods are more expensive and use up considerably more land to produce less food!  But maybe I should save that type of discussion for another thread...


Eat what makes you happy? :scratch: Isn't having a well balanced diet important too? Actually, like music, many foods are an acquired taste. I suppose  subsisting off of fast food and candy bars could make someone happy however it would drastically increase the odds they would die young and fat.  Die happy too :D? I doubt it especially after a struggle with diabetes and heat disease.  :(

Taste test? Just like audio, results can vary for a number of reasons.  A/B testing a small population in front of a Whole Foods hardly meets scientific rigor.

Actually there are many reasons for eating organic unrelated to taste. Eggs in particular here's a quote from Wikipedia:
Organic egg production is the production of eggs through organic means. In this process, the poultry are fed organic feed. The poultry must have access to the outdoors and are in a cage-free environment. Organic egg producers cannot use antibiotics except during an infectious outbreak. Only natural molting can occur within the flock; forced molting is not allowed. Organic certification also means maintaining of basic animal welfare standards.

So if one is comfortable with having their food laced with antibiotics and hormones, I hope it makes them happy. I prefer non industrialized food when possible and affordable so I can eat what I think is  healthy, sustainable and is reasonably kind to animals.

Check this flick out. might not be good for the appetite. :P


« Last Edit: 21 Aug 2009, 04:23 am by rajacat »


Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #11 on: 21 Aug 2009, 04:05 am »
I stopped eating regular eggs when my nose started to resemble a beak! 

Definitely some weird hormones in there :lol:


Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #12 on: 21 Aug 2009, 04:26 am »
I definitely prefer organic eggs.  I find an even more profound difference in milk.  We switched to Horizon organic when my child started drinking milk.  It is hugely expensive, but so much better than regular old hormoned up milk.  I never liked fat free milk, but the Horizon stuff is creamy and delicious.  The whole milk is almost too rich to drink.  Plus, it may actually help prevent an earlier than normal onset of puberty for my daughter, which is pretty much priceless I think.  I'd like to hold that off  until she is about 25...


Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #13 on: 21 Aug 2009, 06:02 am »
Interesting topic.... I live in Phoenix AZ and have eaten organic, free-range, vegetarian grain fed chicken eggs bought from specialists grocery stores for about 12 years.  When I visit Europe, I can't believe how much better the eggs are there.... they actually taste like eggs with golden yolks just like I remember as a kid.  The eggs in stores here seem to absolutely suck... no matter which ones you buy...!

Having said that.... I went to a farmers market in down town Phoenix last week and bought some eggs from a local farmer who had a picture of his hens running around a grass field.  I cannot tell you how happy I was after cooking these..... for the first time in 12 years of living here, I've actually eaten an egg that actually tastes like a real egg...!   :D


Big Red Machine

Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #14 on: 21 Aug 2009, 10:09 am »
I was watching a Penn and Teller episode on Showtime and it was about organic foods.  One of the things they did during the show was conduct blind taste tests outside of a Whole Foods with people who were clearly in favor of organic foods from a taste perspective.  The vast majority of the time, the people who swore that organic foods tasted better couldn't correctly pick them out vs. non-organic foods.

Personally, I could care less what people eat - simply eat what makes you happy!   :thumb:

However, I do get tired of hearing about how organics foods are better for the environment, better for people, etc... there is simply no proof for those types of statements.  In fact, organic foods are more expensive and use up considerably more land to produce less food!  But maybe I should save that type of discussion for another thread...


The point of organics is to spare you from the toxins that are dumped or sprayed on crops.  Organic food actually lasts longer on the shelf and in the fridge.  Nutritionally all fruits and veggies would measure the same if the tester disregarded the extra chemicals non-organic introduce into your body.

Right up there with hormones given to cows to produce more milk have a detrimental effect on people, especially young girls' estrogen levels.

My wife is a nutritional consultant and the expert, not me.  I sleep with her so that makes me smarter. :lol:

Wind Chaser

Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #15 on: 21 Aug 2009, 11:00 am »
...I find an even more profound difference in milk.  We switched to Horizon organic when my child started drinking milk.  It is hugely expensive, but so much better than regular old hormoned up milk.  I never liked fat free milk, but the Horizon stuff is creamy and delicious.  The whole milk is almost too rich to drink.  Plus, it may actually help prevent an earlier than normal onset of puberty for my daughter, which is pretty much priceless I think.  I'd like to hold that off  until she is about 25...

There's something about humans consuming cows milk that isn't quite right.  I would imagine most people don't fancy the idea of sucking a cows tit!  So why drink it's milk?  There is a link between allergies and dairy products - milk in particular.  I noticed a significant difference many years ago when I switched my diet accordingly.


Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #16 on: 21 Aug 2009, 11:26 am »
There's something about humans consuming cows milk that isn't quite right.  I would imagine most people don't fancy the idea of sucking a cows tit!  So why drink it's milk?  There is a link between allergies and dairy products - milk in particular.  I noticed a significant difference many years ago when I switched my diet accordingly.
If you think consuming cow's milk  isn't quite right what do you think about the rest of the diet of the average American?  I'd say about 90% isn't "right".  I understand your point though.  There is a case to be made for not consuming any animal products.  I'm not making it though.   :)

Big Red Machine

Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #17 on: 21 Aug 2009, 11:34 am »
We drank organic milk for years.  Now no milk is allowed and for cereal we use Almond milk.

There is a study or report somewhere that showed hormones in milk passed on from the cows is causing young girls to reach their cycle much sooner and develop much sooner than years ago.  Vague, I know, but again, I'm passing this on from memory.

There are so many chemicals and preservatives and dyes in foods these days and they muck up our immune systems.  It's pretty easy to put 2 and 2 together and see why we are so weak (immune systems) and sickly.  My wife has a new detox class starting up very soon if anyone is interested in joining!


Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #18 on: 21 Aug 2009, 12:58 pm »
I like Rice Dream.

The poultry must have access to the outdoors and are in a cage-free environment.

What they don't tell you is that its a small door that the chickens never leave.  I highly reccomend "The Omnivores Dilema".  Its a great book that I am sure a bunch of you have read.  The follow up "In Defense of Food" is even better imvho.  I just love how the industrialized food industry takes food breaks it down into not food and then puts it back together into less healthy forms.  How we feed cows things that are bad for them and they were not ment to eat thus making them bad for us to eat.  How people think Buffalo is so good for you but it is mostly due to their diet (grass).
end rant. 

I know this is totally not what the OP was shooting for but......


Re: Organic Eggs
« Reply #19 on: 21 Aug 2009, 01:01 pm »
I don't eat eggs :D But this (below), I can relate to ;)

If you hear a better clarity in your music, a more natural tone, a more engaging listening experience, so be it.

Nice post Steve :thumb: