Esoteric M20's

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Esoteric M20's
« on: 30 Mar 2009, 11:49 pm »
Heard with the big Nottingham TT and a Koetsu Urushi with the top Grant Fidelity integrated and their power conditioner and cables (didn't get the arm):

"I was a guest at Sheri’s on Sunday morning.  I was invited to bring some albums.  What I thought would be an hour to an hour and a half visit turned out to be three hours.   Sheri listens in a fairly small room with closely parallel walls but this wasn’t a factor that I could tell (she has treated the walls to cut down on the room’s reverb) except for in the deepest bass.  And in this case, on a recording where the bass sounds overly abundant anyway and would likely be too much for any small room.  Her speaker enclosures are dead quiet.  Her massive turntable very quietly spun whatever was sitting on top of it.  Her cartridge extracted more from my record grooves that I have heard previously with no evidence of a rising top end and things were amplified on a continuous, seductive curve.  Fine information about how an instrument was being played and its harmonics were plainly evident.  Individual instruments in ensembles could be heard more distinctly placed in finite space depending on the setting.  I brought recordings that I am familiar with to the point of knowing the kind of mikes that were used and how they were placed and on these discretely miked recordings, vocal and instrumental rendering was seemingly exactimento.  The settings were as exactimento as I can imagine or that I saw in a photo on the back cover of one.  Light and air was palpably evident and more vast than I am used to hearing.  The depth of the stage and placement of the players was phenomenal.  On the one jazz record I played, a Concord Jazz release of AB and The Jazz Messengers’ Live at Keystone 3, Blakey’s cymbal strikes never turned dry or mushy and I could discern every note of the workin his ass off bass player in the back.  AB’s cymbals rang out metallic and clean and fully extended.  In a sentence, Sheri has a very high resolution system with wide dynamic contrasts and superb inner detailing.  One I would love to have in my room.  It gets details right and made by recordings and music beautiful.  Thanks, Sheri.  You done good, girl."

Reprinted from a message to members of an audio club we both belong to.  Her speakers are extremely neutral transducers from what I could hear and would perform their best in up to medium size rooms.  I think she said she paid 7k for them.  Five and some change for her integrated.  Somewhere between that for her analog front end.  Worth every dime, IMO.

And just in case you're wondering . . hell, yes, she uses my pads on her speaks!