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Rob Babcock

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Re: Watchmen
« Reply #20 on: 9 Mar 2009, 06:44 pm »
************* Note: This contains some minor potential spoilers *************

From a plot standpoint, the movie was very faithful to the book.  One interesting difference in presentation was the heroes themselves.  In the book it's a sort of theme to point out how small, weak, and human each of them is, particularly in their private lives.  In the movie (and using almost the same dialog), the presentation is more around how incredibly screwed up (psychologically) they are.  At least three of them are straight up sociopaths, one is literally and figuratively impotent without his costume, and Dr. M is not even human anymore.

Indeed.  It would have been nearly impossible to improve on the writing of the books and they were wise not to try.  They needed only to adapt, not rewrite, it and this they did wonderfully. 

Patrick Wilson did a tremendous job with Night Owl; I enjoyed the way he played him as repressed, scared and tired in the beginning but finding himself liberated from (or maybe by?) his fears in the last act.  The minor flaws of the film, too, come from the faithful following of the book.  It's hard to imagine Viedt really being able to hide his true intentions from Osterman until the end, and we once again must simply overlook or accept that in comic books the completely-human heroes will possess speed and strength that's entirely implausible.  Allowing that Silk Spectre II (Malin Akerman, winner of the Ford Supermodel of Canada search) can crush a dozen men in moments requires a serious suspension of disbelief.  Still, those are the problems all superhero stories must contend with.

It's interesting that the one that's 'not even human anymore' was portrayed with perhaps the most sympathy and humanity.  Crudups performance was terrific- in the end his Dr. Manhattan was 'saved', redeemed by the power of human love. 


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Re: Watchmen
« Reply #21 on: 9 Mar 2009, 06:47 pm »
Is it just me (who saw the movie and posted that I hadn't read the books) or are we giving away too much of the plot in these last half a dozen posts?

Rob Babcock

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Re: Watchmen
« Reply #22 on: 9 Mar 2009, 07:00 pm »
Is it just me (who saw the movie and posted that I hadn't read the books) or are we giving away too much of the plot in these last half a dozen posts?

I've tried to post spoiler alert warnings in most of my posts.  It always ticks me off when I inadvertently have the surprises blown by careless posters so I can appreciate your concern.  I should edit my last post; missed adding the alert.



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Re: Watchmen
« Reply #23 on: 9 Mar 2009, 07:23 pm »
I don't think my post has any spoilers, only a general observation about characterization.  IMO, Batman is a "hero" that is born from psychological problems, to me the Watchmen is merely a continued exploration of that theme.


Re: Watchmen
« Reply #24 on: 9 Mar 2009, 07:39 pm »
I saw a lot more of Dr. Manhattan than I wanted to...for a lot longer than I was comfortable with....  :lol:


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Re: Watchmen
« Reply #25 on: 9 Mar 2009, 07:44 pm »
Yeah, women are spreading the word.  He's entering the Dr. Mc Dreamy & Dr. Mc Steamy status.


Re: Watchmen
« Reply #26 on: 9 Mar 2009, 10:48 pm »
I'll admit right now that I'm a lapsed comics fanboy.  Although I haven't purchased any books to speak of in the last decade or so I've still got many crates of comics in my closed, lovingly stored in individual poly bags with acid free cardboard backing.  I first read the Watchmen graphic novel series in the late 80's.  Every since I've considered it the comics version of the Holy Bible, the geeks "Greatest Story Ever Told."  Over the years rumors continually popped up of a film adaption but nothing ever came of it.  But when I saw the first trailer for the actual film some months back my hopes ran very high, and the finished product doesn't disappoint.

Rob, fellow lapsed fanboy here. I also read Watchmen in the 80s and, like you, thought it was a stunning success at completely reshaping the comic genre world. Sure, X-Men and others had occasionally introduced "real world" themes in some of their storylines, but Watchmen just knocked everyone else on their collective ears. I haven't seen it yet (hopefully this weekend), but I was a bit concerned with the marginal rating it got on But I trust Ebert, and his thumbs up gives me hope. The positive reviews here are also getting me primed for a great show.


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Re: Watchmen
« Reply #27 on: 9 Mar 2009, 10:59 pm »
Indeed.  It would have been nearly impossible to improve on the writing of the books and they were wise not to try.  They needed only to adapt, not rewrite, it and this they did wonderfully. 


I totally agree with you on not trying to re-write things and be as faithful as possible to the original book.

However, many of the negative comments I have read about the movie talk about how it is too close to the book and that it struggles under its own weight and ambitions.  Some of the critics clearly think it shouldn't have been so faithful to the original and that they should have re-written or changed more things.   :scratch:

Just goes to show, you can't please them all...



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Re: Watchmen
« Reply #28 on: 9 Mar 2009, 11:15 pm »
Critics get paid to be critical.


