AVA Ultravalve 70 (prototype) powering MartinLogan reQuests..................

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By popluar demand, I finally hooked up the pair today. Unfortunately, the only person from AC membership that has seen and heard the MartinLogans is Frank Van Alstine, but I think Frank was truely impressed with these 6 foot tall hybrid electrostatics. I found a cleaver way to solve the existing bi-wiring problem and simply set the amplifier on the floor in front of the existing system. I had to use 2 2 meter interconnets plus jumpers to get to the preamp.

I ran the amp at my usual listening level (-32db) and listened to the following set of tunes:

Queen, Innuendo - Innuendo.
                        - Don't try so hard.
                        - Ride the wild wind.

Steve Hackette, To Watch the Storms - The devil is an englishman.
                                                     - Rebecca

The Fixx, Elemental - Happy landings

Brian Setzer orchestra - Brand new Cadillac
                               - September Skies

My first impresssions was that the amplifier handled the Logans well, with everything in proper balance, bass aplenty, but not over emphasized. Vocals imaged dead on in the center and very clear. As was the case in my studio, the ML's displayed amazing depth and 3D realism. I could hear multiple layers of reverb thru an echoplex slowly decaying on Freddie Mercurys vocals on "Innuendo" that sounded different to me then with the Sunfire, in that it had more detail.

In the song "The Devil is an Englishman" there is a synthesized choral attack that was very startling and vanished as fast as it attacked, but with reverb that went backwards into the wall (and beyond). Cymbals had the correct timbre and decay. Instruments could be easily placed in a wonderful soundstage.

Very musical and very satisfying in every regard at resonable listening levels. I actually expected the tube amp to soften up the MLs, but that just didn't happen.

On Brian Setzers tunes, the horn section was clean and crisp, with that natural resonance and attack.

I was very pleased with the outcome of the experiment.

Wayner :)


PM for Wayner :D


Hi Wayner,

Please be just a bit more specific. Were you using an Insight+ with and a single Ultimate 70 or a pair? 

You said this was an experiment.  Are you going to leave it hooked up this way?  If not, why not? 



  • Full Member
  • Posts: 327
What about one of your Insight amps?  I didn't think that tubes and electrostats were all that compatible due to current issues?


The Insight amps are solid state so that is not a problem.

Dave, the system that the MLs are hooked up to are in my HT room. The cabinet is very unaccessible so I at least tried to do the amp. The preamp used was the Sony ES Black Knight (AKA E9000ES). The CD player used was a Sony ES XA20ES.

For me to tear down these 2 systems was a nightmare. The best was to set it up for an audition only. Frank wanted to know how the U70 would drive the MLs and I think I proved that.

Wayner :)


I do understand the tear down and set up thing, time consuming in it's self.  I have been threating to set up the U70 with my Maggie 3.6's. "Change the system syndrom" is the only thing that is keeping me from doing that.   I don't expect the U70 to drive the 3.6's to rock pounding levels...not at all but, at normal reasonable levels it may shine very well. I plan on building another U70 soon, and with the phase inverter built into my Insight+ (hoping to receive for AVA soon)  and a pair of U70's should drive the Maggies pretty well.  Will it replace my OmegaStar EX 440H? I am not really sure, the jury has not even been seated.

It's a beautiful Sunday in Michigan,


No the U70 won't drive the maggies to earth shattering levels but you will be plesantly surprised at reasonable listening levels, that the amp has plenty in reserve for very nice transient attacks. Also the sound field exposes all, even the tinyest amounts of space, reverb and all those nice little finishing touches that make a recording fun to listen to. This amp is fun.

Wayner :)




I didn't answer your other question. I'm not going to leave the u70 in the HT room. The room is very large (28' X 32') and that system is for digital and movies only. The U70 is very at home in my studio where it's close and personal. I listen to music in the "near field" there and that is where I do all of my vinyl listening. When I use the u70, it's driven by my new Insight+ EC preamp and hooked up to the wonderful Dynaco A25XLs (modded) for the ultimate listening experince. This is truely the prefect invironment for it and it's the best for all of the circumstances too.

Frank's dual mono system driving his HT3s is awesome. He has the phase inverter for it and the amps in mono deliver more than enough power for almost any speaker. He did mention that he may offer some kind of package deal, but that is down the road.

I hope there are folks that are putting their orders in for this amp. It's going to look very nice with it's polished stainless steel case, natural aluminum faceplate with black lettering and logo. That is the plan for now.

Wayner aa


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 327
The Insight amps are solid state so that is not a problem.

Dave, the system that the MLs are hooked up to are in my HT room. The cabinet is very unaccessible so I at least tried to do the amp. The preamp used was the Sony ES Black Knight (AKA E9000ES). The CD player used was a Sony ES XA20ES.

For me to tear down these 2 systems was a nightmare. The best was to set it up for an audition only. Frank wanted to know how the U70 would drive the MLs and I think I proved that.

Wayner :)

Oh--right.  So this was more of a proof-of-concept kind of thing.  I get it :)

(And I'm with you--once you got your gear in-cabinet, it stay in-cabinet except for repairs and upgrades :)


Hi Wayner,

I have another question about your set up.  I will send you a pm.  Thanks