My idea for a hypothetical VMPS speaker

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My idea for a hypothetical VMPS speaker
« Reply #20 on: 19 Dec 2003, 05:29 pm »

Have you measured the panels? I was thinking they might need to be somewhat cabinet loaded to play as low as they do? Are you going to cross them higher than the 166Hz VMPS does or have you found loading them off a wide but open baffle will get you that bottom end on them?

Just curious to see how flat they are on the bottom end in open air.

Audio Architect told me offline that he didn't have any money to actually build them.
This was soon after I posted that these would be terribly hard to build with so many complex angles and wouldn't really have any advantage design-wise other than looks, and he told me online something like 'don't be so negative'.

This design'll never exist unless someone else does it, but I don't see any reason to do it.


My idea for a hypothetical VMPS speaker
« Reply #21 on: 21 Dec 2003, 07:24 am »

You just have too many great ideas.  How are those ICEpower amps coming along?  I swallowed the double barrel shotgun and have a JRDG 302/4 on the way.  I'm hoping you can convince me to sell it for your amps and pocket some chump change!

PS -- ever build a headphone amp?

Ric Schultz

My idea for a hypothetical VMPS speaker
« Reply #22 on: 22 Dec 2003, 08:21 am »
I will know sometime by mid Jan how good the amps will be.  How can my measly $1000-$1200 Ice power amp sound as good as your $15,000 jobbie?.....he he.  We shall see.  I don't except it to be as good as yours but you never know.  I have a friend in Berkeley who bought the 302 on my recommendation and I can go there anytime to A/B.  Trouble is, he uses balanced in and my amp probably won't do balanced (at least the first version probably won't)....anything is possible....just the beginning.  I am sure you will love your 320/4....

Yes, I use a single ended class A mosfet stage to drive headphones...pretty darn good.   No, I don't want to build you one.  I want to concentrate on the amp.  BTW, the amp will have optional built-in Ultimate Attenuators, so could be used as a headphone amp.....he he.  Two hundred and fifty watt headphone amp.....just slightly overkill!