Re: Watchmen
« Reply #29 on: 16 Mar 2009, 01:21 am »
Saw it this evening...very good. I thought they struck a good balance between the action and the philosophical wrangling over humanity's short comings. Over all the movie felt  a little short, so I guess the Uncut version would expand on some of the ideas presented.
THis could easily have been done as a trilogy.  :thumb:


Re: Watchmen
« Reply #30 on: 16 Mar 2009, 01:46 am »

 I liked it. The movie was a bit long tho.
Score might reflect my initial reaction to yet another comic-book adaptation.
In all seriousness, I was expecting a complete disappointment.
The beginning was to slow and chaotic in my opinion but it did take shape and the right pace about half way through the film.

*Not a bad movie.
*Worth a look
*It should look and sound really good on Blue-ray when it comes out.

Mariusz :thumb:


Re: Watchmen
« Reply #31 on: 16 Mar 2009, 02:20 am »
I saw Watchmen at the local IMAX theatre with a few friends yesterday.  I liked it, much to my surprise after reading several negative reviews. Pretty violent for sure, and there was a racy sex scene, but overall a good film. The film can be a bit philosophical at times in a sort of cheesy way, especially Dr. Manhattan's cold logic. Visuals and audio where top notch.


Re: Watchmen
« Reply #32 on: 16 Mar 2009, 04:02 am »
Personally it did not have the emotional relevance as it once did when I first read it in the 80's. Those were the days of the cold war and one could still smell the napalm of vietnam albeit faintly. It's a whole new world now and the threats are different if not just as terrifying. I just felt that time has perhaps passed it by. While the themes are timeless, in it's first offing the book was presented as an alternate reality. The movie however now presents an alternate History as well as the disconnect that that brings. I do like the major rewrite that pulls the movie away from the Andromeda Strain-ish ending of the book. It definitely made more sense.

What was a surprise to me was the movie PUSH. I can't seem to take  Chris Evans' performances seriously but that movie had some cool twists and turns. Dakota Fanning was unimpeachable as usual. The kid is scary good. Very well written and directed with good pace and a tight plot. It came of as Heroes meets The Sting. I love how they played with the timelines. Underrated film. Grabs some popcorn and be pleasantly surprised.


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Re: Watchmen
« Reply #33 on: 17 Mar 2009, 06:11 am »
I too went to see Watchmen in IMAX, it's really the only way to watch these action flicks. :drool: Excellent soundtrack, fairly good storyline but even tho there was lots of action, the movie just didn't work for me like I thought it would. I'm not saying I didn't like it but usually I get pretty wound up into these types of movies yet I found myself looking at my watch a lot. The ending was a disaster unless happy endings aren't your thing. I like happy endings myself,,, 2.75 out of 5 stars. :dunno:



Re: Watchmen
« Reply #34 on: 17 Mar 2009, 03:13 pm »
I havent seen the movie yet because I'm thinking about reading the graphic novel first and then wait for the blu-ray release. Question: does the movie tell the same story as the original 12 part graphic novel?  Or is the novel background material needed to fully follow the movie?

Is there a particular version of the book anyone would reco?  I see a number of options on-line.  (Watchmen, Perfect Paperback, Absolute Edition, Complete Edition...jeesh)


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Re: Watchmen
« Reply #35 on: 17 Mar 2009, 04:35 pm »
I havent seen the movie yet because I'm thinking about reading the graphic novel first and then wait for the blu-ray release. Question: does the movie tell the same story as the original 12 part graphic novel?  Or is the novel background material needed to fully follow the movie?

Is there a particular version of the book anyone would reco?  I see a number of options on-line.  (Watchmen, Perfect Paperback, Absolute Edition, Complete Edition...jeesh)

I haven't read the novel yet, but enjoyed the movie immensely.

I had no problem following or understanding the story.



Re: Watchmen
« Reply #36 on: 17 Mar 2009, 05:17 pm »
I havent seen the movie yet because I'm thinking about reading the graphic novel first and then wait for the blu-ray release. Question: does the movie tell the same story as the original 12 part graphic novel?  Or is the novel background material needed to fully follow the movie?

Is there a particular version of the book anyone would reco?  I see a number of options on-line.  (Watchmen, Perfect Paperback, Absolute Edition, Complete Edition...jeesh)

This is the version I read and is the complete/ultimate version without having stuff you wont care about. Highly recommended!


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Re: Watchmen
« Reply #37 on: 17 Mar 2009, 05:20 pm »

Is there a particular version of the book anyone would reco?  I see a number of options on-line.  (Watchmen, Perfect Paperback, Absolute Edition, Complete Edition...jeesh)

This is the version I read and is the complete/ultimate version without having stuff you wont care about. Highly recommended!

Just started reading it last night....1 chapter in...great graphic novel so far.  Used to be a big comic fan, and got it as a gift from a thoughtful cousin.


Re: Watchmen
« Reply #38 on: 17 Mar 2009, 05:24 pm »
Thanks guys.  Just to clarify...the movie is the same story as the book and the original 12 part series?


Re: Watchmen
« Reply #39 on: 17 Mar 2009, 06:30 pm »
I watched this last week, and didn't work for me. I had read the novel before watching the movie .. and the novel was better. It just didn't translate all that well onscreen. The story was good and everything, but somehow i thought this could've been a better movie under a different director. I didn't like his 300 as well.